Intactivism: Week in Review August 18, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Saving our Sons: CIRCUMserum: Renewal Ointment for the Circumcised Man
News Medical: New personal care product for circumcised men
A doctor has formulated a cream to help dekeratinize the circumcised penis. Over time, a circumcised penis will develop a callous layer of keratin on the exposed mucous membrane of the glans and inner foreskin remnant. The exposed bits get calloused to protect the sensitive bits from abrasion. The cream helps to remove the callous layer. The article fails to address one important issue: the foreskin protects the mucosal tissue. If the mucosal tissue is restored to full sensitivity by removing the keratin layer and there is no foreskin for protection, what protects the sensitive mucosal tissue when the dekeratinized sensitive bits rub against clothing and bed sheets? When restoring my foreskin, I wore a foreskin retainer 24/7 to pull my growing skin over my glans to protect my newly sensitive skin.
The Washington Post: Circumcision, long in decline in the US, may get a boost from a doctors’ group Sick Propaganda! Circumcision, Declining in U.S.May Get Boost from Pediatric Association
A report on non-therapeutic male infant circumcision in the US. The trend is for more parents to leave their sons' sex organ whole and intact. But many still advocate genital cutting, perhaps doctors like the money they make for the elective surgery? I sure wish my parents were one of those that left their sons intact. I would prefer to have my whole penis, not just what the doctor left me.
MedzPro: Circumcision on Babies? NO!
There are no valid reasons for circumcising baby boys. Hygiene is just as easy for intact men as circumcised men. Also, many women prefer intact men over circumcised men. Not to mention that many circumcised men end up with erectile dysfunction ED symptoms as they get older.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Standard of Kenya: Male circumcision not immunity for HIV
An article on a Kenya, Africa site describing how male circumcision cannot be relied upon to prevent HIV. Circumcised men can get HIV. Condoms are the best way to prevent HIV during sex.
HIV in Kenya: Circumcision Enthusiasts; Have You Screwed Up, and Badly
The studies many use to justify the male circumcision campaign in Africa do not identify that simple hygiene has a greater impact on the HIV rate than does a man's circumcision status. A recent study found that wiping the penis 10 minutes after sex had a large impact on the HIV rate, regardless of circumcision status.
Irish Times: Circumcision judgment tackles the nuances of cultural justification
A review of the reasons behind the German Court's finding that child circumcision is against the best interests of the child by adversely impacting his rights to self-determination and bodily integrity. An important factor considered by the Court was the permanency of circumcision.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Circumcision Diaries: My circumcision: my choice was disrespected by my doctor because I was a minor
The blog's author was 5 years old when he was circumcised. He knew enough at that age that he did not want part of his penis cut off. Now 35 years later, he still hates that he was circumcised as a child.
Soggy: Happy Valley and Circumcision
There are many types of sex crimes. There are also many crimes that are hidden and not reported. The Penn State sex crimes is a perfect example. It took many years for the truth to come out. Male infant circumcision is another example, but the truth is just now coming out. There is still a stigma to talk about the harm of circumcision, which is an assault on the body of a helpless baby boy.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Circumcision Diaries: How the glans compares to the foreskin?
The glans, or dick head, is one of the least sensitive part of the entire body. Many circumcised men find this unbelievable, but they do not have their foreskin to know that parts of the foreskin are many times more sensitive than the glans. If circumcised men knew what they had lost from their infant circumcision, they would be angry and male infant circumcision would cease to be practiced.
Hybrid Rasta Mama: Guest Post - A Circumcision Decision
A mother tells of her road to learning that male infant circumcision is a harmful practice and that she would never circumcise her son. While pregnant with her first child, she left the circumcision decision to her husband. After he researched it, he decided to leave their son whole and intact. They ended up having a girl, who was not circumcised. The mother then learned more about the harm of male infant circumcision and strongly believes in leaving baby boys intact and uncircumcised.
Circumcision Diaries: How would you reverse a circumcision?
Foreskin restoration is a way to become uncircumcised. Circumcised men can restore their foreskin to regain most of what they lost. It is a non-surgical process that requires only that the remaining shaft skin be tensioned by tugging. Some men use manual tugging method 2 (the primary manual tugging method). Other men wear a device.
Beyond the Bris: Questioning Jewish Circumcision: Parshat Lech L'cha: Why Infant Circumcision in Judaism Isn't Kosher
A Jewish woman writes why she is against male infant circumcision. Cutting the genitalia of an innocent baby boy is abusive and violates his bodily autonomy and rights. She also takes a stand against genital surgery of intersex children. All children should be able to grow up with the body that they were born with. It is not up to others to decide how a child's body should look.
Calgary Herald: Circumcision is abuse
Glen Callender of CAN-FAP responds to an article about his recent protest march. Glen marched naked from the waist down to show everyone what an intact man looks like and to make a statement against male infant circumcision. He points out, "Public nudity does not harm children. Circumcision does."
Saturday, August 18, 2012
The Los Angeles Times: Letters: Circumcision -- who needs it?
Letter responses to a pro-circumcision article in the LA Times that was disparaging towards men. The letter writers rightfully condemn the article for its misandrogist views. Every child, female and male, deserves to have an intact body, free from any genital cutting.
Birth of a New Earth: Circumcision in the US. A testament to the stupidity and gullibility of the American people
The book The Unkindest Cut of All by Doctor John M. Foley is quoted to show that male infant circumcision is a cultural practice that needs to stop. Unfortunately, many hurdles must be overcome to change the genital cutting culture of the United States.
Birth of a New Earth: Twin boys' genitals amputated after botched circumcision
A doctor circumcised twins in the hospital. Unfortunately, the doctor botched the circumcision and the boys got gangrene. Each boy had his penis amputated because of the gangrene. They now have to urinate through a catheter.
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