Intactivism: Week in Review August 4, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Intactivists of Australasia: Want better, longer lasting sex? Advanced Medical Institute (AMI) vs foreskin restoration
Billboards in Australia are advertising an oral strip as an aid to help with both premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. The billboards would be better if they advertised foreskin restoration, as shown above. Foreskin restoration will help men with many of their sexual problems by allowing them to regain their lost sensitivity and to obtain the gliding action lost from their circumcision.
Monday July 30, 2012
SOTT: Circumcision - Conditioning the Adult by Torturing the Child
A scathing look at the barbarous practice of male infant circumcision. The author notes that "it's long been understood by the sane men and women of planet Earth that the only way to guarantee a clean, mature, or holy child is to rip the skin off of their most tender of places when they are too young to be able to put up a good fight."
Intact America Blog: Is This What “Religious Freedom” Looks Like?
The authors ask, "Is this what religious freedom looks like?" as they present pictures of children suffering from genital cutting (circumcision). Religions that believe in genital cutting of children are up in arms about the German court ruling against male child circumcision because the court, rightly so, determined that cutting the sex organs of a child violates the human rights of that child.
The Inquisitr: Circumcision Ban In Germany Heralded By Intactivists: An Interview With ERIC [Op Ed]
An interview with members of End Routine Infant Circumcision (ERIC), an intactivist organization. The subject is the recent German court ruling against circumcision of children for being a human rights violation.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Irish Times: Male genital mutilation a gross breach of baby's bodily integrity
Another article about the German court decision that male circumcision is an affront to the human rights of the child. The author asks, who will stand up for the rights of baby boys? Children are society's most vulnerable and voiceless members. Society seeks to protect females from genital cutting. It is about time that society protected males from genital cutting.
SoFurry: Wolfpoint: Circumcision on infants
Although he is circumcised, the author realizes that male infant circumcision is wrong. He did not feel this way until after witnessing the circumcision of a friend's son. Based on current evidence, there is no reason to circumcise baby boys absent medical need. There is rarely any medical need.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The Vancouver Sun: Foreskin Pride March to debut Saturday at Vancouver Art Gallery First-annual Foreskin Pride March planned in Vancouver
The first annual Foreskin Pride March is scheduled in Vancouver on August 4. The Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project is sponsoring the march to raise awareness of the value of the foreskin to males and how circumcision is harmful to babies.
Europe News: Male circumcision is an unwarranted breach of a child’s integrity – just like FGM
National Secular Society: Male circumcision is an unwarranted breach of a child’s integrity – just like FGM
The National Secular Society in the UK says that the recent German court decision against male child circumcision is entirely sensible and a long-overdue assertion of individual liberty by a European court in favor of society's most vulnerable and voiceless members: its children.
The WHOLE Network: Questioning Circumcision: Feminism, Gender Equality, and Human Rights
A paper written by Travis Wisdom about circumcision and society. "Forced genital surgeries are benignly accepted in the societies that justify and practice circumcision. These societies have created ideologies that rationalize the circumcision of children." Through his paper, Travis hopes to raise awareness that male infant circumcision is a human rights issue and the genital autonomy rights of all children should be protected, regardless of sex.
openfile: Pro-foreskin rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery Saturday
"The revolution will not be circumcised." A great logo for the Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project first annual Foreskin Pride March in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
16x9: Foreskin Restoration
A television report that starts out reporting on foreskin restoration, moves into religious circumcision, and then provides information about circumcision. Kind of a mixed report, but it does provide some good information about restoring and circumcision, along with some myths and misinformation.
Infocirc: Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon: Using "foreskin restoration" to contemplate the effects of circumcision
An interview with a film maker about why he included foreskin restoration in his documentary Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision. He notes that many men who have restored their foreskin have greatly improved their sexual satisfaction by restoring.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Saving our Sons: PostSecret: Foreskin Turned Me On
PostSecret is a site for people to post their secrets. This particular secret is one that more and more women are have. They wish their boyfriend, fiance, husband, or significant other had not be circumcised. They wish he still had his foreskin because they like having a partner who is whole.
Infocirc: Dexter Bligh: Circumcision would make sex more difficult for me
An intact man discusses the advantages of living with a foreskin. He is a swimmer and has spent much time in locker rooms. He has never experienced any bad reactions to being intact. He appreciates having a foreskin and the benefits of the enjoyable sex he has because of his foreskin. He agrees that his foreskin is the most sensitive part of his penis.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Beyond the Bris: Questioning Jewish Circumcision: The German Circumcision Dilemma: Expanding the Debate and Proposing a Way Forward
Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., the executive director of the Jewish Circumcision Resource Center in Boston, writes about the German court decision that said circumcision of a child is a violation of human rights and the child's right to bodily autonomy. He questions the motivations of some parents who feel strongly about circumcising their children regardless of the known risks and harm.
Marja Erwin: An Idiotic Push-Poll on Circumcision
A woman questions a poll published on the Huffington Post Canada website. She believes that genital cutting of any child is wrong. As long as male infant circumcision is permitted, some people will continue to use male circumcision to justify female genital cutting and intersex genital cutting.
Intact America: Intactivist of the Month: Holm Putzke
Last month a German court ruled that circumcision of a child constitutes grievous bodily harm. A critical ingredient in the court's decision was the work of Holm Pulke, a criminal law professor at the University of Passau. Professor Pulke wrote an article about non-therapeutic child circumcision not having valid consent by the person most affected, the child who is having part of his penis removed.
She Knows Parenting: Cutting No Longer The Standard
The tide is changing. More parents are leaving their sons whole and intact by foregoing infant circumcision. These parents are realizing that there are advantages to not circumcising and that infant circumcision has many downsides. Many of these parents are leaving their sons intact in spite of their religious traditions.
Metro News: Foreskin Pride March rallies for ban on child circumcisions
Glen Callendar of CAN-FAP organized a Foreskin Pride March outside the Vancouver offices of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. on Saturday calling on the federal government to ban circumcisions on minors. Routine infant circumcision is a cosmetic, medically unnecessary procedure, with risks that outweigh the benefits, but doctors often passively perform the surgery on baby boys at the request of the parents. But some doctors actively promote circumcision, most likely because of the money that can be made. One Vancouver doctor claims to have done over 30,000 circumcisions.
Great Expectations: Should you circumcise a baby boy?
This blogger advises mothers to consider the circumcision decision before delivering. She gives three reasons for circumcising a baby boy and many more reasons to leave baby boys intact by not circumcising. She makes an overwhelming case against male infant circumcision.
infocirc: Aubrey Terrón [Taylor]: "I just cried and cried and cried"
The author of I LOVE foreskin tells of her journey of becoming an intactivist. She describes how she first learned that boys were circumcised. She also describes her experiences with men who were circumcised and those who were intact. She prefers intact or uncircumcised men.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Saskatoon WellBeing Magazine: 9 Arguments Against Infant Circumcision
The circumcision decision is a false decision. Parents do not need to decide if they need to cut off a healthy part of their baby sons. They can leave their sons whole and intact without any harm to their newborn baby boy. But for those parents who think that they need to make a circumcision, this article provides nine reasons to avoid male infant circumcision. The reasons range from debunking the myth of hygiene to the fact that male circumcision affects sexual function.
ZimEye: Uganda’s president dismisses circumcision, HIV research
Some in Africa are questioning the male circumcision campaign, claiming that limited resources and funding are being channeled to the circumcision campaign with little science to back it up and with the great risk that many will apply undue importance to circumcision status.
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