Intactivism: Week in Review June 16, 2012
Intactivists of Australasia is a new website devoted to fighting for genital integrity of baby boys. The site advocates against male infant circumcision by offering educational and informative posts. Their focus is bringing an end to the non-therapeutic circumcision of minors in Australia and New Zealand.
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Circumstitions News: GALVESTON: Symposium on circumcision lacks Balance: No Intactivist voice
A panel of experts convened at a symposium on male infant circumcision for Texas pediatricians. Sadly, the panel was not set up to provide a solid viewpoint about the issue of leaving baby boys whole and intact, that is, not circumcising them. The panel had two advocates for male infant circumcision and one member who counsels parents about circumcision.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Intactivists of Australasia: The top 5 disturbing things your son will eventually read about his circumcision
Thanks to the Internet, boys who are circumcised today will be able to easily learn what they lost by being circumcised. They will also be able to learn what their parents knew about circumcision. This does not bode well for parents who let their sons be circumcised. I have noticed that many men appreciate that their parents have apologized to them for letting them be circumcised. I hope more parents become educated about the harm of infant circumcision and make amends to their sons that were circumcised.
Josph4GI: TEXAS: UTMB Debates the "Pros, Cons and Contexts of Male Circumcision"
A critical look at a symposium on male infant circumcision held for pediatricians in Texas. The symposium has a panel addressing techniques, methods, and devices used for male infant circumcision. The panel does not seem prepared to discuss the ethics of cutting off healthy tissue from a baby's sex organ. Nor does the pane seem prepared to discuss the medical need for circumcision of healthy baby boys.
Dr. Momma peaceful parenting: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Circumcision
Many mothers notice a big difference in breastfeeding after their baby boy is circumcised. The painful surgery often breaks, sometimes weakens, the bond between mother and son. The 1981 edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding included information on circumcision. Subsequent editions of the book removed all references of infant circumcision. The author's claim the removal of circumcision information was an oversight, but was it?
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Cluster Love: Circumcision: Let's Cut To The Truth
Circumcision information for parents when they address the circumcision decision. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin from the baby's penis, including breaking the fused bond between the foreskin and the glans. There are risks to the surgery, usually minor, but sometimes severe. There are also complications, sometimes they do not show up until the boy reaches puberty or is an adult.
Circumcision Diaries: Getting personal: my own circumcision story
A man tells of his recollection of when he was circumcised at around 5 years of age. He did not want his "pee-pee" cut. Unfortunately, he was circumcised. As he grew older, he learned more about circumcision and the effect it had on men. He attempted foreskin restoration several times, but never followed through with it. Finally, he got fed up with being circumcised and began restoring using o-rings. He also became an intactivist seeking to educate others on the harm of male infant circumcision.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
The WHOLE Network: Around the Bend: Unforeseen Sexual Consequences of Infant Circumcision
A wife tells of her husband and how he detests that he is circumcised. His penis has a severe curve and his shaft skin is tight when he is erect. So tight that his shaft is often rubbed raw after sex. He is restoring his foreskin, but his tight circumcision is making it difficult to wear a device.
No country for women: Which penis do you think is better?
An article about male circumcision, about how it is not medically necessary and unethical when done to baby boys. It is a human rights issue because boys, and the men they grow up to be, have the right to their whole body, including one with a foreskin. It is not up to the parents to decide if their son gets to keep his whole sex organ. Sadly, I was circumcised at birth. With foreskin restoration, I am regaining some of what I lost, but I would have preferred to be kept whole and intact, just like I was born.
Vibe: Making The Cut: An Investigative Report On Reverse Circumcision
The article starts out discussing foreskin restoration, but then looses track of its subject. The last half of the article talks about two men who choose to be circumcised as teenagers. Those two are happy with their choice, but I fail to see what it has to do with foreskin restoration. Men who restore their foreskin are men who are unhappy that they do not have all of their sex organ. Restoring men actively working on fixing a part of their body that was altered, often without their consent because they were circumcised as babies. The author also quotes me, but I do not recall ever speaking to her.
