The time has come the hospital has confirmed that I will be having the surgery to fix my skin bridge which covers 1/4 of my penis, D day is 14 March 2013.
Quite nervous and excited at the sametime. I will provide diary updates if you all like and photo's of the nearly progress.
Why on earth would a woman prefer a prepuce amputee above the real, natural, intact dick?
If indeed "She recoils at the mere thought of putting a foreskin covered penis in her mouth or in her body", the question is WHY? Is it about the myth about "cleanliness"? Prepuce mutilation (a.k.a. a circumcision) started in arid countries where water is scarce and the level of hygiene low (soap being a scarce of absent commodity). Fact is: the female vagina is ten times more "unclean" than the intact penis, and much more difficult to maintain clean. Now is that not a very good reason why women should be circumcised?
Women who insist on their partners being circumcised, can do so provided they themselves are circumcised. Intact women prefer intact men.
Foreskin restoration is safe. Just remember that it should never hurt and there should not be any pain. The other thing to watch out for is to not be overzealous. Many guys think more is better. It is not. Use only enough tension to induce mitosis. It is best to start out with less tension for shorter tugging sessions. This gives your skin time to adapt and for you to learn how your body reacts. Over time (days) you can increase the tension and the tugging sessions. When it starts to hurt or you get sore, you know you went too far and can back off a bit. Be sure to check out the Beginner's Guide to Foreskin Restoration.
The penis can continue to grow until a man reaches his early 20s. Restoring as a teenager means there is a risk that your penis may continue to grow. It may seem that there is no or little progress restoring your foreskin, but it may be due to your penis growing as fast as you are restoring your foreskin. Keep on tugging and eventually you will win. In many different ways.
Sorry, I couldn't really find somewhere to contact you directly.
I'm 16 years old, and I'm pretty (putting it lightly) upset about the fact I'm circumsized. I've read about restoration for a while and decided to take matters into my own hands. (no pun intended.)
I actually tried Method 2 today after my shower, and I just wanted to know, before I get too far into it, if there would be any nasty side-effects for doing it at such a young age. I wasn't cut too tight (I'd say around CI-2/CI-2.5) and tugging doesn't cause me any pain, but I don't want it to...ahem...stunt my growth, or wrinkle it once I'm older.
And, if theres nothing to worry about, do you have any tips or warnings I should know? I don't wanna break it any more than it already is.
Hey, i have out one about an inch long. i remember a doctor explaining to me the basics on circumsicion, when i was 13 at a physical. how embarrassing, made the whole matter worse, cause he pointed it out, and didnt fix it. but he never tol me what it was called, atleast in lehmans terms that a 13 year old would remember. i was shy, and very insecure about it, and to this day i still freeze when certain topics of conversation arise. well, everything u said from the dr, to not hurting, or causeing a curve, to the fears of fixing it. my worstt nightmare, would be getting it cut, and it ending up way more unappealing thn it already seamed. i figured it took me 15 years to get used to it, that i wasnt willing to do another 15years trying to get used to a different looking injury at the same spot. your still young, dont worry about, and take your time with developing your sex life. i became a sex addict from what i believed stemed from the trauma of living with fear of he bridge. well Joe bruce from ICP said it best. "i could have a worm crawlin out my pee hole, and the ho's be like "Aww, i think its cute tho". and thats fact. most people are not that shallow, and use that against you. if they are, you dont need em. most females actually liked my dick, cause it was unique. id really give u some advice, but because of your age, i wont get detailed. i just say "fuck the surgery"! i am who i am, because thats who i am.
Im 30, had 1 large bridge. it bothered me alot when i was young, then thru hard research, i found out what it was called on the net when i was about 17-18. then i was able to learn more about it. i just new it wasnt normal, and was hard to talk about it...and still is today. my sexual partner number is well into triple digits, and only about 10 ever knew i had it. only one pointed it out. my partners were all very supportive. i feel i was hyper sexual due to the trauma from the bridge. its a huge mental toll. im not too worried about it now, but still would tell most of the people i know about it. well, i replied to this post because you really have gone through a lot of what i have. if you get this, reply to "". i wouldnt mind talking with ya, and help me get a little closure on this. ive never met in person, anyone that has a bridge.
