Hi, I'm 19 years old and I am circumcized for 8 years. But recently, after I masturbate (relax10 minutes) I've experienced a slight pain and discomfort. The next day, it seems my frenulum had teared
a little bit at the edge where the frenulum connected to my peehole . there aren't any blood or pain just a feeling of discomfort. Five days of not doing anything, the cut was gone but then i've had an erection and it opens up again.
I had no idea what to do, should I go to a doctor or should I let it heal by itself cause its only been five days. If so, does avoiding erections make it heal faster???
Have you had cosmetic treatment which didn't go to plan? Are your suffering because of your past plastic surgery?
Transparent TV are making a Channel 5 series following the UK’s top cosmetic surgeons as they perform corrective surgery on patients living with the consequences of bad surgery .
Has your past cosmetic surgery left you with unsightly swellings, loose skin, infections or in a lot of pain and discomfort? Maybe you’ve had a shoddy breast enhancement. A failed face-lift or tummy tuck? A bad reaction to fillers or botox? Has weight-loss surgery left you with heavy excess skin too big for your body?
Whatever your situation, male or female - if you’re suffering because of a previous cosmetic procedure and are interested in having your botched surgery repaired, then please get in touch.
The DTR foreskin restoration device is available from the maker. I suggest contacting Chuck for a DTR. He has made improvements to the DTR over the years and his ordering page has lots of options and configurations to suit your needs.
There are numerous foreskin restoration devices available. Check out Foreskin Restoration Methods and Devices for a listing of available foreskin restoration devices.
Give yourself time to heal. Passing blood when you urinate is normal after a TURP. Your prostate is suffering from major trauma. The wounds from the parts of your prostate removed need to heal. There will be blood. But it will stop bleeding after the wound heals. It took me about a month to get over the worst of my laser surgery. I was urinating like a firehose after a couple months.
It sounds like you may have retrograde ejaculation.There is a valve between your bladder and prostate that keeps your ejaculate from going into you bladder. One of the possible side effects of TURP is damage to that valve such that your ejaculate goes into your bladder instead out the end of your penis. After you completely heal, you may still be able to ejaculate normally. Your doctor should have explained this.
I have that too, but not completely. I kind of like it. There is less of a mess when I jerk off. :)
Thank you for the quick reply. Sorry for my slow reply.
Well Monday will be 3 weeks and I'm still experiencing pretty much discomfort. As I said before they put the catheter back in when I couldn't urinate on my own. They said that was due to blood clots. It was painful going back in, but much relief to be able to pee. I was in pain at the end of my penis and along the shaft from the catheter. It also burned every time I peed. Thankfully when I went back a week later I got a much nicer nurse who gently removed the catheter. I told her of my woes and she was surprised they had not prescribed something. She felt pretty sure I had an infection. So she gave me another round of Cypro and the Pyridium (sp?) you spoke about. It helped somewhat but for most of the week since then I experienced great pain at the end of my peeing. It felt like peeing a razor or glass shards. I also passed a good bit of blood. I finally called back after 3 days to see when this might let up. I asked for Nickey the nice nurse, but got nurse ratchet. She was short with me. She said that this is normal and it takes time. No explanation as to what was going on or how long it would continue. It's eased up some, but it is still very painful when the stream is shutting off. Then I walk away with a strong burning sensation and a feeling like I still have to go. That takes awhile to reside.
I'm back to going every 1/2 hour or so again. Also there is a deep pain in my testicles and an occasional pain- burn on the end of my penis. My follow up is not until 4 weeks away. I found out that I'm still able to get an erection and get the feeling of climax, but nothing comes out, a weird feeling. But after I tried that, that is when I went back to peeing every 15-30 minutes. Makes me feel like I messed something up. When I go back I will let the Dr know I'm upset that I was not told what to expect as far as long term pain, how long, what is normal. I'm hoping the pain goes away at some point, and I'll get some sleep without getting up 10 or more times a night. Makes it feel like the operation was a waste of time. So please tell me it gets better.