Business Insider: A Norwegian Political Party Has Called For A Ban On Religious Circumcision
Circumstitions News: NORWAY: Ban ritual circumcision of boys: Centre Party
Ending Unnecessary Male Circumcision In The UK: Coalition MP calls for ban on male circumcision
A representative of Norway's Center Party argues that circumcising a newborn boy should be illegal. The representative points out that circumcising or cutting the genitalia of a girl is already illegal. There is no good reason based on sex to allow for one sex what is illegal for the other.
The FreeThinker: Circumcision turned into porn by Catholic pedophile
A retired man was recently convicted of possession of child porn. He received a suspended sentence for his crime. He also was a key figure in a circumcision fetish group. That group published stories about circumcision that were intended to provide sexual gratification for members of the group.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Haaratz: Even in Israel, more and more parents choose not to circumcise their sons
Guggie Daly: Even in Israel Parents Avoid Circumcision
This article is a premium feature available only to Haaretz subscribers. But the title is intriguing and, at the same time, confirms my understanding that many Jews are starting to question the need for the circumcision ritual.
Ob.Gyn. News: Mandatory Circumcision Not Cost Effective for HIV Prevention Mandatory Circumcision Not Cost Effective for HIV Prevention
Dr. Sarah E. Drennan, a third-year resident in ob.gyn. at Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans, reports on a recent investigation that determined that male infant circumcision does not make financial sense because there would not be enough cases of HIV prevented to justify the extensive circumcision effort. The doctor says that data from the Africa circumcision trials are not applicable to the United States.
Huff Post Religion: Metzitzah B'peh Circumcision Ritual Inconsistent With Jewish Principles
Jewish author Lisa Brave Moss writes about a controversial Jewish circumcision practice: Metzitzah B'peh, in which a baby boy is circumcised and the mohel uses oral suction on the open wound. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a report of the numerous baby boys who because infected with herpes from the mohel, and some of the babies died from complications.
Circumstitions News: LONDON: Circumcision turned into porn by Catholic paedophile [NB: petition]
A report of a recent article Circumcision turned into porn by Catholic pedophile. A convicted pedophile was a key player in a circumcision fetish group.
Bernama: Circumcision Not License To Unprotected Sex
The Zimbabwe, Africa, government is trying to counter the myth that circumcision prevents HIV. Circumcised men must still use condoms or they risk being infected with HIV. Unfortunately, many African men are being told lies in order to convince them to be circumcised.
Friday, June 15, 2012
The Case Against Infant Circumcision: Penile Cancer & Fear Tactics by Pro-Circumcision Propaganda
Penile cancer is a rare disease which occurs primarily in elderly men. It is one of the most rare cancers of men. Male breast cancer is more likely to occur than penile cancer, yet no one would consider cutting of the male breasts to prevent breast cancer. Why is it that some want to cut off part of the male sex organ to prevent penile cancer?
Intactivist Blog: In honor of Van Lewis, Intactivist Extraordinaire
Van Lewis was arrested many years ago for protesting against male infant circumcision in front of a Florida hospital. Sadly, he recently died. He was a strong intactivist to the very end, never giving up in his fight for the rights of children to grow up with all their body parts.
Beyond the Bris: Questioning Jewish Circumcision: Novelist Lisa Braver Moss Writes on Circumcision Jewish Practices for Huffington Post
A report of a Jewish author who wrote: Metzitzah B'peh Circumcision Ritual Inconsistent With Jewish Principles. The blog in the Huffington Post describes how Jewish law and practices evolve, with many rites being discarded. She says it is time for this dangerous circumcision practice to evolve out of practice.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Intactivists of Australasia: How to lie to parents to get them to circumcise their baby boy
An article on the tactics often used to persuade parents to agree to circumcision. These tactics include hiding the truth, and sometimes making outright false statements about male infant circumcision. Unfortunately, there is a rabid pro-circumcision advocate in Australia that is often in the news. People need to be aware of his tactics so that they can learn the truth about the risks and harmful complications of male circumcision.
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