I have never heard of manhood before and it sounds great. I had some of the issues above like oral sex feels good but it could definitely be better and it takes me A LOT OF time to orgasm when my girlfriend performs oral sex. It is even embarrassing to me to see her putting a lot of effort to make me climax and I am not even close.
Is there a particular device are you using to get such results? I too, wish to restore, and the results you've experienced in such a short time are very inspiring.
You're totally right about the Doctors. I will earn some money, restore foreskin and have my thing fixed. Than I'll be happy :-) By that time I will have enough time for streching.
Your restoring pictures look good. You are making great progress. You should consider that a Christmas present to yourself.
I see. Those are suture holes on your circumcision scar. You may want to wait and see if you have any problems with your suture holes. The best way to clean your penis is to run water over it (like in the shower) while moving your foreskin back and forth. Do not use soap because that will irritate the mucous membranes of your inner foreskin and glans. It may well be that cleaning with clear water may be enough to avoid problems.
If you do have problems or just wish to resolve the suture holes, I suggest seeing a plastic surgeon. A plastic surgeon is trained on how to do cosmetically pleasing surgery while causing minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. You could see a urologist, but most urologists think that if you can urinate and impregnate someone, than your penis if fine. Bah!
Wow, I'm in a bit of surprised shock to be reading each of your own personal stories right now. I have had the skin bridge on the very top of my penis my entire life and until today I had never even researched it on the Internet and I'm a 42 year old married father of one daughter. To some degree I can relate to all of your situations. To this day I have never even spoke about it to my parents since my mother took me to the Dr to have it checked out at around the age of 9-10. Even at that age I remember something wasn't quite right as my mother gave me the little medical book on puberty/male/female and somehow I didn't look quite look like the pictures. For me, other than the aesthetic look of it, I have always been fortunate that I have had no serious pain from being erect or sexual intercourse. Sometimes during a longer sexual arousal I can have a little bit of soreness but nothing that caused REAL pain. Now the psychological pain has always been there worrying more so what my partners thought of it from the age of 18 when I first had sex. To this day, not one of my sexual partners has ever mentioned it and that includes my wife of 9 years.
During my teenage years and in my 20s I definitely had some anger towards my parents (though nobody ever said it was from my botched circumcision- I've always internally known that HAD to be it) for letting this happen to me. Heck I can't blame them as both my parents were only 21 at the time and my mom was from the UK where circumcision is rarely done, and my dad was in the US Navy so he was shipped off immediately after my birth. I'm still not sure if I understand whether or not the attachment of the skin could have been prevented by my parents.
If I were 17 and could have done the surgery to repair the bridge, I would have. Being 42 and in no pain physically from it and married, I see no point now. I wish it didn't happen to others, but knowing I am not alone and NOT a freak of nature is comforting. Funny, if I had had a son there would be no way that I would allow a circumscion. LOL, that would not have been easy to explain to the inlaws here in the Southeast.
As a former college athlete with a degree, my advice to the younger guys is first and foremost-- Do not allow Shame to control relationships you wish to pursue. Do not allow shame to contol your options regarding seeing a specialist about corrective surguries-- as I was too chicken to talk to anyone about it.
I know this was long winded and I apologize, but the release I feel after 42 years is something only YOU can understand. All my best wishes!
Thank you very much for you quick comprehensive response. I really appreciate every advice from you.
You wrote: "From your picture it does not look like this is a bridge because I cannot see that there is a tunnel under the skin."
There is a tunnel (there are 12 of them on every suture ) and I need to clean them from time to time - usually with piece spiked toothpicks (picture number 1 below).
You wrote: "Being cut at two, the doctor may have used sutures to close the circumcision wound. Those may be suture scars where the skin is gathered at your scar line."
Yes, you are right. So that's why are there the tunnels. I am afraid of being "clean" because with foreskin I think it will become harder to keep that area clean. That's why I want to get rid of them.