I am an active PEer, a hanger; anyhow, the first thing that I noticed is that I was developing a turkey neck. My turkey neck is gone, my testicles hang lower, and sensitivity is through the roof. I owe all of this to FR. I am 35 and straight with a family. I wish that I had found out about PE and FR 10 years ago.
My wife knows about my PE and FR and can care less as long as it does not take time away from the family.
First, I would not stress about what a partner will think. Typically, the first time two people have sex it is awkward. Neither one knows what the other truly likes and wants. It takes some time and exploring to learn the intimate details of the other person. Most likely, she will not notice that you have a skin bridge. If she does, she may likely think it is a normal variation, which it is. Skin bridges are very common among circumcised men. Few talk about it, so we rarely hear about it. If she notices, just tell her that.
Second, if you have the type of relationship with your parents where you feel comfortable talking about problems, do it. Your parents may have insurance that covers the surgery need to fix your skin bridges. That will help with the expenses. Getting it fixed will also relieve some of the stress you are feeling about it.
If you think it may be too awkward, just tell your parents that you think your circumcision never properly healed and you would like to see a urologist about it. Your parents may not inquire too deeply. You could tell them you have two skin bridges where the skin grew together after your circumcision. They may ask if it hurts or if you are in pain. You could tell them that you are concerned about hygiene because the skin bridges have holes through your skin. Tell them you would feel better if a doctor looked at it to make sure it was ok or to fix it if necessary.
So im 18 and i have 2 skin bridges one is about 3/4 ofa centimeter and ones mabye a little less then 1/2 of a centimeter. they don't affect me at all it doesn't cause a pain at all it feels normal and such. my problem is im scared that when a girl see's my penis that they are going to be freaked out by it and going to tell their friends and im going to be a laughing stock. im thinking of telling my parents about this and going to get something done but i don't want to tell them because it will be extremly awkward. can someone please give me some advise on this.
Let me comment on your numbered list of advantages of being intact.
1. I do not believe size matters for most women, and intactivism is about the quality of the penis, not its quantity. That said, intact men may have longer erections because the foreskin supplies the extra skin an erection requires.
2. You are not the first woman to report that intact men can do a better job of controlling their ejaculations. This is a very important counter to the myth that circumcision makes men last longer and hence more able to please.
3. Missus D uses lubricant with me even though I am intact.
4. I am a lifelong str8 male. That said, I tend to agree with you that intact men are less rough than cut ones. I have no urge to go in and out faster than she breathes. Danielle Stewart on YouTube has denounced some of her past partners for "frat boy" sex. I am convinced that their being circumcised was to blame. The frantic pace of men in porn is unnatural to me and probably an artifact of their being circumcised.
5. Missus D tells me that every man she's known who could continue intercourse after ejaculating a first time was intact.
6. "My orgasms [with intact men] have been extremely intense, more fulfilling, and more satisfying with intact men." Other women report this.
Your reported drawbacks of men being circumcised.
1. I am reluctant to generalise.
2. Missus D, who has had far more sexual experience than yours truly, reports that every man she dated who suffered from PE was cut. And by PE, she meant climaxing in 15 seconds or less. That is nowhere near enough time to give me any sort of satisfying orgasm.
3. Missus D concurs.
4. I have read many women post and comment to the same effect.
5. Missus D always uses lube with me.
6. I noticed in college that many women complained about sex, or acted up in a way that strongly suggested to me that their sex lives were not satisfying. I then thought that men being too proud to give foreplay was the problem. I now suspect that circumcision was part of the problem.
Bottom line. I am very very lucky to be intact despite being a 64 year old American. But it took me decades to appreciate that fact.
I would not settle for the nurse being the final word. Talk to your doctor. If it was me, I would go to the emergency room and get it. Wait, that is what I did. I made several trips to the ER during that month I had the catheter. I did not want to wait for the doctor to see me, so I went to the ER. The aggravation of going to the ER was worth the pain relief and care that I received.
Also, I do not tolerate back talk from medical people. If the nurse cannot assist you and acts surely or unhelpful, talk to your doctor about her. You are the patient and a paying customer. You deserve good care. They should provide it or you should look elsewhere for it.
