Intactivism: Week in Review September 25, 2010
Circumcision is outdated - support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Times of Swaziland: More circumcised men are HIV positive
TopNews: SDHS Reveals that Circumcised Men More Likely to be HIV Carriers
Reports are starting to come in that male circumcision is not working to reduce the HIV rate. A Swaziland report found the HIV infection rate for circumcised males is 22% while for those uncircumcised is 20%. The relationship between HIV prevalence and circumcision is not in the expected direction.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Porkchop and Nat: Hands off the penis!
A mother describes how her pediatrician does not understand the care and handling of intact boys. Her pediatrician tried to retract her infant son's foreskin. An infant's foreskin should never be retracted. It is naturally fused to the glans and will separate on its own when ready.
PRNewswire: The Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving, Ltd.: Purported Dad Wins Court Order Restraining Mom From Circumcising Infant
Father gets injuction (emergency restraining order) preventing mother from circumcising son, who was born last Friday. "There is no medical emergency or necessity which would warrant the mother to direct a circumcision procedure to be performed on the child at the present time."
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog: Five Ways to Avoid an Unwanted Circumcision of Your New Born
A video by the attorney representing baby Mario, who was removed from intensive care and wrongfully circumcised. Attorney Aronfeld offers several tips on avoiding an unnecessary circumcision.
The Tennesean: Fewer newborn boys undergo circumcision, CDC says
A Tennessee newspaper notes that the infant circumcision rate is supposedly falling. But, Middle Tennessee doctors have not noticed the trend.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
SAGE Insight: Male Genital Mutilation: Beyond the tolerable?
A short note on an Ethnicities article about genital cutting of both boys and girls. It is inconsistent to not object to both – even if greater priority is given to opposing the more invasive forms of FGM.
Birth Routes: Will you keep your son intact?
A YouTube video of Gloria LeMay about keeping baby boys intact, that is, with no infant circumcision. Gloria talks about discussing protecting genital integrity with parents to be.
Growing your Baby: CDC: Fewer Parents Choosing To Circumcise
A discussion of the trend in the United States to perform less infant circumcisions. This is good news for baby boys, although the pro-circumcision nutters are up in arms, contesting the validity of the circumcision rate.
Examiner: Accidental Circumcision Leads to the Proposal of a New Law
Baby Mario was wrongfully circumcised against his mother's wishes by a Miami hospital. The lawyer representing baby Mario and Vera Delgado is proposing Mario's Law to protect baby boys from wrongful circumcisions at hospitals.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
New born Baby Zone: New Trends Among Newborns
A short article about the falling male infant circumcision rate and the breastfeeding rate.
Godless Girl: Changing Opinions: 4 Controversies in the Past 5 Years
A description of the shifting opinions that occur when critical thinking is employed. Godless Girl embraces a more enlightened viewpoint, including allowing infant boys to keep their foreskin by not being circumcised.
Lovely Baby: Uncircumcised versus Circumcised Baby Care(ie still has foreskin or lacking foreskin)
A YouTube video of Pediatrician Dr. Sears describing how an intact baby requires less care than a circumcised baby. If the infant is intact, wipe what is seen and NEVER retract.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Sheaf: Foreskin activist calls for genital awareness
Glen Callender is a Vancouver-based writer and comedian and the founder of the Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project, an advocacy group dedicated to “foreskin education, appreciation and stimulation.” Callender is advocating for foreskin awareness for several reasons. Males with foreskin experience more sexual pleasure than their circumcised counterparts, he said.
Male Circumcision and HIV: David Smith and NORM - UK
A YouTube video interview of David Smith, who helps circumcised men in the United Kingdom.
Male Circumcision and HIV: ETHNICITIES Vol. 10: Male genital mutilation: Beyond the tolerable?
The journal, Ethnicities, has recently published an article that takes on the double standard often applied to genital cutting. The author discusses male genital mutilation/circumcision in a way that gets almost no attention in the media. The media discussion almost always centers on the old debates of cost/benefit and never on the more important debate of the ethics of decision-shifting, coercion, and the unacknowledged harms of withholding choice in medical practice.
The Peoples Voice: Circumcision
A poem about the harm of male infant circumcision. It is a decidison that troubles many parents, but it is a decision that need not be made.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Examiner: Premature foreskin retraction - don't let it happen to your baby
Because a pediatrician did not know how to care for an intact penis, his wrong instructions harmed the baby. Only clean what is seen, and never retract. The foreskin is there for a reason - to protect the still developing glans, and to keep it clean and healthy. It is supposed to be attached to the glans during infancy and childhood.
Saturday, September 25, 2010 The Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving, Ltd.: Purported Dad Wins Court Order Restraining Mom From Circuncising Baby
Another press release about the father who is trying to prevent the mother from circumcising his infant son. The father believes in genital integrity and sees no medical need for cutting the sex organ of his son.
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