Intactivism: Week in Review July 28, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
The Telegraph: How could I inflict the pain of circumcision on my son?
A Jewish father describes how he came to his decision to leave his son whole and intact, breaking away from the Jewish tradition of circumcision. He says, "A respect for Isaac’s right to choose, combined with our other hesitations, led to our decision not to have him circumcised." He is proud that he has not caused his son any unnecessary pain, and allowed him the freedom to decide what to do with his own body. This father says that when his son grows up, he will be able to look him in the eye knowing that he did the right thing.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Attack the System: Opposing Circumcision: A Shoah Thing?
A collection of snippets from across the web with respect to the recent German court ruling that child circumcision is a violation of the right of the child to an intact body. Protecting the body of a child from genital cutting protects the liberty of the child.
Circumcision Diaries: The ethical issues of non-therapeutic circumcision of infants
The ethics of performing elective, non-medically indicated surgery on infants is presented in view of male infant circumcision. Male infant circumcision is a non-therapeutic procedure that is not meant to treat a disease. For those that believe in the dubious health benefits, then it is a prophylactic or preventive procedure for things that may or may not happen many years from now. In any case, male infant circumcision is an elective surgery that can wait until the baby becomes an adult and can give consent for surgery to his own body.
Circumcision Diaries: Waiting for male circumcision to be acknowledged as damaging as female circumcision
Things change. Female circumcision used to be done in the United States. Female genital cutting only became illegal in 1996 in the US. It is about time that genital cutting of boys became illegal, also. For those that claim it is not such a big deal, they why are so many advocating for genital cutting?
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Joseph4GI: UPDATE: International AIDS Trade Show 2012
The International AIDS Conference was held in Washington D. Unfortunately, it is more like an International Circumcision Expo or International AIDS trade show than it is a conference that considers all the science so that the best decisions can be made. When it comes to circumcision, no one at the conference wanted to hear anything bad about circumcision, nor did anyone want to even consider reasons why circumcision is not a good way to fight HIV.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The Telegraph: Hospitals in Austria and Switzerland suspend circumcision
A news report that other countries in Europe are beginning to stop performing child circumcisions in state-run hospitals. They are taking the position that the government should not be allowing non-therapeutic surgery of children until the legal situation is clarified. Now that one court has determined that child circumcision is a human rights violation, these countries recognize the ethical issues of non-consensual elective surgery.
Thursday, July 26, 2012 Human Rights: Circumcision for Non-Medical Reasons Is Wrong
The Case Against Infant Circumcision: German Doctor's letter on circumcision translated
Many in the medical community believe that non-therapeutic male circumcision is unnecessary medically and has minimal medical benefits. Circumcision is not in the best interest of boys who undergo the procedure. This is a compelling article by a doctor at the German hospital that treated the German boy who suffered severe brain damage as a result of a complications from his circumcision by another doctor.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Free Thought Blogs: Is Religious Circumcision of Male Infants Morally Defensible?
A debate blog with some very well thought out comments.
Circumcision Diaries: Circumcision: If you think your son will thank you - think again!
Many parents think that their son will thank them for having them circumcised as a baby. Sadly, these parents are mistaken. This post includes many examples of boys and young men who are unhappy that they were circumcised. Many boys and young men ask how they can undo their circumcision or restore their foreskin.
Ottawa Citizen: Ritual versus science
"German courts should be commended for their efforts to ban religious circumcision" and protect children from unnecessary surgical procedures.
Judy's World: Africa's male circumcision crusade: Boon or boondoggle?
The male circumcision campaign in Africa continues. But the campaign is decidedly one-sided. This post interviews Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., a psychological researcher, educator, and Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center in Boston, a nonprofit educational organization. He says that many factors are contributing to the circumcision campaign, which is ill founded and not likely to reduce HIV in Africa. Money is a driving force, as is the cultural bias of Americans who promote circumcision.
Saturday, 28 July, 2012
no circumcision: What is lost due to circumcision?
NORM has identified a long list of things that males lose because part of their penis has been removed by circumcision. Many men become very distressed upon learning what they could have had but for the senseless surgery they were subjected to as an infant.
Choose Intact: Reverse the Approach
Tony critiques an article that claims female genital cutting is too dissimilar to male genital cutting for comparison. I agree with Tony as he shows that genital cutting has a lot of similarities when considering both sexes. The bottom line is that a person's genitalia is being cut or modified without their consent.
IntactNews: Jewish Voices: The Current Judaic Movement to End Circumcision: Part 2
A collection of quotes about male infant circumcision, its harms and why it should stop. The quotes are from notable Jews.
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