Tugging method versus tugging routine
Often, foreskin restorers ask if a device is better than t-tape. Sometimes they ask if t-taping is better than manual tugging. I previously addressed the question of what foreskin restoration method is best? Here I will address why I do not think the tugging method is that critical to restoration progress.
There are two aspects to restoring foreskin: the method used to apply tension and the tugging routine for applying that tension.
Methods of applying tension to restore a foreskin include tape, manual tugging, and a multitude of devices. These methods are just different ways of applying tension to your skin to induce mitosis. All methods work. The tugging methods differ in convenience, comfort, and expense.
It is important for the long-term success in restoring a foreskin that the method of applying tension be one that fits into your lifestyle. For me, manual tugging is the way to go. I do not want to mess with a tugging device. Nor do I like the way tugging devices feel under my clothes. Since I need to wear clothes to work, I choose to not wear a device. That is my choice and others will, most assuredly, feel differently.
The tugging routine makes the most difference in the rate of progress when restoring. The method of tugging is less critical. There are three variables that can be changed for a tugging routine:
- how much tension you are using,
- how long you are applying that tension, and
- how long do you wait before applying tension again.
The amount of tension is important. The tension must be great enough to induce mitosis, but not so great as to damage the skin. It is difficult to judge the lower limit of enough tension. It is much easier to judge how much is too much because the pain and soreness will tell you. Our skin is the best indicator of the amount of tension. If, after a tugging session, the skin looks the same as it did before the session, then most likely not enough tension was used. But, if the skin looks different after the tugging session, then enough tension may have been used. The changes many see are warm skin, a redder or pinker color, sometimes there is slight swelling. After a manual tugging session, I notice my skin has a matte texture.
How long to apply tension has been a controversial question among foreskin restorers. Closely related to how long to tug is how frequently should a man tug or how much of a break or rest is needed between tugging sessions.
Many, including R. Wayne Griffiths, a co-founder of NORM, believe that it is not necessary to tug 24 hours a day. In fact, it may slow down progress to tug that many hours. Some guys, like me, believe that high tension with short tugging sessions repeated frequently during the day is an optimal routine for growth. Other guys swear that tugging 24 hours a day, seven days a week is the way to go.
I have read many progress reports of many restorers. Although it is almost impossible to judge the tension used by men when restoring, information on how long they tug and what rest periods they use is often available. Generally, I notice that men who tug day and night have the slowest progress compared to men who tug for short periods of time, multiple times a day.
Regardless of which side of the fence a restorer stands, every man must determine what routine works best for him. Periodic measurements and a log are invaluable for determining if a particular routine is working. After a month of tugging with a particular routine, one of the three variables (tension, tugging session time, frequency of tugging sessions) should be changed and maintained for another month. If there is an improvement, make another change and measure after another month. If there was less progress, reverse the previous change and see what happens. Eventually, the routine that is best for you will be found and you will restore your foreskin.
Restoring your foreskin is not difficult. Pick a method that fits your lifestyle so that you will stick with using it. Then figure out a routine that allows you to apply the tension you want, for as long as you want, and as frequently as you want. Keep track of your progress and the effect of changes to your routine. Tweak your routine as necessary. And, along the way, enjoy your restored foreskin.
Related posts:
- How to start restoring your foreskin
- Foreskin Restoration Methods and Devices
- What foreskin restoration method is best?
- My manual tugging routine for foreskin restoration
- Measuring foreskin restoration progress
- R. Wayne Griffiths of NORM on A Successful Restoration Regimen
"Some restorers have advocated excessive tension for 24 hours, seven days a week. This type of regimen just does not work well for most of us."
- Tally's blog
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