Intactivism: Week in Review January 28, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Bay Area Intactivists: Intactivist Rally Receives Overwhelming Support, Miffs ACLU Speaker
Bay Area Intactivists held a Rally for Gender Equality outside the United Methodist Church during the course of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU) Pro-Choice Brunch. For some reason, the ACLU seeks to protect women's choice, but does not protect men's choice to grow up with an intact body.
Choose Intact: Like Mother, Like Son
A mother recently had her 10 year old son tattooed. She was charged with misdemeanor child cruelty. In the majority of states in the US, it is illegal to tattoo a minor. But, it is accepted that bays can have part of their penis cut off as an infant. Why is tattooing illegal and male infant circumcision OK?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
PRweb: Congress and States Prepare for another Circumcision Battle
Guggie Daly Empowering Information: Congress and States Prepare for another Circumcision Battle sends proposed genital mutilation legislation to Congress and eleven state legislatures as the legal battle to regulate circumcision heats up
poorrichard's blog: Congress and States Prepare for another Circumcision Battle has initiated their annual drive to introduce bills to stop male genital mutilation of children, commonly known as male infant circumcision. Intactivists across the United States are sending bills to their legislatures seeking to stop male infant circumcision.
Sunday Monitor: Baby dies after being circumcised
A three-week old baby boy died after being circumcised. The baby was discharged from the health center before regaining consciousness after his circumcision. Four baby boys have died within 4 months at St. Paul’s Health Centre IV and Bishop Masereka Health Centre, after circumcision.
All Africa: Cut (circumcised) men have many mates
The Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation in Kenya are concerned because men who have been recently circumcised are reported to have multiple sex partners, which is a known factor that increases the risk of HIV. Many are concerned that the circumcision campaign will have a negative effect on reducing the HIV rate.
Birth of a New Earth: Death from circumcision
A complication of male infant circumcision is excessive bleeding. A blood vessel can be nicked. The wound may reopen. Very little blood loss can create great problems for an infant. Sometimes, the worst happens. The baby looses too much blood before it is discovered. The blood loss, which is only about 2.3 fluid ounces, is enough for the baby to die.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Practical Ethics: 10-year-old gets a tattoo, mother gets arrested
An analysis based on ethics regarding parental rights over their children. If parents cannot tattoo their children, they should not be able to have them circumcised, either. Conversely, if society permits parents to choose to have part of their male infants sex organ cut off, society should permit parents to have their children tattooed.
Guggie Daly Empowering Information: Circumcision from a Different Angle
A lie, when told often enough, is believed by the masses. One way to work around such a lie is to replace a word with something else. For example, instead of circumcision, think of all the benefits of fingernail removal. After all, without fingernails, hands are easier to keep clean and you will never have a hangnail. Sounds silly, doesn't it. Well, the idea that we cut of part of a baby boys sex organ for similar reasons is worse than silly, it is a travesty.
Guggie Daly Empowering Information: Quick List for Intact Care (Uncircumcised Boys)
Baby boys who are left intact, that is, not circumcised, do not require any special care. Basically, wipe like a finger and NEVER retract the foreskin. The foreskin protects the delicate tissue under it. Forcible retraction can cause future problems for the boy. Leave it alone. Circumcision: Incest and the GAIA COMPLEX as the Opposite Side of the Oedipal Coin
A scholarly article about circumcision and the male's psychological-sexual development.
Thursday, January 26th, 2012
Boise State Independent: Put it in Print (PiiP): Penis rights
The opinion piece asks if justice is being served if the parents wants supersedes a child's ownership of his or her own genitalia. It is illegal to cut the genitals of girls, but still accepted practice to cut the genitals of boys.
Joseph4GI: Circumcision in Africa: We Keep Warning. Is Anybody Listening?
Intactivists have been speaking out about the dangers of promoting the circumcision campaign in Africa based on flimsy data and information. It seems that there are some who wish to circumcise males in Africa regardless of the real world evidence that circumcision does not prevent HIV and is is harmful to men.
The Jewish Chronicle OnLine: Swedish anti-hate tsar leads fight against brit
Bengt Westerberg, chair of a government committee set up to combat anti-semitism and other forms of racism, has been campaigning for a ban on male infant circumcision. Westerberg, together with a group of well-known figures including doctors, a philosopher and a church representative, recent wrote that circumcision of under-age boys constitutes a violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Andrew Sullivan's The Dish: Tattoos vs Circumcision
We get upset when a parent has a child tattooed, but we think nothing of a parent having part of that same child's sex organ cut off. Why is that?
Intact News: Progressive Rabbis On Creating A Jewish Covenant Without Circumcision
Brit Shalom is a Jewish ceremony that is starting to replace the circumcision ritual of Brit Milah. Male circumcision is not required in order to be a Jew. Many rabbis and Jews are opting to keep their male offspring intact by forgoing circumcision.
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