Also, if your Foley catheter is latex, you may not be tolerating it well. It was a big help when they switched me to a silicone catheter. It was much more comfortable.
I had button turp surgery on Monday. I've had extreme discomfort ever since from the Foley. They removed it Tuesday morning but had to reinsert it due to blood clots, blocking my urine flow. That was painful. I called the nurse after reading your blog and begged for Pyridium. She wouldn't give it to me, saying it wouldn't help. She seemed perturbed that I was doing my own research. So I have to suffer until at least Monday @ 11 am.
Id always thought having fore skin was terrible and that no woman would ever have intercourse me, mainly because iv heard alot of people say it's ugly and all that.but this has made me more confident about being intact. When I was young I wasent happy with my parents and I would always ask if I could get circumsized. I'm so happy i dident thoe. About a few things you have said, you said you don't like to play the waiting game this is called a refractory period most men get it wether they are circumsized or not, not all men get this but majority do, it should normally Only last about 5-10 minutes depending on how old they are,the older the longer. Another thing is that I don't think that only intact men have a desire to pleasure women more then themsleves, I like to pleasure a women more then myself during intercourse, I always have been like that, I think circumcised men can be like this to. Thanks for posting this its mAde me alot more confident about having sex with my patner, we only recently got togeather, I havent had sex with her yet my previous gf refused to have sex with me as she thought intact was dirty, an ugly, which resulted in me breaking up with her. I'm sure my new gf won't mind me being intact, please help I don't want it to happen to me again, Shes a really nice person and it would be a shame if she broke up with me cus of sex issues, I'm wounderinv if I should just show her this post about why intact is better in a few ways, please help (:
I was always worried my grandfather would get a UTI since he used <a href="http://www.180medical.com/showcase-item.aspx?id=418&title=coloplast%20tapered%20tip%20self-cath%20with%20guide%20stripe">self catheterization</a>. It’s really complicated and requires so many check-ups. Luckily, everything turned out fine but it was definitely concerning.
I agree that when a child reaches the potty training phase of life, it’s time to teach the proper care and maintenance of his genitalia. http://pottytrainingin3days.org/
My restored foreskin is not baggy, even after losing a lot of weight. The dartos muscle on the shaft skin contracts to make the restored foreskin form fitting.
As for bagging skin on the rest of your body when you lose weight, I believe that is due to losing weight so fast that your skin does not have a chance to conform to your body size. That is one of the reasons many say to limit weight loss to no more than 1 to 2 pounds per week.
Thank you for speaking the truth, honestly and clearly. It's the truth that sets us free from the delusion.
I believe that circumcision has been forced upon men to make them less sensistive and more willing to engage in cruel acts such as torture and war. It's an initial impinting on the infant boy that the world is a hostile place and he must protect himself. It's a crime against nature itself.
I read that one of the bloggers went to a department store and shopped for baby socks. He used this in the place of the Manhood. So, I went to my local department store and bought some baby socks made out of cotton. I bought 3 pairs for $1.00. I tried one on my penis and it worked great !!! The socks had a little elastic band around the end and it held my penis snugly and it never fell off even during sleeping. Morning erections were find as the baby sock moved to compensate. Definitely try this before spending the money for manhood.
A healthy glans has the appearance of mucous membranes on other parts of your body. A healthy glans will have a color ranging from pink to purple. A healthy glans will also be smooth, shiny, and glossy. For pictures of healthy glans, see the Celebrating Foreskin glans pages. Celebrating Foreskin also has pictures of shiny glans.
Restoring Tally is just an ordinary guy who had to confront his prostate and circumcision problems. This site chronicles his journey in dealing with these issues. He has had prostate surgery and he is restoring his foreskin.
Recent comments
Hi, I'm 19 years old and I am circumcized for 8 years. But recently, after I masturbate (relax10 minutes) I've experienced a slight pain and discomfort. The next day, it seems my frenulum had teared
a little bit at the edge where the frenulum connected to my peehole . there aren't any blood or pain just a feeling of discomfort. Five days of not doing anything, the cut was gone but then i've had an erection and it opens up again.
