Intactivism: Week in Review November 5, 2011
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Stop the Cut: AAP: Need to Re-Do Circumcision Rises, Reasons Unclear
An unexplained increase in the number of revision circumcisions has pediatric urologists wondering whether the finding is real and, if so, what caused it. What goes unsaid is that if baby boys were left intact, just as they were born, there would be no need to correct circumcision complications. Most parents do not realize that circumcision is an elective surgery and is unneeded for the boy to remain healthy.
Salem-News: CIRCUMCISION AND EXTERMINATION: The Shoah, 09.11, Palestine, Oslo: 'holy' wars around circumcision
Michel Hervé Navoiseau-Bertaux, an independent psychoanalysis researcher (Chercheur indépendant en psychanalyse) based in Paris, France, writes about circumcision and Freud, who noticed that some looked at circumcision as a form of castration.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Laurel of Leaves: Modern Circumcision is Not Necessary, Natural, or Biblical
A mother writes about male infant circumcision. She makes the case that male infant circumcision is not medically necessary. Infant circumcision is not needed for hygiene. The infant foreskin keeps the baby healthy and protects his delicate tissues from germs. She also points out the risks and complications of male infant circumcision, which is unnecessary elective surgery.
Intactivist Blog: Why We March, Why We Fight
YouTube Video: Why We March: To All Intactivists Everywhere
Developent Professionals: Another Unconvincing Plea for Male Circumcision to Prevent HIV
A note on the recent study of Acquisition of Erectile Dysfunction from Circumcision. The study found that circumcised men have 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) than intact or uncircumcised men.
The Jerusalem Post: A 'Cut' above the rest
An article about Filmmaker Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon US tour of his documentary, Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision. The tour included a showing of the film along with a panel discussion afterwards in which the filmmaker and others from the community discussed the pros and cons of male infant circumcision. The tour sought to educate the public on the Jewish circumcision rite and on how it is practiced.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Livewell Nebraska: Decrease seen in nation's circumcision rates
Circumcisions are declining nationwide and some Omaha physicians are observing a decrease in the metro area as well. Parents increasingly question whether the elective surgery of male infant circumcision is necessary and they decide not to alter their boy's anatomy before he has a say in the issue. "It's a human rights issue," said Janet Tilden of Omaha, a state spokeswoman for NOCIRC, a nationwide anti-circumcision group. Parents who permit circumcision have made "a permanent decision for their son, and he has no say in the matter."
Business Insider: Does circumcision cause orgasm problems for men -- and women?
The short answer is Yes, circumcision does cause orgasm problems for men and women. A recent Danish study showed that male circumcision was associated with frequent orgasm difficulties in Danish men and with a range of frequent sexual difficulties in women, notably orgasm difficulties, dyspareunia and a sense of incomplete sexual needs fulfilment.
Beyond the Bris: San Francisco "Cut" Screening
A short note about attending the San Francisco, California, showing of the documentary, Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision. The showing was hosted by the Bay Area Intactivists, who advocate genital integrity for all children.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
BBC News Europe: Dutch Jews and Muslims fight for circumcision right
Religious groups in The Netherlands oppose a call from the Royal Dutch Medical Association (RDMA) for male circumcision to be discouraged. The medical association represents the country's doctors, who want to end the barbaric practice of male infant circumcision because of ethical problems with performing a body modification of an infant.
Mens Health News: Erectile Dysfunction: Is Your Circumcision Making You Soft?
A study published in the International Journal of Men’s Health indicates that circumcised men suffer more frequently (more than 4 times as much) from erectile dysfunction than men left uncircumcised or intact. One reason circumcised men suffer from ED is that circumcision removes a significant portion of erogenous tissue from the penis. Another reason is that removal of the foreskin by circumcision causes the glans to keratinize or develop a callous layer to protect the mucous membrane from rubbing against clothing. I can attest that circumcision produces ED symptom because I had them before I restored my foreskin. Restored, my ED symptoms pretty much disappeared.
Awesatious: Helium article in the works
Notice that the blogger wrote an article for Helium Magazine. We cannot wait to read the article when it is published.
Salem-News: Review of Day After Day - 'heartfelt, sad and powerfully moving'
A review of a new song by Agron Belica, Day After Day, who belts out the lyrics with Pat Dreier. The song addresses the painful subject of male infant circumcision, which affects helpless babies all over America. Male infant circumcision is unnecessary elective surgery that has risks and complications that affect many infants and the men they grow up to be.
Wednesday, November 3, 2011
A Voice for Men: Profiting from Pain
Male infants are routinely circumcised. Their foreskin, which is amputed during circumcision, is sold to cosmetic companies who use the foreskin fibroblasts as an ingredient in wrinkle creams. Male infant circumcision is an assault on the body integrity of the child. He has a right to grow up with his whole body. It is unethical to remove a part of his body without any medical reason or justification.
Thursday, November 4, 2011
…and Baby Makes Five…: In Which I am Honored to be Mentioned…
Three weeks ago I wrote about the post Labor Day, truly a labor of love… where a mother did her research and decided that male infant circumcision was a terrible practice. The author of that blog, Merry, saw what I wrote and blogged about it. She thanks me for recognizing her post. The real thanks go to her and others like her who write about their experiences and their reasons for leaving their sons intact. They have a powerful voice for changing our circumcision culture. As for myself, I do what I can to promote what they write.
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