Women overwhelmingly prefer sex with a man who has a foreskin
Men restoring their foreskin often wonder how women will react to their foreskin. Most men in the United States who are sexually active are circumcised. That means most women who are sexually active in the US are used to circumcised men.
But, there are some lucky guys out there who have their whole sex organ, that is, they are intact, uncut, and uncircumcised. Women who have encountered these intact, uncut, and uncircumcised men have been favorably impressed. Some of them are so taken with sex with a man having an intact penis that they blogged about it. Below are links to those blogs.
One thing to consider is that foreskins come in all sizes. Likewise, circumcisions come in all styles. I was tightly circumcised. When erect, the skin on my shaft was tight. My penis resembled a broomstick with a knob on the end. Every woman I was with was often sore after sex. And, I always had to use lube. Many guys who have a loose circumcision say they never encounter these problems. Fortunately, foreskin restoration gave me enough slack skin that my partner no longer gets sore from sex and I do not have to use lube.
Blogs by women who prefer intact men
A psychiatrist who learned from veterans: Circumcision
A short post about a comment where a woman says that is a DIFFERENCE: men who are NOT circumcised are more sensitive than circumcised men. She notes that when a man is enjoying sex more, so, too, is the woman.
Restoring Tally: Woman intactivist truly knows the difference between circumcised and intact A woman describes how sex with a circumcised man resulted in several sexual issues for her. Her next boyfriend was intact and she was surprised at how much better sex was when the man had a foreskin.
what the muck! Sex and the Circumcised An excerpt from the book Everything You Know About Sex Is Wrong. The female author says the secret to pleasing a woman is a foreskin, either natural or restored. She says that sex with men who have a foreskin is different and more pleasurable for the woman.
The Tech: Love those turtlenecks Restored foreskin or intact, they both are good. :) The author is a woman who likes guys with a foreskin. She answers a question of another woman about what to do with a foreskin during a sexual encounter. The answer is easy! Treat it like the erogenous organ that it is. I like this woman.
The Pervocracy: The pleasure factor A woman describes how an intact (uncircumcised) penis feels a lot better and seems to give the man so much more pleasure than guys who have a circumcised penis.
Random Rim Jobs: Uncut NSFW: One woman describes how she changed her views after experiencing intact (uncircumcised) men. She loves uncut cock. She goes on to debunk the common myths supporting infant circumcision.
Crabby Go Lightly: Circumcision: The Haves Vs. The Have-Nots A woman describes her first time with an uncircumcised (intact) man. She says that it was amazing! She said that she could tell the difference when he was inside her, and it was fantastic. She could not say enough good things about an intact penis. I like this woman, too.
EmpowHER: Sex with an Uncircumcised Man A woman writes about how the natural foreskin is good for the man and woman. She mentions the gliding action of the foreskin during sex and how the gliding action makes sex better for both the man and woman.
MenSight Magazine: How male circumcision may be affecting your love life Dr. Christine Northrup describes how male circumcision effects sexual relations between the circumcised man and his female partner. Dr. Northrup says uncircumcised is the norm worldwide. She also mentions foreskin restoration as a way to regain some of what was lost by being circumcised.
Sex with Emily: Confessions of a Sex With Emily Intern (Link broken - page removed)
An intern describes the differences between having sex with a circumcised man and one who is intact, with all the equipment that he was born with. She describes the experience of having sex with a man who has a foreskin thusly: "The ecstasy of delicious natural sex is the foundation upon which an intimate couple builds a mutual sexual admiration for each other. Natural lovemaking is completely different from circumcised sex. It's a gentler intermingling, a tender blending—an enrapturement oozing with sensuousness—with both partners swooning in ecstatic surrender to the passionate, graceful dance of the sex organs."
Plus a book . . .
One woman wrote a book about how intact sex is more pleasurable than circumcised sex. Her book Sex As Nature Intended It describes why sex with a man having an intact penis is more pleasurable for a woman than having sex with a man with a circumcision. The Sex As Nature Intended It website graphically gives the reasons why sex is more pleasurable for women when the man has a foreskin. The site is NSFW and is gaudy, but the information is good. In fact, this site convinced me to restore.