I feel very uncomfortable since being circumcisied. I know it can sounds crazy, but that's how I feel it, however I started with restoring a few months ago. I am surprised how well I am going (pic 2. and 3.) Sometimes the skin stays on the place :-) but sometimes I can keep there :-/ (still I don't have enough for nice covering the glans) But these bridges/tunnel makes me mad. So please help.
I agree with your point. Plus guys should be washing their penises anyway with the rest of their bodies. Just washing it in the shower takes less than 10 seconds and really does make the difference.
Philip, not all men are the same. Those who have a tight circumcision typically have more problems and cause more problems for their partners than those who have a loose circumcision. I had a tight circumcision and my shaft skin was taut when I was erect. All my partners were sore after sex and we required lots of lube. After only a few months of tugging I had enough slack skin where my partner noticed the difference and she was much more comfortable during sex. She stopped getting sore and we needed less lube. At that time I had about as much slack skin as someone who had a looser circumcision. It has gotten even better the more I restore.
It sounds like you may be one of the lucky guys with a loose circumcision.
I am no expert, but I see two areas on your penis. It looks like you had an adhesion where your dorsal corona grew together with your inner foreskin remnant. From your picture it does not look like this is a bridge because I cannot see that there is a tunnel under the skin. The other area is your circumcision scar. Being cut at two, the doctor may have used sutures to close the circumcision wound. Those may be suture scars where the skin is gathered at your scar line.
If that were my penis, I would not let a doctor near it with a knife. I would restore my foreskin. The sulcus (the area near the corona) is not typically tensioned during tugging, so the adhesion to your corona would not be impacted by restoring. With slack skin, the adhesion would not be stretched tight as shown in your picture. The suture scars on your circumcision scar should not impact restoring. If anything, the suture scars would even out and likely disappear as you restore, or at least become unnoticeable.
When the doctor circumcised me, he tore up my frenulum when he separated my foreskin from my glans. I grew up with lots of scars around my frenulum. The scars were sometimes painful or irritating when touched. After restoring most of the scars on the back of my penis are gone and I no longer feel pain or irritation when I touch that area.
I suggest restoring your foreskin and see how it turns out. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Thank you for sharing your side of things, Philip, though I believe you have neglected to take the true point of my sharing to heart. I know the Sex as Nature Intended It website is overhyped and repetitive, but it's about as honest as it gets about the way women really ARE affected by circumcision- whether circumcised men are willing to admit it or not.
I don't think I need to be rougher during sex at all. I have no problems to ejaculate either so I can be very gentle and ejaculate for sure. As for oral sex, it is good and I think it is normal to take some time to climax. I have asked all my friends who are uncut and they said the same thing... it takes them all a long time to climax. I am not a circumcision supporter or anything like that I think the child has to have their right to decided it in the future
I want to focus mainly on your presumption that there is more sensation (for you, anyway) with a circumcised penis. When I was younger and sex was mostly quickies, which I would assume your sex is if you say there is increased sensation, I thought there was more sensation with a circumcised penis as well. As I matured and began to experience real sexual pleasure (and sex that lasted more than five minutes), I came to realize that the percieved "sensation" was anything but sensational.
Because circumcision amputates ~20,000 nerve endings and causes the keratinization of the glans (basically, a calous covering the most sensitive portion of the penis), men experience LESS sensation. For us ladies, that moisture absorbing calous soaks up the lubrication we produce, while the hooked corona pulls anything not absorbed out of the vagina. This hook may provide "more sensation" during a quicky or with a liberal amount of a very high quality lubricant, but it also DAMAGES the vagina by scraping. As time goes by, a circumcised man will need to become rougher during sex, on top of this coronal curetage of the vagina, and will result in pain for you.
Restoring Tally is just an ordinary guy who had to confront his prostate and circumcision problems. This site chronicles his journey in dealing with these issues. He has had prostate surgery and he is restoring his foreskin.
Recent comments
I wish you luck with your surgery. And I hope you have a fast recovery.
I look forward to hearing about your outcome.
Hi all,
The time has come the hospital has confirmed that I will be having the surgery to fix my skin bridge which covers 1/4 of my penis, D day is 14 March 2013.
Quite nervous and excited at the sametime. I will provide diary updates if you all like and photo's of the nearly progress.
