Pee In Morse Code - My Enlarged Prostate & Me
Another blogger who had prostate problems found this site and gave me a link back. Thanks! But that is not why I am writing.
I had a HoLAP procedure on my enlarged prostate.The other blogger had a green laser treatment of his prostate. He wrote a chronicle of his prostate problems. He starts with a description of why he calls his blog Pee In Morse Code. He describes his prostate surgery with the Green Light PVP procedure. He also describes his recovery and the health of his prostate as the years go by. For anyone considering treatment for BPH, his blog is a must read.
I must say that his experience was much different than mine. He had lots of post-surgery pain and blood clots. After my HoLap procedure, there was virtually no pain, but I still had a Foley catheter. He also had lots of urinary tract irritation and, apparently, the medications he was prescribed offered little relief. The irritation was most likely due to the green light laser inserted through his urethra.
Another difference is that he is taking Avodart, which reduces the size of the prostate through chemistry. I was offered a choice of medicinally reducing the prostate size or doing it surgically. I choose surgery so that I could avoid taking any drugs with their side effects.
Related links:
- Pee In Morse Code
- YouTube: Greenlight PVP - Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate
- YouTube: New GreenLight Laser PVP Treatment for BPH
- YouTube: Idaho Urologic Institution (GreenLight PVP)
- Tally's blog
- Login to post comments
#1 prostate symptoms
I’am happy to share my comment on this subject matter in memory it is reported that a small amount of prostate enlargement is present in many men over age 40 (60 percent of men) and more than 90% of men over age 80. Normally the prostate keeps on to develop during a man's lifetime, resulting in enlarged prostate typically only forming later in life. Thus, men in their older age are the most common to report enlarged prostate symptoms.
Still there is a lot to learn about the causes of swollen and enlarged prostate; however some factors are clear contributors. Hormonal imbalances and an unhealthy lifestyle are two of the most common factors to contribute to an enlarged prostate.
#2 Prostate Formula
'Pee in Morse Code' - I like it, a very witty name for an extremely un-amusing condition.
#3 Food for the prostate
I manage my BHP by eating correctly for prostatic health. Not to say I don't sometimes eat wrong, I do. And when I do there is evidence of it by slower flow. Dark green leafy vegetables work the best for me. Nuts and fruits. Red meat inflames the prostate. And there is a study that show milk protein causes the mitochondria to go cancerous. So I limit these. Watermelon and cooked tomatoes great for prostate. Pink grapefruit is ok but regular grapefruit is very bad for the prostate. I load myself up with anti oxident foods and eat my greens, a big bowl full everyday. 12 cups, sounds like a lot but really it isn't, of green tea has been shown to reduce prostate cancer by up to 60%. I drink green tea and also Holy Basil aka Tulsi tea which has the most anti oxidents. Dr. Mercola's website has very good info on the prostate and other parts relating to food.
I went to a free Prostate information group meeting and personal check up. The doctor gave me some new information at the meeting but was saying one can take drugs without really saying the whole truth so I made him admit the drugs are chemical castration. (This doctor was also very much for circumcision based on the African studies which just came out.)