. . . and a study
There is a study that shows that many female problems are likely caused by having sex with a circumcised man. Effects of male circumcision on female arousal and orgasm was published in the Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association. The study determined that most women were more likely to experience orgasm with a genitally intact partner than a circumcised partner. From my own experience, restoring my foreskin eliminated my partner's soreness after sex.
Related posts:
- Tally's blog
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#1 Bottom Line
Having had experience with both men cut and uncut, I have to say that all penises are good penises. An intact man's penis works in a smoother fashion because the foreskin is there for just that reason. Also, men that are not intact tend to be much rougher lovers, thrusting hard to feel the most sensation they can.
#2 Sex As Nature Intended It in eBook PDF document
The book Sex As Nature Intended It can be read online in PDF eBook format
(requires Adobe Reader or equivalent PDF document reader installed).
#3 eBook and paperback, too
Thank you, Kristen. I was not aware that you had an eBook version available. For those who wish to read a book that you can hold in your hands, Sex as Nature Intended It
is also available through Amazon.com as a 400+ page paperback.
#4 In my own personal
In my own personal experience, I definitely prefer an intact one. And I don't think it's all just about the physiological consequences of circimcision either. Many people maintain that there are psychological consequences to having this procedure done to you as a newborn infant, and I think that often there is definitely some kind of a psychological trace of that trauma.
#5 Will you ladies please
Will you ladies please comment on the differences you find between restored foreskin and natural foreskin? Is his intact foreskin better than his restored, and if so, is it significant and noticable? Honesty is appreciated here
#6 restored foreskin
I have had the pleasure of experiencing both cut and uncut men. I have never had occasion to be with a man who has or is in the process of restoring. Sorry.
#7 I have been with quite a few
I have been with quite a few uncircumsized men, and I GREATLY prefer it, as long as the man has good hygiene.
It feels much better inside of me, is self-lubricated, and is fun to play with dural oral sex.
#8 thoughts
can women exactly explain how they feel in sex with cut and uncut skin...when the got the maximum pleasure in oral sex or in something else :)
#9 You American women are nuts,
You American women are nuts, in Australia it is much preffered to have sex with a circumsized man, not only does it look sexier and maintain much cleaner but no Aussie woman wants a foreskin that resembles an elephant trunk inside her or especially in her mouth! Yuck yuck and yuck.
#10 I wouldn't want any dick in
I wouldn't want any dick in my mouth. I just want it to feel the way nature intended when I'm having sex.
#11 Agreed :)
I agree with your point. Plus guys should be washing their penises anyway with the rest of their bodies. Just washing it in the shower takes less than 10 seconds and really does make the difference.
#12 No Islamic man wants to have
No Islamic man wants to have sex with an uncircumcised vagina. Anyone that turns a person down because of their natural body is shallow & vapid. Proof that foreskin is nature's bimbo repellant.
#13 Emily Morse. Circumcised vs.
Emily Morse. Circumcised vs. uncircumcised penises... http://emilymorse.com/episode-420-sex-instagram/
#14 Circumcised vs. uncircumcised
Circumcised vs. uncircumcised penises... starts at 17:49
#15 A naughty nurse's opinion
Posted by Me Jun 18th, 2013 at 8:51PM
Uncircumcised men feel way better! I don't want to come off sounding like a *****, but I've been with enough guys to know. I don't know where the myth of it smelling bad came from because I've never had a bad experience. I've had worse experiences with guys who were cut. Every guy who's had foreskin has had way more pleasure! Their sensitive spots are a lot more sensitive and you can just tell that they are having a lot more fun; the way they arch their back and moan. As a nurse I am totally against circumcision. It's cruel and has absolutely NO medical benefit. We need to start teaching high-school students about this as it seems to be a widely believed myth. I love an uncut man.
#16 Uncut
I wish more women was like u. I'm notcircumcised and have always been emberresed of it. In high school I never let any of my girlfriend know I wasn't cut. As I got older I started not to care and now I like showing girls that hasn't seen one mine. I'm now proud that I'm not cut. The girls seem to like it bc there is more to play with.
