Intactivism: Week in Review October 30, 2010
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Parents Against Circumcision Today (PACT):
I just discovered this website. I do not know how long it has been up, but it has not been long. PACT has a No-Circumcision Pledge that parents can make to show their support for intact babies. The pledge symbolozes a cultural commitment to support genital integrity. The pledge puts the world on notice that not everyone circumcises.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Forever the Queerest Kids: Circumcision and HIV- Is the Old Way Providing New Solutions?
The author asks about circumcision and HIV risks. My circumcision status has no bearing on the HIV issue. I practice safe sex. Because you need to wear a condom regardless of circumcision status, I would prefer to be intact and have my whole sex organ. Alas, I was circumcised at birth.
Monday, October 25, 2010
circle of moms - Intactivist Mums: 25 reasons not to circ
A list of many reasons why male infant circumcision is a bad idea. Mothers should take their whole baby home from the hospital.
Oregon Live: Botched circumcision leaves three-month-old Portland boy in critical condition
A three-month-old boy was taken to the hospital in critical condition after his mother tried to circumcise him at home. The boy is expected to survive, but there is no word if his sex organ survived so that he can have sex when he grows up.
The WHOLE Network: Manhood Cut: Confessions of a circumcised dad
A father writes about how he never thought too much about circumcision until he had his second son. After researching infant circumcision he realized that it is best to leave baby boys intact and not circumcise them. He is also restoring his foreskin so that he looks like his son. There was no way he was going to cut his son so that his son would look like him.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Confessions of a High-heel Wearing, Hippie Mommy: Why we kept our son intact - the circumcision post.
A mother writes how she came to leave her son intact. She did not require much research to realize that infant circumcision is unnecessary. She lists many reasons why baby boys do not need to be circumcised.
Life as a Reader: Circumcision Voices
Carla quotes four men who describe the impact that their infant circumcision has had on their life. One man, James Loewen, has devoted a significant part of his life to being an intactivist and fighting for genital integrity of children. No Law on Male Circumcision After All
After seven years, Finland decides not to regulate male circumcision. While Finnish law classifies female genital mutilation as serious abuse, no legislation has been passed on the practice concerning boys. With no clear rules on male circumcision, doctors carrying out the procedure, as well as parents, may be slapped with abuse charges.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
circle of moms - Intactivist Mums: Look like daddy - get him a restoration !
Instead of "Junior should look like Dad," dad should restore his foreskin so that Dad looks like his Son. The post has quotes from NORM by men who wish they had not been circumcised.
circle of moms - Intactivist Mums: Foreskin (prepuce) - is it just a piece of skin ?
A description of the male foreskin and how it provides value for both the man and his partner. It is more than just a flap of skin. It is erogenous tissue. A man's stolen pleasure
A pro-intact article from South Africa. Many visitors to RestoringForeskin and this site are from South Africa. There seems to be growing sentiment among part of the population there to leave baby boys intact.
The WHOLE Network - Demystifying the Foreskin: Surveying the Benefits of the Intact Penis
The essay surveys various protective, mechanical, sensory, and sexual benefits and functions of the foreskin that would otherwise be lost to its surgical amputation, otherwise known as circumcision. The first person to retract an intact boy’s foreskin should be the boy himself. Everyone else should leave it alone and let nature function in its own right.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Dangerous Minds: Foreskin restoration devices
A brief introdution to foreskin restoration directing future restorers to The post has a video showing three different foreskin restoration devices.
The WHOLE Network: Cyndi's Intactivism Journey
A mother writes about how she came to realize that her second son should not be circumcised. Although her husband wanted the boy circumcised at first, he changed his mind after he learned about the harm of circumcisin.
Friday, October 29, 2010
HoustonPress Blogs: Foreskin Poetry & Song: Penis-Based Odes To What Is There, Or Gone
A good article about foreskin restoration and the TLC Tuugger poetry and song contest. The blog notes that the circumcision rate is falling. The post would have been so much better if it dd not compare FGM to MGM. The "comparitively benign" statement is BS.
Introvoracious: Circumcision
A rambling post that finally concludes that infant circumcision is wrong because infant circumcision takes the choice away from the person who owns the penis.
The Huffington Post: South African Prisoners Are Offered Circumcision For AIDS Campaign
The Africa trials that claim male circumcision reduces the risk of HIV apply only to heterosexual sex. Many studies have confirmed that male circumcision does not reduce the HIV infenction rate for homosexual sex. So, why are prisoners, who are in a male only facility, wanting to be circumcised? It appears that the hype for the circumcision campaign in Africa is not based on reason.
The Local - Sweden's Neews in English: Sweden set for first circumcision law trial
A man is believed to have circumcised nine boys without a licence. According to Swedish law, only people with a special licence issued by the health board can perform circumcisions for non-medical reasons, and only on children younger than two-months old. Doctors can also carry out the procedure, including on older children.
Reddit Men's Rights: Thanks to you, Reddit, I canceled my son's circumcision today
A father decides against circumcision: 'When it comes to doing pretty much anything (especially irreversible medical procedures), it is intellectually dishonest to make "yes" the default choice. . . . The correct answer is, of course, "I should not have him circumcised unless I can find overwhelming evidence for it." This, naturally, I couldn't do.'
The Independent: Johann Hari: Protest works. Just look at the proof
An English article about protests. The author cites many protests in the US where a few had a great impact. There is a ripple effect caused by people speaking out. Others hear those voices and are influenced. Then, change happens.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
no circumcision: Uncircumcised versus Circumcised Baby Care(ie still has foreskin or lacking foreskin)
A post featuring a YouTube video of a pediatrician explaining that an intact baby does not require any special care. The baby's penis is wiped like a finger and the foreskin is NEVER retracted. But, a circumcised penis requires special care to avoid adhesions, where the skin sticks together because of the circumcision.
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