Intactivism: Week in Review May 26, 2012
A website that is worth looking at is Circumcision Insanity. The Circumcision Insanity website posts examples of the crazy things people say about circumcision. The site has examples of posts made by parents who make fun of their baby boy's painful circumcision.
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Stop the Cut: Colorado Bill to restore Circumcision Funding Failed
A report of the recent effort in Colorado to have the government pay for elective surgery, namely male infant circumcision. Fortunately, the measure failed and there will be no Medicaid funding of male infant circumcision.
Mile High Advocate: About to give birth? Thinking of circumcision? You owe it to your child to read this article!
A great resource of information and links about intactivism and male infant circumcision. The author provides her personal story, followed by the facts that speak against circumcision. She wraps up her post with links, lots of links. Websites that provide information. Facebook pages and a state-by-state list of intactivist groups are listed.
Monday, May 21, 2012
no circumcision: Circumcised or Uncircumcised: Does It Matter in Sex?
Recently, Huff Post Women published a post Circumcised or Uncircumcised: Does It Matter in Sex? where a woman wrote about her first encounter with an intact man. Until then, she had only been used to circumcised men. She liked sex with a foreskin so much, she did more research. She recommends that women should have sex with an intact man at least once so that they can see what they have been missing. The author even linked to another post with tips on giving an uncircumcised man oral sex. This is one more example of how women love foreskin.
Choose Intact: More on the Fallacy of Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision (VMMC): Infant Volunteers
The male circumcision campaign in Africa is supposes to be voluntary male medical circumcision. That is, African men are supposed to voluntarily consent to circumcision. Unfortunately, babies and boys are being circumcised. So much for the voluntary part of the circumcision campaign.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Practical Ethics: When bad science kills, or how to spread AIDS
A well researched article about the male circumcision campaign being waged in Africa. The three clinical trials relied upon to support the circumcision campaign are deeply flawed. Further, the distorted results of those clinical trials have been heavily promoted to influence public health recommendations. The conclusion is that HIV infections will likely increase because the circumcision surgeries are conducted in less than sanitary conditions and because Africans falsely believe that circumcision will protect them.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Andrew Sullivan The Dish: Circumcision Spreads HIV?
The studies that brag about a 60% decrease in the HIV rate for circumcised men is actually a relative value. The absolute decrease in HIV infection was only 1.31%, which is not statistically significant.
Safe Space Radio: Circumcision
A podcast interview with psychologist and author, Dr. Ronald Goldman about the persistence of male infant circumcision despite the lack of any real medical benefit to the elective surgery. Dr. Goldman talks about the culture that perpetuates the removal of a part of baby boys' sex organ. The doctor notes that circumcised fathers are particularly vocal about having their sons circumcised, just like them.
Circumstitions News: MIAMI: Circumcision more botched than usual, parents sue
StrollerDerby: Couple Sues OB/GYN For Maiming Son During Botched Circumcision
A report on a lawsuit by the parents of a baby boy whose circumcision was botched. The parents are suing the doctor who botched their son's circumcision, leaving their son with a disfigured penis that required corrective surgery. Even after the additional surgery, the boy's penis is still unsightly and permanently scarred.
The WHOLE Network: Circumcision and Adult Penile Sensitivity & Sexual Dysfunction: A Review of the Literature
A review of the literature regarding adult penile sensitivity and sexual dysfunction of circumcised men. Parents who wish to have their infant son circumcised often fail to consider the potential impact of circumcision on penile sensitivity and sexual function during adulthood. Oftentimes the father is young enough that his circumcision has not noticeably affected him, yet. This post identifies the numerous studies that show that circumcision does affect a man sexually.
ZimEye: Zimbabwe still falsely claiming circumcision defeats HIV/AIDS
A Zimbabwe article critical of the male circumcision campaign in Africa. The author tells how the male circumcision campaign is deceitful propaganda. Abstinence, being faithful, and the use of condoms is the way forward out of the HIV/AIDS trap.
College Times: Circumcision merely for aesthetics, not physical benefit
A college student writes about male infant circumcision and how it affects babies and the men they grow up to be. Circumcision removes the foreskin, which is valuable erogenous tissue.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Iriish Health: Male circumcision unnecessary says surgeon
Ending Unnecessary Male Circumcision In The UK: Irish Surgeon: Circumcision Should Never Be Performed
A Dublin, Ireland, plastic surgeon speaks out about the harm of circumcision. The doctor says circumcision is a form of genital mutilation that exposes patients to a number of health risks. Complications include bleeding and infection, which is fairly common. Meatal stenosis, which causes symptoms of painful urination, increased urinary frequency, and inability to control urination, is a potential late complication of circumcision.
Marti's Pribble: Cognitive Dissonance and the Truth About Circumcision – By Maria Bangs
Understanding the complex psychological factors contributing to male genital cutting in the developed world allows us to understand why male infant circumcision persists. The author submits that women are primarily the intactivists because they have intact genitalia. One reason the circumcision culture continues is the cognitive dissonance of circumcised men. To be against male infant circumcision requires them to recognize that their circumcision harmed them. Another example of cognitive dissonance is of parents who have circumcised a child. To be against male infant circumcision requires them to recognize that circumcising their son harmed him.
Choose Intact: Avoiding Circumcision Regret
Many mothers regret allowing their baby boy to be circumcised shortly after birth. This post includes a letter written by a mother to be read by her son aftr he grows up. In the letter she apologizes for allowing him to be circumcised.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Europe News: Male circumcision unnecessary says surgeon
A report of a Dublin plastic surgeon who says circumcision is a form of genital mutilation that exposes patients to a number of health risks. The doctor said: "There is no rationale for carrying out this extremely painful, traumatic and potentially dangerous procedure on male infants."
Maddies this and that: Discussing circumcision of children always leads to name calling?
A blogger bemoans the response she receives when she discusses male infant circumcision. She believes that baby boys should remain whole and intact because they cannot speak up for themselves about the body modifying surgery. Oftentimes when she states her position she is ridiculed and belittled. But she continues to speak up because the infant is not yet able to take a stand for himself.
MedzPro: Circumcision and Smegma
Smegma is an accumulation of stale natural body oils mixed with shed skin cells, stale urine, stale semen and dirt. Contrary to the article, smegma does not need to be washed away with soap. A daily rinse with clean water under the foreskin will keep smegma away. Washing the sensitive mucous membranes under the foreskin with soap will dry out the tissue and can cause problems down the road with over-washing.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Intact America Blog: When Bad Science Kills
A discussion of recent posts telling how the misinterpretation of the trials in Africa will result in an increase of HIV infections in Africa. A Practical Ethics article titled When bad science kills, or how to spread AIDS describes how poorly designed and promoted studies mislead others. Andrew Sullivan of The Dish added his support to the Practical Ethics article. Georganne Chapin adds her voice to the call for ethical studies that are not promoted with misleading statistics to further an agenda, like the unnecessary circumcision of African men.
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#1 I came across your blog when
I came across your blog when googling for cool biotechnology articles – didn’t expect to find this, but enjoyed some of your posts. Keep it up.
#2 This looks absolutely perfect
This looks absolutely perfect. All these tiny details are made with lot of background information and inspiration, both of which we all need, thanks for providing such helpful information here.