I had no idea what to do, should I go to a doctor or should I let it heal by itself cause its only been five days. If so, does avoiding erections make it heal faster???
Have you had cosmetic treatment which didn't go to plan? Are your suffering because of your past plastic surgery?
Transparent TV are making a Channel 5 series following the UK’s top cosmetic surgeons as they perform corrective surgery on patients living with the consequences of bad surgery .
Has your past cosmetic surgery left you with unsightly swellings, loose skin, infections or in a lot of pain and discomfort? Maybe you’ve had a shoddy breast enhancement. A failed face-lift or tummy tuck? A bad reaction to fillers or botox? Has weight-loss surgery left you with heavy excess skin too big for your body?
Whatever your situation, male or female - if you’re suffering because of a previous cosmetic procedure and are interested in having your botched surgery repaired, then please get in touch.
Email: takepart@transparenttelevision.com or call 0207 704 3333
The DTR foreskin restoration device is available from the maker. I suggest contacting Chuck for a DTR. He has made improvements to the DTR over the years and his ordering page has lots of options and configurations to suit your needs.
There are numerous foreskin restoration devices available. Check out Foreskin Restoration Methods and Devices for a listing of available foreskin restoration devices.
Do you have or do know someone who has a dtr? Have them send it ti me I will send them a check.
Give yourself time to heal. Passing blood when you urinate is normal after a TURP. Your prostate is suffering from major trauma. The wounds from the parts of your prostate removed need to heal. There will be blood. But it will stop bleeding after the wound heals. It took me about a month to get over the worst of my laser surgery. I was urinating like a firehose after a couple months.
It sounds like you may have retrograde ejaculation.There is a valve between your bladder and prostate that keeps your ejaculate from going into you bladder. One of the possible side effects of TURP is damage to that valve such that your ejaculate goes into your bladder instead out the end of your penis. After you completely heal, you may still be able to ejaculate normally. Your doctor should have explained this.
I have that too, but not completely. I kind of like it. There is less of a mess when I jerk off. :)
Thank you for the quick reply. Sorry for my slow reply.
Well Monday will be 3 weeks and I'm still experiencing pretty much discomfort. As I said before they put the catheter back in when I couldn't urinate on my own. They said that was due to blood clots. It was painful going back in, but much relief to be able to pee. I was in pain at the end of my penis and along the shaft from the catheter. It also burned every time I peed. Thankfully when I went back a week later I got a much nicer nurse who gently removed the catheter. I told her of my woes and she was surprised they had not prescribed something. She felt pretty sure I had an infection. So she gave me another round of Cypro and the Pyridium (sp?) you spoke about. It helped somewhat but for most of the week since then I experienced great pain at the end of my peeing. It felt like peeing a razor or glass shards. I also passed a good bit of blood. I finally called back after 3 days to see when this might let up. I asked for Nickey the nice nurse, but got nurse ratchet. She was short with me. She said that this is normal and it takes time. No explanation as to what was going on or how long it would continue. It's eased up some, but it is still very painful when the stream is shutting off. Then I walk away with a strong burning sensation and a feeling like I still have to go. That takes awhile to reside.
I'm back to going every 1/2 hour or so again. Also there is a deep pain in my testicles and an occasional pain- burn on the end of my penis. My follow up is not until 4 weeks away. I found out that I'm still able to get an erection and get the feeling of climax, but nothing comes out, a weird feeling. But after I tried that, that is when I went back to peeing every 15-30 minutes. Makes me feel like I messed something up. When I go back I will let the Dr know I'm upset that I was not told what to expect as far as long term pain, how long, what is normal. I'm hoping the pain goes away at some point, and I'll get some sleep without getting up 10 or more times a night. Makes it feel like the operation was a waste of time. So please tell me it gets better.
Thanks, Dave
I am an active PEer, a hanger; anyhow, the first thing that I noticed is that I was developing a turkey neck. My turkey neck is gone, my testicles hang lower, and sensitivity is through the roof. I owe all of this to FR. I am 35 and straight with a family. I wish that I had found out about PE and FR 10 years ago.
My wife knows about my PE and FR and can care less as long as it does not take time away from the family.