I'm guessing you're a lawyer
Circumcised vs. uncircumcised penises... starts at 17:49
Emily Morse. Circumcised vs. uncircumcised penises...
Why on earth would a woman prefer a prepuce amputee above the real, natural, intact dick?
If indeed "She recoils at the mere thought of putting a foreskin covered penis in her mouth or in her body", the question is WHY? Is it about the myth about "cleanliness"? Prepuce mutilation (a.k.a. a circumcision) started in arid countries where water is scarce and the level of hygiene low (soap being a scarce of absent commodity). Fact is: the female vagina is ten times more "unclean" than the intact penis, and much more difficult to maintain clean. Now is that not a very good reason why women should be circumcised?
Women who insist on their partners being circumcised, can do so provided they themselves are circumcised. Intact women prefer intact men.
Foreskin restoration is safe. Just remember that it should never hurt and there should not be any pain. The other thing to watch out for is to not be overzealous. Many guys think more is better. It is not. Use only enough tension to induce mitosis. It is best to start out with less tension for shorter tugging sessions. This gives your skin time to adapt and for you to learn how your body reacts. Over time (days) you can increase the tension and the tugging sessions. When it starts to hurt or you get sore, you know you went too far and can back off a bit. Be sure to check out the Beginner's Guide to Foreskin Restoration.
The penis can continue to grow until a man reaches his early 20s. Restoring as a teenager means there is a risk that your penis may continue to grow. It may seem that there is no or little progress restoring your foreskin, but it may be due to your penis growing as fast as you are restoring your foreskin. Keep on tugging and eventually you will win. In many different ways.
The Foreskin Restoration / Intactivism Network forum welcomes foreskin restorers of all ages. You may want to check out that forum for answers to your questions.
Sorry, I couldn't really find somewhere to contact you directly.
I'm 16 years old, and I'm pretty (putting it lightly) upset about the fact I'm circumsized. I've read about restoration for a while and decided to take matters into my own hands. (no pun intended.)
I actually tried Method 2 today after my shower, and I just wanted to know, before I get too far into it, if there would be any nasty side-effects for doing it at such a young age. I wasn't cut too tight (I'd say around CI-2/CI-2.5) and tugging doesn't cause me any pain, but I don't want it to...ahem...stunt my growth, or wrinkle it once I'm older.
And, if theres nothing to worry about, do you have any tips or warnings I should know? I don't wanna break it any more than it already is.
Thanks, -J
Hey, i have out one about an inch long. i remember a doctor explaining to me the basics on circumsicion, when i was 13 at a physical. how embarrassing, made the whole matter worse, cause he pointed it out, and didnt fix it. but he never tol me what it was called, atleast in lehmans terms that a 13 year old would remember. i was shy, and very insecure about it, and to this day i still freeze when certain topics of conversation arise. well, everything u said from the dr, to not hurting, or causeing a curve, to the fears of fixing it. my worstt nightmare, would be getting it cut, and it ending up way more unappealing thn it already seamed. i figured it took me 15 years to get used to it, that i wasnt willing to do another 15years trying to get used to a different looking injury at the same spot. your still young, dont worry about, and take your time with developing your sex life. i became a sex addict from what i believed stemed from the trauma of living with fear of he bridge. well Joe bruce from ICP said it best. "i could have a worm crawlin out my pee hole, and the ho's be like "Aww, i think its cute tho". and thats fact. most people are not that shallow, and use that against you. if they are, you dont need em. most females actually liked my dick, cause it was unique. id really give u some advice, but because of your age, i wont get detailed. i just say "fuck the surgery"! i am who i am, because thats who i am.
Im 30, had 1 large bridge. it bothered me alot when i was young, then thru hard research, i found out what it was called on the net when i was about 17-18. then i was able to learn more about it. i just new it wasnt normal, and was hard to talk about it...and still is today. my sexual partner number is well into triple digits, and only about 10 ever knew i had it. only one pointed it out. my partners were all very supportive. i feel i was hyper sexual due to the trauma from the bridge. its a huge mental toll. im not too worried about it now, but still would tell most of the people i know about it. well, i replied to this post because you really have gone through a lot of what i have. if you get this, reply to "". i wouldnt mind talking with ya, and help me get a little closure on this. ive never met in person, anyone that has a bridge.
