Intactivism: Week in Review January 14, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting. I must say, Thursday was a busy day for intactivists in the blogosphere.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
End Routine Infant Circumcision: Message from Franny Destined for Parents Considering Circumcision
Franny lists many reasons why male infant circumcision should be avoided by all parents. She provides links to some great resources that would be helpful to parents who are undecided about leaving their newborn son whole.
Vix Circumcision’s 10 Lamest Justifications
Many of the reasons given to justify cutting off part of a baby boy's penis are lame. Like penis cancer, which is less rare than male breast cancer and only affects old guys. Doing it for tradition is pretty lame, as is doing it for hygiene.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Mama Raw: Culture is the culprit
An insightful post about how our culture shapes our actions and beliefs. Take male infant circumcision, for example. The culture in the United States is about the only culture in the Western world that supports male infant circumcision. Most other countries consider the practice barbaric, or at least unwarranted. It is the culture in the United States that allows male infant circumcision to continue, although that culture is slowly changing thanks to intactivists.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Natural Family Living TV: Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital
A YouTube video of Bryan McAlister teaching about genital cutting. He describes male circumcision and explains how it is performed and how the baby boy responds to having the most sensitive part of his body cut off.
Babies, Boobs, & Blasphemy: Why I Am Not Quitting Blogging
Being an intactivist sometimes feels like a thankless endeavor. Erin does note that there are some good responses to her posts advocating for keeping baby boys whole. And then there are those that just do not get it.
Wednesday, January 11, 2011
Darwin Harmless: It’s the Same Thing
Female genital cutting is just as bad as male genital cutting because it is a violation of the bodily integrity of an infant or a young person without consent. It should be illegal in ALL forms, male or female.
Center for the Childbearing Year: Circumcision and informed decision making
A brief post offering information about male infant circumcision. From NOCIRC to Dr. Dean Edell, she covers the basis from education to HIV.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Intact America Blog: Circumcision will be targeted after shechita
Some in The Netherlands are seeking to ban the ritual slaughter of livestock, or shechita. A rabbi condemns the effort. He asserts that such a ban is the next step to banning male infant circumcision. Georganne Chapin points out that the rabbi is saying that cruelty is in the eyes of the perpetrator, not the victim.
Natural Family Living TV: Infant Circumcision is Rape
A YouTube video and the recent announcement by the FBI are linked. The FBI recently changed their definition of rape to more broadly include any kind of forced penetration. With a very broad interpretation, male infant circumcision could be considered rape. I think such a broad definintion is not reasonable and I see no benefit in attempting to equate infant circumcision with rape. But I think a very good case could be made for infant circumcision being sexual abuse because the sex organ of the infant is being altered for no medically valid reason.
Male Circumcision and HIV: Intactivism for 2012: Prevention and Restoration
A short retrospective of 2011 and a look forward by an intactivist David Wilton. He discusses foreskin regeneration, which is being advocated by Foregen.
Mama Raw: The hill I’m willing to die on
A follow-up to a circumcision post by a mother who advocates protecting baby boys by leaving them whole. She is against male infant circumcision. The follow up post address various comments and points made on her previous post. POTD 1/12/12 Same Old Story
A short post on the history of male circumcision. Someone can always come up with a reason to cut off part of the male sex organ. They have to because it does not usually take long to discredit the last reason give to support male circumcision. Current hysteria relies on male circumcision as an HIV cure-all. Like all the other reasons, new research and real world results are showing that male circumcision is not the answer.
Stop The Cut: Letters: Just Say No to Male Circumcision
A response to a post in Alibi. All females under 18 are protected from genital cutting in the United States. Males do not have that protection. Males are often subjected to genital cutting, commonly called male circumcision. Circumcision is medically unnecessary for both boys and girls. Why does circumcision still prevail in today's world?
Salem's Creations Blog: Circumcision: A Mutilation
This blogger wrote a paper about male circumcision several years ago. She very ably describes the many disadvantages to male infant circumcision.
Face of Malawi: Marriage and AIDS in Africa | Does circumcision protect against HIV
An examination of HIV in Africa. The author points out that being faithful to your spouse is the best way to avoid HIV infection. The author questions the efficacy of male circumcision against circumcision.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Toy Soldiers: “How the circumcision solution in Africa will increase HIV infections”
A critique of the three trials that are often cited in support of the circumcision campaign in Africa. The trials are flawed. A recent paper in the Journal of Public Health in Africa 2011, Volume 2:e4, provides reasons why the circumcision campaign in Africa is doomed to fail.
Birth of a New Earth: Blatant lies my doctor told me to manipulate me into circumcising my son
This blogger believes that doctors are not telling the whole truth when it comes to the risks and complications of male infant circumcision. There are few benefits, and they can be realized through other, less invasive means than circumcision. There are many risks and complications to infant circumcision. Where is the truth from doctors?
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#1 I'm honored to be included in
I'm honored to be included in this list! I've been debating the issue (I'm sad that there's anything to debate) with a friend of mine who is a pediatrician...hoping she'll come around.