Intactivism: Week in Review September 22, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Psychology Today: What Happened to Ethics in Pediatric Medicine?
Many child care practices advocated by pediatricians are harmful to babies. Many doctors advocate crying it out as a form of sleep training a baby. The AAP also recently came out in favor of male infant circumcision by ignoring the known harms and risk of the elective genital surgery. The author is a psychology professor and knows better.
Babies who are distressed, such as by being abandoned to cry it out or by having their most sensitive body part cut, suffer harm. Pediatricians often wrongly say that babies do not feel pain. "Everything that happens to a baby in the first years of life is being recorded the body and brain, shaping who they become. Thresholds for all systems are being established in the early days, co-constructed by caregivers. Trauma lasts a lifetime."
Savoir ou se faire avoir: Is Infant Circumcision a Violation of Human Rights?
In the hubbub surrounding the American Academy of Pediatrics’ endorsement of circumcision, a single question remains unanswered: Does infant circumcision violate basic human rights? The AAP did not address ethics in their policy statement. Too much weight is given to cultural issues and not enough to the human rights of the individual who is having a healthy part of his body cut off. Unfortunately, the author never defines ethics and instead recites several disparate facts that server only to confuse the ethics question.
Men Do Complain: Secular Europe march London Sept. 2012
Human rights is an issue for all humans. The secular organization, Men Do Complain, marched in London to end the practice of genital cutting of children. Male circumcision of babies and children violates human rights.
Monday, September 17, 2012
The WHOLE Network: Some American Jews Think That Child Circumcision Should Be Against the Law
A growing number of Jews are in favor of banning child circumcision. Many Jews practice Brit Shalom, a naming ceremony that replaces the circumcision rite.
The White Network: Circumcision – An Idea Whose Time Has Passed
A podcast about male infant circumcision. There are many cons to circumcision, but the media only talks about the pros. Why is that? There is a lack of any positive benefits from circumcision beyond vague health claims that don’t withstand scrutiny. The original purpose of circumcision was to reduce sexual pleasure.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Moralogous: Science, like blogging, is useless without ethics.
The author tells of her interaction with another blogger who cherry-picked studies to conclude in favor of infant circumcision. The so-called scientific blogger ignored ethics (along with many contrary studies).
What I'm Missing: Part 30, the Polish Zone
A rambling story that tells why intactivists should find another word for intact, which, in Latin, is a negative word. The author points out that many prefer to not use uncircumcised because of the obvious negative connotation. Common sense prevails and he admits that intact should be used to refer to a man who is whole, complete, original, and natural.
Joseph4GI: GRANOLA BABIES: Responses to "Celebratory" Ad
A recent ad campaign by Granola Babies had a mother stating, "He is circumcised." Many mothers and intactivists were offended by the advertisement because it normalized male infant circumcision. The post shows many alternative images that provide a more positive image without being offensive.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Intactivist Blog: Yes, Men Do Complain about circumcision
A man holds a sign proclaiming, "I still profoundly resent that my human right to a whole body, to choose who I express my religion, and to choose how I experience sex for the rest of my life, was ripped away with the flesh of my genitals, when I was helpless to do anything in protest but scream! Stop routine infant circumcision."
Intact News: AAP National Conference Demonstration - New Orleans, Louisiana
A calendar event for an intactivist demonstration sponsored by Stop Infant Circumcision Society. an American Academy of Pediatrics commission recently revised the AAP circumcision policy based on the religious background of several members. The AAP ignored the ambiguous science of infant circumcision and the ethics of the nonconsensual elective surgery.
Having a Baby: [WATCH]: Infant Circumcision Operation
A YouTube video of the step-by-step medical procedure of a male infant circumcision. Every parent who wishes to circumcise their son should watch a circumcision video. I cannot watch it. And I would never circumcise a son. A better YouTube video to watch is: Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Andrew Sullivan - The Dish: Why Is Jesse Bering's Penis Shaped Like That?
Two bloggers argue about male infant circumcision. Andrew Sullivan rightly points out that the other blogger is being irrational and delusional. Male infant circumcision affects a man's sexuality. Also, male infant circumcision does sometimes kill the baby boy, as was recently evidenced by New York City's regulation about requiring consent before certain types of circumcision that had killed or seriously injured several baby boys.
Battleboro Reformer: Not all traditions are good traditions, for example infant circumcision
A brief report on the recent German court ruling that circumcising a child is an assault and needs to stop. Even though male infant circumcision has a long history and is often done as tradition, the infant body modification has no place in modern society. Male infant circumcision is "cruel, inhumane, shameful and medically unnecessary and should be limited to those 18 years or older who have the reasoning ability to make the decision for themselves."
Intactivist Blog: Hear their voices
A collection of pictures of men making the statement that they do not like being circumcised as a baby. Many men are starting to speak out about being circumcised as a baby. They do not like it. I do not like my circumcision, either.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Everything Birth Blog: Wishing They Were Left Intact: Adult Men Discuss Their Circumcisions
Many men do not like that they were circumcised. I am one of them. I do not like my circumcision. But few men have anyplace where they can complain. This post is the reply for all those who ask why men aren’t speaking up if they are so unhappy with being circumcised. It gives voice to some of the men who wish that they had been left whole and intact instead of being circumcised as a baby.
Intactivist Blog: I did not consent
The image above came from this web page. A man contributed the image to illustrate that he did not consent to his male infant circumcision. I join him because I do not like my circumcision, either.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
MSNBC: Genital Autonomy Under Attack
Starting September 30, 2012, international experts will gather in Helsinki, Finland, to examine the human right of children to make their own decisions about the most private and personal part of their bodies. The symposium, "Law, Genital Autonomy & Childrens Rights," will address genital cutting and how it violates the rights of the child.
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