I have never heard of manhood before and it sounds great. I had some of the issues above like oral sex feels good but it could definitely be better and it takes me A LOT OF time to orgasm when my girlfriend performs oral sex. It is even embarrassing to me to see her putting a lot of effort to make me climax and I am not even close.
Is there a particular device are you using to get such results? I too, wish to restore, and the results you've experienced in such a short time are very inspiring.
You're totally right about the Doctors. I will earn some money, restore foreskin and have my thing fixed. Than I'll be happy :-) By that time I will have enough time for streching.
Thank you for your time :-)
Your restoring pictures look good. You are making great progress. You should consider that a Christmas present to yourself.
I see. Those are suture holes on your circumcision scar. You may want to wait and see if you have any problems with your suture holes. The best way to clean your penis is to run water over it (like in the shower) while moving your foreskin back and forth. Do not use soap because that will irritate the mucous membranes of your inner foreskin and glans. It may well be that cleaning with clear water may be enough to avoid problems.
If you do have problems or just wish to resolve the suture holes, I suggest seeing a plastic surgeon. A plastic surgeon is trained on how to do cosmetically pleasing surgery while causing minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. You could see a urologist, but most urologists think that if you can urinate and impregnate someone, than your penis if fine. Bah!
Wow, I'm in a bit of surprised shock to be reading each of your own personal stories right now. I have had the skin bridge on the very top of my penis my entire life and until today I had never even researched it on the Internet and I'm a 42 year old married father of one daughter. To some degree I can relate to all of your situations. To this day I have never even spoke about it to my parents since my mother took me to the Dr to have it checked out at around the age of 9-10. Even at that age I remember something wasn't quite right as my mother gave me the little medical book on puberty/male/female and somehow I didn't look quite look like the pictures. For me, other than the aesthetic look of it, I have always been fortunate that I have had no serious pain from being erect or sexual intercourse. Sometimes during a longer sexual arousal I can have a little bit of soreness but nothing that caused REAL pain. Now the psychological pain has always been there worrying more so what my partners thought of it from the age of 18 when I first had sex. To this day, not one of my sexual partners has ever mentioned it and that includes my wife of 9 years.
During my teenage years and in my 20s I definitely had some anger towards my parents (though nobody ever said it was from my botched circumcision- I've always internally known that HAD to be it) for letting this happen to me. Heck I can't blame them as both my parents were only 21 at the time and my mom was from the UK where circumcision is rarely done, and my dad was in the US Navy so he was shipped off immediately after my birth. I'm still not sure if I understand whether or not the attachment of the skin could have been prevented by my parents.
If I were 17 and could have done the surgery to repair the bridge, I would have. Being 42 and in no pain physically from it and married, I see no point now. I wish it didn't happen to others, but knowing I am not alone and NOT a freak of nature is comforting. Funny, if I had had a son there would be no way that I would allow a circumscion. LOL, that would not have been easy to explain to the inlaws here in the Southeast.
As a former college athlete with a degree, my advice to the younger guys is first and foremost-- Do not allow Shame to control relationships you wish to pursue. Do not allow shame to contol your options regarding seeing a specialist about corrective surguries-- as I was too chicken to talk to anyone about it.
I know this was long winded and I apologize, but the release I feel after 42 years is something only YOU can understand. All my best wishes!
Thank you very much for you quick comprehensive response. I really appreciate every advice from you.
You wrote: "From your picture it does not look like this is a bridge because I cannot see that there is a tunnel under the skin."
There is a tunnel (there are 12 of them on every suture ) and I need to clean them from time to time - usually with piece spiked toothpicks (picture number 1 below).
You wrote: "Being cut at two, the doctor may have used sutures to close the circumcision wound. Those may be suture scars where the skin is gathered at your scar line."
Yes, you are right. So that's why are there the tunnels. I am afraid of being "clean" because with foreskin I think it will become harder to keep that area clean. That's why I want to get rid of them.