First, I would not stress about what a partner will think. Typically, the first time two people have sex it is awkward. Neither one knows what the other truly likes and wants. It takes some time and exploring to learn the intimate details of the other person. Most likely, she will not notice that you have a skin bridge. If she does, she may likely think it is a normal variation, which it is. Skin bridges are very common among circumcised men. Few talk about it, so we rarely hear about it. If she notices, just tell her that.
Second, if you have the type of relationship with your parents where you feel comfortable talking about problems, do it. Your parents may have insurance that covers the surgery need to fix your skin bridges. That will help with the expenses. Getting it fixed will also relieve some of the stress you are feeling about it.
If you think it may be too awkward, just tell your parents that you think your circumcision never properly healed and you would like to see a urologist about it. Your parents may not inquire too deeply. You could tell them you have two skin bridges where the skin grew together after your circumcision. They may ask if it hurts or if you are in pain. You could tell them that you are concerned about hygiene because the skin bridges have holes through your skin. Tell them you would feel better if a doctor looked at it to make sure it was ok or to fix it if necessary.
So im 18 and i have 2 skin bridges one is about 3/4 ofa centimeter and ones mabye a little less then 1/2 of a centimeter. they don't affect me at all it doesn't cause a pain at all it feels normal and such. my problem is im scared that when a girl see's my penis that they are going to be freaked out by it and going to tell their friends and im going to be a laughing stock. im thinking of telling my parents about this and going to get something done but i don't want to tell them because it will be extremly awkward. can someone please give me some advise on this.
Let me comment on your numbered list of advantages of being intact.
1. I do not believe size matters for most women, and intactivism is about the quality of the penis, not its quantity. That said, intact men may have longer erections because the foreskin supplies the extra skin an erection requires.
2. You are not the first woman to report that intact men can do a better job of controlling their ejaculations. This is a very important counter to the myth that circumcision makes men last longer and hence more able to please.
3. Missus D uses lubricant with me even though I am intact.
4. I am a lifelong str8 male. That said, I tend to agree with you that intact men are less rough than cut ones. I have no urge to go in and out faster than she breathes. Danielle Stewart on YouTube has denounced some of her past partners for "frat boy" sex. I am convinced that their being circumcised was to blame. The frantic pace of men in porn is unnatural to me and probably an artifact of their being circumcised.
5. Missus D tells me that every man she's known who could continue intercourse after ejaculating a first time was intact.
6. "My orgasms [with intact men] have been extremely intense, more fulfilling, and more satisfying with intact men." Other women report this.
Your reported drawbacks of men being circumcised.
1. I am reluctant to generalise.
2. Missus D, who has had far more sexual experience than yours truly, reports that every man she dated who suffered from PE was cut. And by PE, she meant climaxing in 15 seconds or less. That is nowhere near enough time to give me any sort of satisfying orgasm.
3. Missus D concurs.
4. I have read many women post and comment to the same effect.
5. Missus D always uses lube with me.
6. I noticed in college that many women complained about sex, or acted up in a way that strongly suggested to me that their sex lives were not satisfying. I then thought that men being too proud to give foreplay was the problem. I now suspect that circumcision was part of the problem.
Bottom line. I am very very lucky to be intact despite being a 64 year old American. But it took me decades to appreciate that fact.
I would not settle for the nurse being the final word. Talk to your doctor. If it was me, I would go to the emergency room and get it. Wait, that is what I did. I made several trips to the ER during that month I had the catheter. I did not want to wait for the doctor to see me, so I went to the ER. The aggravation of going to the ER was worth the pain relief and care that I received.
Also, I do not tolerate back talk from medical people. If the nurse cannot assist you and acts surely or unhelpful, talk to your doctor about her. You are the patient and a paying customer. You deserve good care. They should provide it or you should look elsewhere for it.
Also, if your Foley catheter is latex, you may not be tolerating it well. It was a big help when they switched me to a silicone catheter. It was much more comfortable.
