Intactivism: Week in Review January 21, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
This week's list is short. I have been busy and I regret that I cannot identify all the great posts that were written this week.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
On Line Opinion: Circumcision in Australia: neither needed nor ethical
Australian medical authorities have given a firm thumbs down to routine circumcision of male infants and boys. But some still insist on cutting the sex organs of their sons. Some parents insist on male infant circumcision, even though there is no real evidence that circumcised boys are healthier than intact boys.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Babies, Boobs, & Blasphemy: Basketball, Religion, and Penises
Seeing Jewish boys reminds the author of the Jewish rite of Brit Milah. Those boys were circumcised. Their foreskins were sacrificed by others, not by them. Like many others, Erin is against male infant circumcision for any reason, including religous reasons.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Joseph4GI: Male and Female Infant Circumcision: Which One is Worse?
In Asia, sunat is a common practice for infant girls. Sunat is the genital cutting of a baby girl, typically done in a hospital. Generally, a very tiny sliver of the clitoris is removed during sunat. It is a much less invasive and damaging procedure than the typical male infant circumcision as practiced in the United States.
Choose Intact: Flawed Circumcision Defense: Dr. Paul Rein
"What is a FAMILY to do when they have a newborn boy? - Celebrate and not cut his healthy genitals. This is what a family does when they have a newborn girl." A great rebuttal to a doctor who advocates and profits from genital cutting of baby boys.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Guggie Daly: Fighting a Different Cut
A short profile on Geogeanne Chapin of Intact America, an organization that fights for genital integrity for all children.
The Guggie Daly: Jewish Intactivism Part III, More Jewish Parents Are Skipping Circumcision, Keeping New Sons Intact
A collection of quotes from various Jews who do not believe in genital cutting of baby boys. "When you take the religion out of circumcision, and really look at what the procedure actually involves, it is easy to see why more and more people are choosing to leave their sons intact."
Friday, January 20, 2012
The WHOLE Network: The Touch Test: Can You Feel the Difference?
What does circumcision remove? An easy way to tell is to touch the back of your hand. Then touch the palm of your hand. Big difference, huh? The foreskin contains Meissner's corpuscles, which are also on the palm of your hand. Circumcision removes that sensitive tissue. Damn. Why couldn't my parents leave my penis alone? I sure wish touching my penis felt like touching my palm.
Socratic Mama: To Cut or Not to Cut? Infant Male Circumcision
A father describes why he left his son whole and intact, just the way he was born. Even though the father is circumcised, he says that there was no way he could do that to his son.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Darwin Harmless: The Circumcision Decision Flow Chart
A flow chart showing the decision process for deciding about male circumcision. The flow chart is simple and informative.
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