Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
End Routine Infant Circumcision: NY Man Likens Circumcision To Genital Mutilation
Anthony Losquadro speaks out, via the Wall Street Journal, about the harm of male infant circumcision. He says that, when it comes to male circumcision, it is his body, his choice.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Awesatious: Stupidity abounds in the pro-circumcision camp
A post venting about those who advocate to cut the sex organs of baby boys, otherwise known as circumcision. "First, it is hard (if not impossible) to have a civilized conversation with someone who likes to mutilate baby boys, and second, it seems that it isn’t merely ignorance fueling that desire to maim. It is pure unadulterated stupidity."
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
ZimEye: Zimbabwe’s Circumcision drive “a waste of money”
ZimEye: Use Circumcision money to buy Food and Condoms Zimbabwe's Circumcision drive 'a waste of money'
Some Africans are realizing that the male circumcision campaign is not producing the advertised results and that the circumcision campaign is costing a lot of money. Many question the motivations behind the circumcision campaign.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Say NO to Infant Circumcision: Holiday Gifts and Peace on Earth
A seasonal post with the wish that all children can grow up intact and whole.
alibi: Just Say No to Male Circumcision
A letter writer explains how male infant circumcision is medically unnecessary the overwhelming majority of the time, risky, painful and unethical. No scientifically based, respectable medical society in the world recommends routine male circumcision. The foreskin is not a birth defect. It is a normal, functional and almost always healthy sexual tissue with which all boys are born.
Friday, December 30th, 2011
All Jewish Links: Circumcision likened to genital mutilation
Short note about a 46-year-old New York man who is upset about his infant circumcision. He accuses the pediatrician that cut him as an infant of coercing his parents to approve the surgery that removed part of his penis.
Ms Adventuress: Circumcision and Erectile Dysfunction
A correlation exists between the circumcision rate in a country and the rate of erectile dysfunction (ED). In the US, the majority of men of sexual age is very high, and the US has the greatest consumption of ED drugs. Further, a recent Danish study found that circumcised men suffered from erectile dysfunction at a much higher rate than intact men.
Everything Birth: Does circumcision increase the risks of Erectile Dysfunction in our sons later in life?
A mother is concerned about her son having erectile dysfunction ED because of his infant circumcision. Based on my personal experience, my infant circumcision contributed to me having the symptoms of erectile dysfunction as I reached my mid-40. Fortunately, foreskin restoration allowed me to return to a more satisfying sexual life.