I had button turp surgery on Monday. I've had extreme discomfort ever since from the Foley. They removed it Tuesday morning but had to reinsert it due to blood clots, blocking my urine flow. That was painful. I called the nurse after reading your blog and begged for Pyridium. She wouldn't give it to me, saying it wouldn't help. She seemed perturbed that I was doing my own research. So I have to suffer until at least Monday @ 11 am.
Id always thought having fore skin was terrible and that no woman would ever have intercourse me, mainly because iv heard alot of people say it's ugly and all that.but this has made me more confident about being intact. When I was young I wasent happy with my parents and I would always ask if I could get circumsized. I'm so happy i dident thoe. About a few things you have said, you said you don't like to play the waiting game this is called a refractory period most men get it wether they are circumsized or not, not all men get this but majority do, it should normally Only last about 5-10 minutes depending on how old they are,the older the longer. Another thing is that I don't think that only intact men have a desire to pleasure women more then themsleves, I like to pleasure a women more then myself during intercourse, I always have been like that, I think circumcised men can be like this to. Thanks for posting this its mAde me alot more confident about having sex with my patner, we only recently got togeather, I havent had sex with her yet my previous gf refused to have sex with me as she thought intact was dirty, an ugly, which resulted in me breaking up with her. I'm sure my new gf won't mind me being intact, please help I don't want it to happen to me again, Shes a really nice person and it would be a shame if she broke up with me cus of sex issues, I'm wounderinv if I should just show her this post about why intact is better in a few ways, please help (:
I was always worried my grandfather would get a UTI since he used <a href="http://www.180medical.com/showcase-item.aspx?id=418&title=coloplast%20tapered%20tip%20self-cath%20with%20guide%20stripe">self catheterization</a>. It’s really complicated and requires so many check-ups. Luckily, everything turned out fine but it was definitely concerning.
I'm wondering about the surgery. I don't have insurance. I need to know how much the bill was please. Also let us know what recovery was like!
I agree that when a child reaches the potty training phase of life, it’s time to teach the proper care and maintenance of his genitalia. http://pottytrainingin3days.org/
My restored foreskin is not baggy, even after losing a lot of weight. The dartos muscle on the shaft skin contracts to make the restored foreskin form fitting.
As for bagging skin on the rest of your body when you lose weight, I believe that is due to losing weight so fast that your skin does not have a chance to conform to your body size. That is one of the reasons many say to limit weight loss to no more than 1 to 2 pounds per week.
Will I have saggy skin after losing weight?
How much would a procedure to fix it normally cost?
thanks roy b
Thank you for speaking the truth, honestly and clearly. It's the truth that sets us free from the delusion.
I believe that circumcision has been forced upon men to make them less sensistive and more willing to engage in cruel acts such as torture and war. It's an initial impinting on the infant boy that the world is a hostile place and he must protect himself. It's a crime against nature itself.
I read that one of the bloggers went to a department store and shopped for baby socks. He used this in the place of the Manhood. So, I went to my local department store and bought some baby socks made out of cotton. I bought 3 pairs for $1.00. I tried one on my penis and it worked great !!! The socks had a little elastic band around the end and it held my penis snugly and it never fell off even during sleeping. Morning erections were find as the baby sock moved to compensate. Definitely try this before spending the money for manhood.
Hi all,
Just to let you all know I had the surgery last Thursday to remove my large skin bridge on my penis.
So far so good, no pain at all (Im very suprised) I have about 8 stiches in the head of my penis and some on the foreskin.
Im going to keep a diary and pictures to show you all at a later stage.
A healthy glans has the appearance of mucous membranes on other parts of your body. A healthy glans will have a color ranging from pink to purple. A healthy glans will also be smooth, shiny, and glossy. For pictures of healthy glans, see the Celebrating Foreskin glans pages. Celebrating Foreskin also has pictures of shiny glans.
what does a healthy glans look like what shoud it be red or pink or
Who is this guy?
Restoring Tally is just an ordinary guy who had to confront his prostate and circumcision problems. This site chronicles his journey in dealing with these issues. He has had prostate surgery and he is restoring his foreskin.
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RestoringTally.com is a blog addressing Men's issues, particularly prostate problems and circumcised men who are restoring their foreskins.
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