Intactivism: Week in Review October 2, 2010
Infant circumcision hurts babies - support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Dr Momma's Peaceful Parenting: Knowing Better
A mother announces that she is 100%, gut-wrenchingly, without a doubt, against genital mutilation - otherwise known as circumcision. She regrets having her first son circumcised, but she did better for her second son. He is intact.
Male Circumcision and HIV: LIVE: MC_HIV at the Folsom Street Fair 2010
David Wilton manned a pro-genital integrity booth at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, California, and had a live feed of the intactivist efforts. He will be at the upcoming Castro Street Fair advocating against infant circumcision.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Code Name: Moma: Seven Ways to Reduce Unwanted and Unnecessary Circumcisions
A mother offers 7 tips on helping to stop male infant circumcisions. Many parents agree to circumcise their sons when it is not medically necessary - but they are not making fully informed decisions. Education is the key. By actively promoting genital integrity, we can lower the circumcision rate.
Circle of Tangents: Is the Uncut Unloved?
A circumcised man questions why the operation even exists. He wonders why people don’t look at infant circumcision as some kind of abuse. What gives the parents the right to decide on circumcision for a child at that age?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
David Mixner: Actor Bill Irwin on Male Circumcision
Actor Bill Irwin describes how he is thankful that he learned about the harm of infant circumcision before his son was born. He asks an essential question: "Why are we wounding our sons at birth?"
Medical Nerd: Why are Some Doctors Pro Circumcision? – Slideshow
A YouTube video slideshow created by Dan Bollinger and can be found on his excellent site: International Coalition for Genital Integrity. The slideshow presents the history of justifications of circumcision, including convulsions, phosphatic calculus, hernia, nervous exhaustion, dyspepsia, diarrhea, proplapse of rectum, balanitis, acute phimosis, epilepsy, and masturbation.
Good Feed: Penis Envy: The Tipping Point
A tongue-in-cheek post about foreskin restoration. The author briefly discusses the options, but does not address the benefits of foreskin restoration to undo a circumcision, for example, the benefits of restoring a foreskin include more sexual pleasure for the man, less need for lube, and female partners not getting sore after sex.
Gloria Lemay: AAP CONFERENCE, San Francisco Oc 2-5 2010
It has been 39 years since the AAP first said there is no valid medical indication for infant circumcision, but American doctors still look for excuses to continue the practice. Intactivists plan on demonstrating outside the convention hall to inform doctors that people are getting fed up with doctors cutting the sex organs of baby boys. The genital cutting must stop.
Thoughtful Momma: Is Circumcision Really Mutilation?
The male foreskin serves a sexual purpose. Without a foreskin, the male still can have sex, but it is much more pleasurable for all parties if the foreskin is there. After circumcision, the penis does not function as it is supposed to and that is the crux of the issue and why, ultimately, we can correctly refer to circumcision as mutilation.
Connected Mom: Things that make you go $%&#*@*#&*!
A mother is impressed after reading a quote by Guggie Daly that made so much sense--"I did not 'choose' to keep him intact any more than parents 'choose' to let their newborns keep their legs, arms, nose, etc. It's a non-decision." Connected Mom did her research and, to her, circumcision is a non-negotiable issue.
Pileus: A Theory of Changing Moral Sentiments – Circumcision Edition
An interesting article discussing when a cultural practice is on its way to being phased out. The author nominates the currently tolerated practice of male infant circumcision as one that will be seen as less and less morally acceptable. Infant circumcisionis a painful ritual practice that has few proven health benefits.
Male Circumcision and HIV: BAY AREA INTACTIVISTS EVENTS: Castro Street Fair and the AAP Annual Conference and Demontration
An announcement about the upcoming Castro Street Fair in San Francisco, California, and the pro-genital integrity (anti-circumcision) efforts.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
IPS - Inter Press Service News Agency: Neonatal Circumcision Yet to Gain Ground in Zimbabwe
Many Zimbabwe mothers are leaving the responsibility for circumcision to their children once they reach adulthood. Even some fathers are saying "the child will decide for himself when he is grown up." Although the article takes a negative tone, there is hope that not evereyone is buying into the circumcision campaign in Africa.
The Examiner - St. Lious: US circumcision rates continue downward trend
Article about how the male infant circumcision rate is falling in the United States. One reason for less infant circumcisions i that parents are learning that there are no medical benefits for the genital cutting of baby boys.
Friday, October 1, 2010
International Coalition for Genital Integrity: RACP reconfirms its negative position on infant circumcision
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) repeats that infant circumcision is unnecessary in its September, 2010 policy statement. "Ethical and human rights concerns have been raised regarding elective infant male circumcision because it is recognized that the foreskin has a functional role, the operation is non-therapeutic and the infant is unable to consent."
PR Web: Intact America Calls On American Academy of Pediatrics to Protect All Children – Girls and Boys – From Unnecessary Genital Surgery
Intact America demands that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) acknowledge the Centers for Disease Control’s recent report showing a U.S. circumcision rate of only 33% in 2009, and refuse to endorse the genital cutting of children.
Eco Childs Play: Will the AAP Refuse to Endorse Neonatal Circumcision?
A call for the American Academy of Pediatricians to recognize that male infant circumcision should not be performed. Currently, the AAP states that existing scientific evidence is not sufficient to recommend routine circumcision, but they defer to the parents to decide if the baby boy is to be circumcised. Oddly, the AAP does not allow parents to decide on any other non-medically indicated surgery for infants.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Dawg Business: Sign a Petition for Canine Circumcision
Dino Dogan writes about how humans mutilate other humans by circumcision and mutilate dogs by docking. The mutilations are senseless. It is a shame what humans do to other humans and animals for the sake of conformity, tradition, and/or false beliefs.
Lesley's Blog: Male Circumcision
A blog that starts out against male circumcision and then looses steam. The author cites a doctor who says that, medically, infant circumcision should not be done.
Male Circumcision and HIV: AccuCirc tells me to take a hike
While at the NOCIRC booth at the American Academy of Pediatrics annual conference, an intactivist is rebuffed by circumcision appliance maker AccuCirc.
American Academy of Pediatricians National Conference & Exhibition
The AAP National Conference & Exhibition is being held in San Francisco, California, frm October 1 to 5, 2010. The following image is a parody of the American Academy of Pediatricians apparent endorsement of genital cutting of children. The AAP seems poised to change direction and they need to be persuaded to not endorse infant circumcision and to actively endorse genital integrity for all children, even baby boys.
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