#17 comment
Thanks for the honest comment, sweetheart! Nurses Rock!!
I've been restoring a foreskin primarily because vaginal sex has been uncomfortable for my wife for a long time. She suffers from a lack of lubrication, even when sexually excited. Artificial lubrication--even Astro Glide, isn't like the real thing. We just made love when I returned from being at sea and she enjoyed it more than she had for a long time! That's because we hadn't made love for a few months and I've been aggressively stretching my new foreskin to cover enough of my glans so when I'm inside my wife, with gentle in and out stroking, my penis shaft and most of my glans move inside the skin tube and don't have an abrasive action against her vaginal lining. I'm convinced that circumcism is a barbaric practice and should end! It's not as extreme as female genital mutilation that the Muslims force on their young girls, but is very damaging to a natural loving relationship between a man and woman. An Alaska native woman friend of mine told me several years ago that she knew there was a big difference between sex with a natural man vs a cut man. She loved having sex with an uncut man. She might have helped me to save my marriage because I started to study the issue and have asked a few trusted women friends if they thought there was a difference betwen sex with cut vs uncut men. Not all believe there's a difference. Of course, if the man has a very small cut penis, a woman with a large vagina may not feel much compared to how she'd feel if her lover had a very large cut penis. She could feel real discomfort with a large lover if she suffered from a lack of lubrication or had a very tight vagina. My penis is on the very large side with a very large glans and that makes being uncut even worse for the woman than if I had a little dick. I've grown 3" of new foreskin so far and my goal is to continue stretching until I've grown 5" of new skin. My wife will be happy that I've taken this big step and our relationship is already very much improved! I've told the entire truth here and ask that others do as well. I'm advising both of my daughters to not have future sons circumcised.
#18 I'm a 30 year old female.
I'm a 30 year old female. I've been with 43 male sexual partners. I can say with 100% certainty that I LOVE foreskin. Six of my 43 lovers were intact. They manner in which they thrusted was different and every single one of them consistently maintained their erections after their first ejaculation. Only a few of my cut lovers have had the ability to do that but with no consistentcy. So all six of my intact lovers regularly had multiple orgasams that weren't inturrupted by a flaccid penis cut guys seemed shocked by this. I'll gladly admit that I've had some wonderful cut lovers too, but even that group of 10 or so had 'loose' circumcisions with at least some of their frenulums intact. In my experience, the tighter the circumcision the less pleasurable the sex. I've never had the need for lube with any of my intact lovers but regularly required it with some of the cut ones.
I can vividly remember the first time I performed oral sex on an intact guy. It was amazing, I had thought that my prior dislike for giving oral sex was a flaw on my part, but once I had a complete penis to 'play' with my whole attitude changed. I had fun and enjoyed myself. There are so many more options of things to do. I once read a book, I can't recall the exact title but it was something along the lines of '101 ways to perform fellatio' It must have been written by an european author beause over half of the techniques listed required the presence of a foreskin. :( As much as I hate to say it... the truth is I find the circumcision scar to be visually less than pleasing. There's even been a few that sparked the thougth "wow... that had to hurt" I feel bad for feeling that way but as uncomfortable as it is to say and I imagine to hear it's the truth.
I never noticed a difference in penile odor. I've smelled some stinky scrotums here and there but have found that to be more related to the ambient temperature and amount of time since last bathed. The smelliest guy I have ever been with was cut. Personally I think all body odor is directly related to diet not the amount of skin on your genitals. All genitals have an odor cutting parts of doesn't remove or really even reduce odor and even if it did that odor contains pheromones that aide in sexual arousal why wouldn't you want that?
My current lover is cut but undergoing restoration. I am proud to be his supporter. With in 6 weeks of the process I started to notice a difference. We haven't had the need for lube in over 6 months! Giving him oral pleasure is no longer tedious and boring. The coronal ridge of his glans is sooo much softer and more sensitive (according to him) I look forward to the day when the rest of the glans is like that too!!!