I feel very uncomfortable since being circumcisied. I know it can sounds crazy, but that's how I feel it, however I started with restoring a few months ago. I am surprised how well I am going (pic 2. and 3.) Sometimes the skin stays on the place :-) but sometimes I can keep there :-/ (still I don't have enough for nice covering the glans) But these bridges/tunnel makes me mad. So please help.
Thank you very much and merry christmas.
I agree with your point. Plus guys should be washing their penises anyway with the rest of their bodies. Just washing it in the shower takes less than 10 seconds and really does make the difference.
Philip, not all men are the same. Those who have a tight circumcision typically have more problems and cause more problems for their partners than those who have a loose circumcision. I had a tight circumcision and my shaft skin was taut when I was erect. All my partners were sore after sex and we required lots of lube. After only a few months of tugging I had enough slack skin where my partner noticed the difference and she was much more comfortable during sex. She stopped getting sore and we needed less lube. At that time I had about as much slack skin as someone who had a looser circumcision. It has gotten even better the more I restore.
It sounds like you may be one of the lucky guys with a loose circumcision.
I am no expert, but I see two areas on your penis. It looks like you had an adhesion where your dorsal corona grew together with your inner foreskin remnant. From your picture it does not look like this is a bridge because I cannot see that there is a tunnel under the skin. The other area is your circumcision scar. Being cut at two, the doctor may have used sutures to close the circumcision wound. Those may be suture scars where the skin is gathered at your scar line.
If that were my penis, I would not let a doctor near it with a knife. I would restore my foreskin. The sulcus (the area near the corona) is not typically tensioned during tugging, so the adhesion to your corona would not be impacted by restoring. With slack skin, the adhesion would not be stretched tight as shown in your picture. The suture scars on your circumcision scar should not impact restoring. If anything, the suture scars would even out and likely disappear as you restore, or at least become unnoticeable.
When the doctor circumcised me, he tore up my frenulum when he separated my foreskin from my glans. I grew up with lots of scars around my frenulum. The scars were sometimes painful or irritating when touched. After restoring most of the scars on the back of my penis are gone and I no longer feel pain or irritation when I touch that area.
I suggest restoring your foreskin and see how it turns out. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Thank you for sharing your side of things, Philip, though I believe you have neglected to take the true point of my sharing to heart. I know the Sex as Nature Intended It website is overhyped and repetitive, but it's about as honest as it gets about the way women really ARE affected by circumcision- whether circumcised men are willing to admit it or not.
I was circumcised at 2 years. Now I am 18. Please how can I get rid of these "bridges" on my shaft? Thank you.
I don't think I need to be rougher during sex at all. I have no problems to ejaculate either so I can be very gentle and ejaculate for sure. As for oral sex, it is good and I think it is normal to take some time to climax. I have asked all my friends who are uncut and they said the same thing... it takes them all a long time to climax. I am not a circumcision supporter or anything like that I think the child has to have their right to decided it in the future
I wouldn't want any dick in my mouth. I just want it to feel the way nature intended when I'm having sex.
I want to focus mainly on your presumption that there is more sensation (for you, anyway) with a circumcised penis. When I was younger and sex was mostly quickies, which I would assume your sex is if you say there is increased sensation, I thought there was more sensation with a circumcised penis as well. As I matured and began to experience real sexual pleasure (and sex that lasted more than five minutes), I came to realize that the percieved "sensation" was anything but sensational.
Because circumcision amputates ~20,000 nerve endings and causes the keratinization of the glans (basically, a calous covering the most sensitive portion of the penis), men experience LESS sensation. For us ladies, that moisture absorbing calous soaks up the lubrication we produce, while the hooked corona pulls anything not absorbed out of the vagina. This hook may provide "more sensation" during a quicky or with a liberal amount of a very high quality lubricant, but it also DAMAGES the vagina by scraping. As time goes by, a circumcised man will need to become rougher during sex, on top of this coronal curetage of the vagina, and will result in pain for you.
I couldn't have said this better myself.
Who is this guy?
Restoring Tally is just an ordinary guy who had to confront his prostate and circumcision problems. This site chronicles his journey in dealing with these issues. He has had prostate surgery and he is restoring his foreskin.
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