Intactivism: Week in Review October 22, 2011
Secret Penis is a new website according to Intactivist Blog. Secret Penis is a website about one man's journey to understanding and accepting his male organ, his penis. The site includes much information about the penis, a subject that concerns every man and should concern every woman.
For a long time I suffered unnecessary anxiety about various aspects of my penis such as being uncircumcised, worried about my size, worried about the curvature of my erection, having pearly penile papules, worrying about the volume of my ejaculate and my pre-ejaculatory fluid and others.
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Cookeville Herald-Citizen: Mom tells of heart defects in newborns
Baby boy with hypoplastic left heart syndrome almost dies after circumcision. His condition was discovered after he crashed from his circumcision. It would have been much better to discover his birth defect during normal examinations instead of crashing from the trauma of elective surgery.
Intact News: Doctors' Circumcision Recommendations Influenced By Personal Factors, Study Finds
A study published in the Journal of Men's Health has found that primary care physicians are most significantly influenced by their own circumcision status in their recommendations for routine infant circumcision. The circumcision status of their sons was also found to be significant. Go figure. Doctors who were circumcised advocate circumcising infants. Most circumcised men strongly defend their circumcised status. The exception are men who are restoring their foreskin. These men typically hate that they were circumcised.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Salem-News: Music: Say No to Circumcision - Leave Those Babies Alone!
An author, singer and songwriter writes a song that forms a backdrop to a YouTube video on circumcision. He says, "The #1 controversy facing American parents in 2010 was male infant circumcision. That's quite a statement, but the real eye opener is the knowledge that it is needless, genital mutilation, and that it is dangerous, even potentially fatal, particularly for infants. In fact not a single medical group in the world recommends it."
New York Times Health: Chimp to Man to History Books: The Path of AIDS
A new book details the history of AIDS starting around 1921. It is a scientific study that shows that AIDS was transmitted not through sex, but by other factors, such as the increased used of glass syringes and poor blood handling by blood banks.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ): Part II: Vital or vestigial? The foreskin has its fans and foes
Second of a six-part series about the male foreskin, which is removed from many infant boys by circumcision. “You take the foreskin away and let the glans callus and you end up irritating the hell out of the vaginal mucosa,” says Dr. George Denniston, founder of Doctors Opposing Circumcision. “Everyone in the US uses lubricants because the basic function of sexual intercourse has been disrupted.” See also Part I: Circumcision indecision: The ongoing saga of the world’s most popular surgery.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The Advocate: Infant circumcision: a grotesque practice that needs to stop
Justification for male infant circumcision typically are related to either aesthetic, hygiene, conformity, or religion. None of these justifications are sufficient to cut off part of a person's body without dire medical need.
Pharyngula ScienceBlogs: Ritualized child abuse: circumcision
PZ Meyers presents an abridged version of CUT: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision. The video is a documentary by a Jewish filmmaker. PZ points out that various reasons justifying male infant circumcision (or genital cutting) are pathetic and awful.
The Daily Cardinal: The Dirty Bird: Erica on circumcised vs. uncircumcised
Erica discusses the intact (or uncut) penis. She superficially covers the topic. She does mention that the intact penis is highly innervated, more so than a circumcised penis.
Saving our Sons: Genital Autonomy Symbol Pumpkin Contest!
A pumpkin carving contest for intactivists. Saving our Sons reprints DrMomma's post for the contest that award prizes to the two best Genital Autonomy pumpkins.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
KinkAcademy: Anatomy of Intact (uncircumcised) Cocks
When you click on the link, you have to agree to enter the site. If you do that, you will see a very informative video about the anatomy of an intact penis. has added the "Anatomy of Intact Cocks" video clip from the "Playing With Intact Cocks" video class to their free page. The video shows an intact penis and Wintersong focuses on anatomy. He describes and shows the foreskin as it is extended over the glans and retracted. KinkAcademy is a members-only site that requires a fee to see some content.
J Weekly: Filmmaker puts circumcision argument on table in ‘Cut’
A profile of the Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon and his documentary Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision. The Jewish filmmaker hopes that the circumcision ritual will be abandoned by Jews.
Friday, October 21, 2011
DrMomma peaceful parenting: The Intactivist Movement Within Judaism
A resource list of Jewish writings and websites that support genital integrity for all children, including their Jewish sons. A growing number of Jews who question both the ethics and the legality of circumcision. Jews in the Reform movement have been advocating for an end to ritual male circumcision for the past 180 years. Today, more Orthodox Jews are speaking up in unison with those who seek to end male infant circumcision as a ritual.
Babies, Boobs, and Blasphemy: I was wrong
This blogger mother was wrong about many things. She has learned better and does better. She now knows that circumcision is wrong. Now she breastfeeds, including extended breastfeeding. She babywears and cosleeps. She is still investigating vaccines. She is now a believer in cloth diapers. Her whole blog is aimed toward educating others so that they, too, can know better and do better.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
DrMomma peaceful parenting: Circumcision: Identity, Gender, and Power
A Jewish woman writes: "Circumcision is seen as the central mitzvah (or commandment) of Judaism. Even for nonreligious Jews, circumcision continues to be perceived as the sine qua non of Jewish identity. And yet, unlike any other controversial topic that we Jews address, the subject of circumcision is not to be challenged. We can calmly discuss whether there is a G-d or no G-d, if G-d is masculine, feminine, or neuter, or whether homosexual Jews should become rabbis. Yet, questioning circumcision has been out of bounds. This taboo, in and of itself, is indicative of how strong the feelings are that surround this ancient rite, and how much lies below the surface, in the dark silence, where powerful forces have coalesced for thousands of years."
no circumcision: Say No to Circumcision - Leave the Babies Alone
A YouTube video by SalemReporter that seeks to educate about the harms of male infant circumcision. It features a new song by Agron Belica, commissioned by the Salem-News.
no circumcision: neonatal circumcision
A YouTube video for healthcare professionals showing an infant circumcision. There was no real informed consent given by the parents because the doctor only superficially described the risks and possible complications from the circumcision surgery.
Sexis: Bad Science Doesn't Justify Male Circumcision
Salem-News: Bad Science Doesn't Justify Male Circumcision
Even without any clear-cut evidence supporting male infant circumcision, many still advocate the ancient blood ritual of male genital cutting. The trend is turning in the United States with fewer infant circumcisions being performed every year. But far too many still advocate the old-time cutting of the penis.
Boulder Jewish News: Circumcision Debate Draws a Crowd
Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon presented his documentary Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision in Boulder to a crowd of 150 people. A panel discussion was held after the showing of the film.
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