#19 true and depressing
It's true. It's much better when the guy has a foreskin.
I dated someone for years and years who was intact, and haven't found anyone since then who was intact or restoring.
It's depressing so many guys my age are circumcised.
Ways it's better with an intact guy:
-Guy has more control over orgasm.
-Squishy awesome feeling, even when there is a condom.
-Feels sexual.
-Looks like a sexual organ, does not look dried-out.
-Easier to give blow jobs when the head is softer and squishier.
-More things you can do with it.
-Fun if he has a frenulum.
-More vicarious enjoyment when the guy is enjoying it more.
-Quickies are easier if he can come quickly.
-Smaller thrusting motions, more contact with your body.
-Guy does not mind condoms as much if he has enough sensitivity.
-The guy and girl want similar things in sex, not this struggle between what feels good for the guy (hard banging) and what feels good for the girl).
-More sensual and intimate.
#20 Not circumcised
I'm really glad to read these post about women that like foreskin bc iv alway thought that girls wouldn't like me bc I'm not circumcised. I've just got over the fear of it and now I'll show any women that hasn't seen one mine. Showing it a few time helped me get over the fear of girls not liking it. Most girls that hasn't seen one find it interesting. So now I'm glad I'm not circumcised.
#21 Foreskin is WAY, WAY, WAY better.
Speaking as a 22 y/o female, who has experienced "cut" and "uncut".
Every male I was with in the US was cut, until I met my now-husband (Norwegian) who is intact. THE biggest difference that I think NEEDS to be mentioned is this: a woman's cervix changes texture and postion depending on what day in her cycle she is on. Some days the cervix is high in the vagina and soft, other days it is lower in the vagina and rigid. I will tell you that with a cut man, it is IMPOSSIBLE (even with an average, 5-6 inch penis) for him to be all the way inside me (meaning me sitting up on top of him while he is laying down) without it hurting, even on days where the cervix is soft. A circumsized male's penis is too rigid, like a broomstick. Even a guy I was with who had a "loose" circumcision hurt me.
Not so with my intact husband. I have literally never had any sort of pain or discomfort with him. The skin is added cushion and helps our parts work together smoothly. What another poster said is also true: the male and female want similar things. There really isn't much of "y feels good for my husband, but x feels good for me". Sex is just better. It feels better, I'm not sore afterwards, and I feel a stronger connection with my husband because it feels more like intimate lovemaking, and not some bang-party like it does with a circumsized man. Giving head is also much more fun as well, the way the skin slides is just ooooooooo. :D
Women in America (and anywhere else that circumcision is rampant) are missing out, BIG TIME. PLEASE, stop circumcising your baby boys, you are doing NO ONE any favors! Intact baby boys have self-cleaning penises, much like the inside of a woman's vagina. Do your research before thrusting this decision on your sons, and don't let anyone convince you that "circumcision is the only solution" to any small issue like tight foreskin or something, ALMOST EVERYTHING can be addressed naturally, without snipping it off! His future sex partners will love it if they can get over this "foreskin is dirty" BS.
And one last thing, foreskin is NOT dirty, at all. There is literally NO medical benefit to circumcision, it can actually lead to ED and more issues later in life as well. Cleanliness depends on the individual, not whether or not he has foreskin. Teach your kids how to properly bathe and clean themselves. A boy shouldn't have to clean under his foreskin until he can retract it himself around age 8 or so.
EDUCATION is the way to end this rampant circumcising and unsatisfied female partners! Spread the word!
#22 This is horrendous
I just want to say this makes me feel awful. How could this be done to me? I can never have true love with anyone because of this. My whole world has fallen apart and this is the main reason. I dont know what to do foreskin restoration seems to impractical for me at the moment and my life is ticking away, I have had it all stolen from me.
#23 #22
You can certainly have true love anyway, millions do. We can take responsibility for our lives from where we are. Everyone has been violated, now what are we going to do with ourselves? Your foreskin was stolen but not "all" of you and your life. You have to decide what you are going to do with your life. You don't have to maintain the attitude of a victim. All these men were circumcised, but they are taking their power back, you can too.