Intactivism: Two-Week Review November 10, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past two weeks. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Men Do Complain: No prosecutions
Female genital cutting is illegal. But no one has been prosecuted for FGM after the law was passed in 1996 making MGM illegal. Male genital cutting is legal, though. There are differences between male and female genital cutting, but when children are involved, both remove parts of the sex organs of non-consenting individuals.
Joseph4GI: Rabbis Delay NYC's Metzitzah B'Peh Regulations - Meanwhile, in Israel...
New York City rabbis who practice the circumcision ritual with oral suction fight the regulation requiring informed consent from parents. Meanwhile, The Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association advocates against the circumcision ritual. The Israeli medical group recognizes the medical risk for that particular circumcision ritual.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Intact America: 2012 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Conference Report
A report of Intact America's efforts during the 2012 American Academy of Pediatrics Conference in New Orleans, LA. Dozens of demonstrators showed up and were very visible outside the conference hall.
Modern Medicine: Medical professionals to discuss circumcision on Twitter
In an attempt to solicit doctors' opinions on male infant circumcision, two publications sponsored a Twitter event. Circumcision related tweets were to be marked with the #circumchat hashtag. The publications were overwhelmed by the number of tweets from intactivists. As is normally done by doctors and medical groups, the medical publications pretty much ignored the tweets identifying facts related to the risks and harm of male infant circumcision.
Hippies with Babies: The circumcision decision
A mother talks about the reasons she will not circumcise any son she may have. Circumcision is an elective surgery that is unnecessary. Circumcision removes the foreskin, which serves important functions.
Saving our Sons: HBO "Girls" Star, Jemima Kirke, Says NO to Circumcision
Jemima Kirke is expecting her second child. The HBO Girls star says that the child, if a boy, will remain intact because she will not let him be circumcised. Her baby will be protected from the knife.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
YouTube BritishInvasion91: Foreskin Restoration Demonstration
A demonstration of foreskin restoration manual tugging method 2. He shows how the hands grip the skin to manual tug. He confirms that manual method 2 works for both the erect and flaccid penis. The whole idea is to tension the skin.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Malawi Voice: Circumcised African men on Sex Spree: They think they are immune to HIV
After being circumcised under the African circumcision campaign, some men have gone on a sex rampage. The circumcised men wrongly believe that they are immune to HIV. Much propaganda and misinformation is being used to convince men to be circumcised. The net result may well be an increase in the HIV rate in Africa because of the circumcision campaign.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Mothering: Circumcision Affects the Man - A Husband's Tale
A forum thread by the wife of a man who is affected by his infant circumcision. He is envious of intact men who get to enjoy their whole body. A man responds to the OP telling how his foreskin restoration efforts have helped him tremendously.
Saving our Sons: Believing Circumcision Prevents HIV, Malawi Men Go on 'Sex Spree'
An unintended consequence of the male circumcision campaign in Africa is that men, after being circumcised, believe that they will not get HIV and engage in risky behavior. Instead of reducing the risk of HIV, male circumcision will result in more men becoming HIV positive in Africa.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Beyond the Bris: Questioning Jewish Circumcision: Circumcision Decision: Jewish Couples in Crisis
The blogger writes about how she considered the circumcision decision before she got married. She actively sought to avoid marrying someone who wanted to circumcise any future sons. Through her blog, she has encountered many who are confronting the circumcision decision only after they were married. And they now disagree. Rebecca offers tips for parents who disagree about the circumcision decision.
Choose Intact: America Participates in Forced Circumcision
A critique of a recent article in Urology Times by the American Association of Clinical Urologists. The author points out that all non-therapeutic genital cutting of a non-consenting person, such as an infant or child, is a forced circumcision.
The Conversation: Tradition vs individual rights: the current debate on circumcision
A good overview of the circumcision issue in the United States. The author advocates taking a critical look at the culturally-motivated cutting of the sex organs of baby boys. A dialog on male infant circumcision is needed. The rights of baby boys to an intact and whole body needs to be addressed.
Seacoast online: Pediatricians wrong on circumcision
A letter to the editor about a recent article describing how the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) revised their infant circumcision policy statement. The letter writer, a child trauma specialist, writes about her shock upon learning that the AAP does not take a stance against male infant circumcision.
Saving our sons: My Biblical Journey to Intactivism
A mother talks about male infant circumcision. Her quest for knowledge began with the birth of her first son. She realized that infant circumcision is unnecessary surgery. After he was born and happily growing up intact, the question of religious belief with respect to circumcision was raised. She writes about the results of her research with respect to circumcision and religion and the bible.
Saturday, November 3, 2013
YouTube Bonobo3D: AAP - Dominican Doctor - 98% of Circumcisions Not Recommended
A doctor from the Dominican Republic says 98% of circumcisions are not recommended. He says that in his country, male infant circumcisions are rarely performed. He was filmed while attending the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) 2012 Conference in New Orleans.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Bulawayo: Man demands his foreskin back after circumcision
Newsdze Zimbabwe: I'm no longer the same - circumcised man says
An African man was circumcised by propaganda from the male circumcision campaign. After his circumcision he noticed a reduction in sexual prowess and complained. He wanted his foreskin back after it was amputated. That is, he wanted his circumcision reversed. Sadly, foreskin amputation is permanent. He could restore his foreskin, though.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Circumcision Diaries: Was this a circumcision death?
Three days after his birth, a boy was circumcised. As with many baby boys, he started to bleed from his circumcision wound. Unfortunately, he was a hemophiliac and he received blood transfusions. He also acquired HIV, which was discovered when he became ill when he was 13 years old. He died when he was 18. Many advocate male infant circumcision as a way to fight HIV. Did this child get HIV because he was circumcised? It is quite possible he was infected from tainted blood because he was circumcised in 1971.
vimeo: American Secret: Pitch Reel. A film about Circumcision
A short video pitching a film about the American secret of male infant circumcision. Its history. Its profit. The risks of infant circumcision. And what is to come. Male infant circumcision is falling out of favor. Hopefully, it will be only of historical significance soon.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Saving Our Sons: U.S. Hospital Circumcision Rates By State
A map, shown to the right, illustrating the male infant circumcision rate in United States hospitals. The post also includes a list of the circumcision rate of each state in the US. It also provides information on the states that provide Medicaid funding of the elective circumcision surgery.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Think Atheist: Say no to infant circumcision
"Children are not our property, and they are not ours to control any more than we were our parents' property or theris to control." ~ Richard Bach
Friday, November 9, 2012
Courthouse News Service: Circumcision Goes Horribly Wrong
A four-year old boy was circumcised. The circumcision was botched badly. So badly, that the boy cried out, "just cut it off." The parents are suing the Texas doctor for the botched circumcision. The poor child had reconstructive surgery and will likely need more as he gets older. All because his parents wanted him to be circumcised.
Should I circumcise?: Circumcision and Female Genital Mutilation
An educational post about genital cutting of children. The differences and similarities of male circumcision and female genital cutting are identified. The post points out that cultures have long practiced body modifications on children. Many cultures continue doing so in the 21st Century.
Circumcision Diaries: Botched Circumcision in Texas 2011: "Just cut it off, and I can be a girl"
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) circumcision policy statement avoids the issue of circumcision risks. One such risk is the recent case of the 4 year old boy with the botched circumcision. He is in such pain that he says he would rather have it cut off and grow up as a girl than continue as he is.
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