Intactivism: Week in Review March 31, 2012
This week is Genital Integrity Awareness Week. Every year, the Stop Infant Circumcision Society sponsors a Demonstration / March Against Infant Circumcision at the United States Capitol in Washington D.C. Many intactivists demonstrate in Washington, DC, and other places. We wish to inform others of the harm of infant circumcision and that baby boys have the right to grow up with all their parts.
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Huff Post Women: Circumcised or Uncircumcised: Does It Matter in Sex?
A woman writes about her first encounter with an intact man. Until then, she had only been used to circumcised men. She liked it so much, she did more research. She recommends that women should have sex with an intact man at least once so that they can see what they have been missing. The author even linked to another post with tips on giving an uncircumcised man oral sex. This is yet one more example of how women love foreskin.
ERIC: End Routine Infant Circumcision: 2012 Genital Integrity Awareness Week
A report on the first day of Genital Integrity Awareness Week in Washington, DC. Peaceful demonstrations and marches are planned in Washington DC and other places. The objective is to raise awareness of the harm of infant circumcision.
Joseph4GI: Random Thought: Is Circumcision Human Ikebana?
Joseph draws an analogy between passages of a book about the Japanese Tea Ceremony and male infant circumcision. The imagery is striking in its similarity.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Betty Dodson with Carlin Ross: I'm Restoring My Foreskin
A blog by a man who is starting to restore his foreskin. He wishes to undo some of the damage caused by his infant circumcision.
barrels of oranges: Genital Integrity Awareness Week
Maria tells of how she wrote an op/ed piece about circumcision and sent it to the editors of her local newspapers. She was pleased that they accepted her opinion piece, with editing.
Everything Birth: Hospital Acquired Infections and Circumcision
Antibiotic resistant infections are increasing. Drug resistant bacteria is another risk for baby boys undergoing elective circumcision. The risk for such unnecessary surgery of baby boys is growing.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Medscape Today: Circumcision Hype?
(Need to log in to read post - free) A doctor states that the recent study about prostate cancer and circumcision had many inaccurate headlines in the press. The study did not show or prove that prostate cancer is caused by being intact. The studies did not show any cause and effect. They only noted an association. The doctor says, "we have a lot of hype and publicity about a study that really does not prove whether or not circumcision reduces the likelihood of developing prostate cancer. There are other ongoing debates about the merits or risks associated with circumcision in newborn children that will not be resolved by the presence of these new data."
ThadenPierce: Circumcision
A mother writes about how she had two of her sons circumcised because of her ignorance. She and her husband researched circumcision too late to let two of their sons remain whole. She regrets her mistake in circumcising her boys.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Intact America Blog: Lipstick on a Pig
Euphemisms are employed to make bad things sound better. For example, we say circumcision instead of genital cutting or genital mutilation. We do not cut the sex organs of baby boys, we give them a snip. The reality is that we practice atrocities against our children. No child should have to grow up with less than his whole body. Cutting off healthy tissue from his sex organ, no matter how we call it, is a practice that needs to stop.
Choose Intact: Genital Mutilation Fact Sheet
Key facts: 1) Genital mutilation (GM) includes procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to the genital organs of a non-consenting individual for non-medical (i.e. non-therapeutic) reasons. 2) GM is a violation of human rights.
Our Muddy Boots: Please, Not this Week: A Thank You.
A mother writes about coming to terms with her son's circumcision. She allowed part of her son's sex organ to be cut off, against her intuition.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Betty Dodson with Carlin Ross: Continuing the Quest
A man restoring his foreskin points out that foreskin restoration can be done by any circumcised man. All it takes is time and dedication.
Sunglasses at Night: March 26 through April 2 is Genital Integrity Awareness Week
A Tumblr post about genital integrity. Genital integrity is the belief that ALL people have the right to their entire genitals, regardless of what they have.
Daily Targum: Mutilation a double standard
An op-ed discussing the double standard of genital cutting. In the US, genital cutting of females is abhorrent, but it is OK to cut the sex organs of baby boys. The author calls out another columnist who fell into the cultural norm. No child, female or male, should have their sex organ cut. Every child should be able to grow up whole, just as they were born. We need to examine the underpinnings of our culture and realize that genital cutting should be abhorred for both sexes.
The Examiner: Penis talk at the capitol: 19th annual protest against infant circumcision in DC
Ryan McAllister reports on the Genital Integrity Awareness Week demonstration and march in Washington DC. He says, "Circumcision involves the risk of serious complications, and can cause sexual or emotional injury."
Our Muddy Boots: GIAW: My Gratitude Photo Journal
A collection of pictures of the Genital Integrity Awareness Week demonstration in Washington, DC. Many contributed their time to help educate others about genital integrity and the harms of male infant circumcision.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Amanda's World of Motherhood: His body, his choice
A post in celebration of Genital Integrity Awareness Week. Genital integrity means that children get to grow up with all their parts, that is, no circumcision for them.
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