Intactivism: Week in Review September 18, 2010
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
The news about the baby who was circumcised against his parents got lots of press this week. Baby Mario was in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) when the doctor circumcised him. This was after the parents repeatedly told the hospital staff and doctors that they did not want their son circumcised. The hospital claims it was an accidental circumcision.
The following are links to some news sites.
NBC Miami: Lawsuit Over Baby's Unwanted Circumcision
Fox News: Florida Woman Sues Hospital After Son Circumcised Against Her Wishes
Miami New Times Blogs: Miami Hospital To Be Sued Over Circumcising Baby Against Mom's Wishes
The Miami Herald: Hospital mistakenly circumcises Miami newborn
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog: Miami Mother Sues Hospital for Wrongful Circumcision
Medical News Today: Hospital Circumcises Baby After Parents Repeatedly Tell Them Not To
The story is also making its way around the world. Here are a few reports of baby Mario's wrongful circumcision:
TopNews Arab Emirates: Baby circumcised by mistake
Herald Sun - Australia: Baby circumcised by accident
TopNews UK: Hospital Sued for Mistakenly Carrying out Circumcision on a Baby Boy
Daily Mail UK: Mother sues Florida hospital for $1m after doctors accidentally circumcise her newborn son
Oarange UK: Hospital circumcised baby by mistake
More recent news:
San Francisco intactivists are petitioning to limit male circumcision in San Francisco. I do not know when this page went up, but the petition drives are September 26 at the Folsom Street Fair and October 3, 2010, at the Castro Street Fair.
San Francisco MGM Bill: Petition against male genital mutilation
Sunday, September 12, 2010 Take Action to End Infant Circumcision is new webiste by an activist Non-Profit Organization committed to protecting infants and children’s body integrity from mutilation inflicted by ignorance and tradition.
Eco Child's Play (blog): Newborn “Mistakenly” Circumcised Against Family’s Wishes
A mother comments on the travesty of baby Mario's circumcision. Even those who believe in circumcision should be outraged with the hospital’s “mistake”. What kind of “misreading” does it take to actually perform unnecessary surgery on an infant, much less one in the ICU?
Monday, September 13, 2010
Care2: A Case Against Circumcision
A reprint of Dr. Lissa Ranki's circumcision article from Owning Pink.
Babble: Strollerderby: Baby Boy Circumcised by “Mistake”
Having your son circumcised can be an emotional experience for a mother. Now just imagine how upsetting it would be if your newborn son was circumcised without your permission, like baby Mario was.
Medical News Today: Hospital Circumcises Baby After Parents Repeatedly Tell Them Not To
Despite telling hospital staff repeatedly that they did not want their baby boy circumcised, the circumcision was done. When the baby was eight days old, even though he was in intensive care, doctors took him out of the ICU unit and performed the circumcision - the mother was not present at the time.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Atlantic: The Daily Dish: Suing Over Mutilation
Andrew Sullivan speaks out that if more parents sued for male infant circumcisions performed without the parents' consent, then maybe male genital mutilation would not be pushed by hospitals.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Articles About Men: The psychological impact of circumcision
A thoroughly researched article by R. Goldman, Ph.D, Psychologist, Executive Director, Circumcision Resource Center. Physicians say they circumcise because parents request it; parents choose it because doctors recommend it. The decision to circumcise ‘is more an emotional decision than a rational decision’ and has a strong base in social and cultural issues.
Growing Your Baby: Mother Outraged After Her Newborn Was Circumcised Without Her Consent
A report about baby Mario and his unwanted infant circumcision. According to staff at the hospital the baby’s medical charts, consent form, and wrist band were misread.
Miami-Dade Breaking News: Accidental circumcision leads to lawsuit, protest
A news report about the wrongful circumcision of Baby Mario by a Miami hospital. A protest outside the hospital is planned for Friday.
Daddy's My Mommy: Snip Snip: Redux
A father writes about the circumcision of baby Mario. Whatever benefits circumcision brings, none of them trump the issue of consent, especially not when those same benefits can be obtained through less permanent means (like teaching your kid how to use a condom).
Thursday, Septemer 16, 2010
The Washington Post: Malawi rules out circumcision for AIDS prevention
Google News: Malawi rules out circumcision for AIDS prevention
AOL News: Malawi rules out circumcision for AIDS prevention
Afrique en ligne: Malawi rules out policy on circumcision as anti-AIDS strategy
Malawi will not officially promote male circumcision as an HIV-prevention strategy, two officials said Wednesday, citing a lack of evidence to support the practice. "If you go to areas where circumcision is practiced, you still find a good number of people that are HIV-positive," said the Chairman of the National AIDS Commission.
Examiner: Genital integrity demonstration planned for baby Mario Delgado tomorrow
Suite101: Protest for Florida Baby Circumcised Without Parent's Permission
Intactivists are people who think that baby boys should not be routinely circumcised. They recognize that there is nothing inherently wrong with a normal, healthy, natural penis and therefore surgery is uncalled for. A protest at the hospital where baby Mario was wrongly circumcised is planned for Friday.
DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: "I Survived the Bris" Onesie & Maternity Shirt
A report about a tasteless shirt that celebrates the genital cutting of a baby boy. Lil' Squirt Tees makes fun of the painful removal of the foreskin from a helpless infant.
Circumcision Wisdom: The psychological impact of circumcision
A reprint of the article by R. Goldman, Psychologist, Executive Director, Circumcision Resource Center. Goldman describes some of the harms of male infant circumcision.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Mothering Magazine: A Newborn in the Hospital Circumcised Without his Parents’ Consent
It’s time for American hospitals to stop doing unnecessary interventions on newborn babies. We live in the 21st century. Let’s stop mutilating baby boys.
YouTube: Miami Lawyer Aronfeld at Anti Circumcision Rally at South Miami Hospital
Attorney Spencer Aranfeld interviews Enith Hernandez, who describes her feeling about circumcisions and the case of Mario Viera, the baby who was wrongfully circumcised by the hospital.
Star Tribune: Minneapolis - St Paul: Circumcision: The age-old debate is still a hot issue
An article discussing why some parents do and some do not circumcise their baby boys.
Cry me an Onion: My son's rite of passage – Part II
A man writes about his son. The mother has custody and had the boy circumcised at age 10. Ouch! HE says, "I am seriously at lost with this cultural need for any body modification done on children."
Examiner: Genital integrity demonstration at South Miami Hospital today
Peggy Fenton, an intactivist examiner, reports on the Genital Integrity Demonstration in Miami. Intactivists are demonstrating at the hospital that wrongfully circumcised baby Mario against the wishes of his mother.
Life as a Reader: Circumcision - People Are Talking
A YouTube video of an interview of medical historian Ed Wallerstein discussing circumcision in the United States. He discusses the history of circumcision and debunks many myths for circumcision. The interview was recorded after 1985.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Lawn Cares: Taking humanitarian honors to the cause to stop the circumci$ion industry from cutting on the helpless
The American medical industry, whose doctors take the Hippocratic Oath to “First Do No Harm,” has capitalized on misinformed, uninformed parents and has chosen to trivialize the foreskin to perpetuate circumcision. For $200 to $400 for a few minutes work, why would doctors care about parents’ shallow and unjustified reasons are to clip foreskins. Cosmetic surgery on helpless babies is easy money.
DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: Wrongful Circumcision of Baby Mario: Court Documents
Dr Momma publishes the complaint against the hosptial and doctor for baby Mario's wrongful circumcision. Baby Mario Delgado was removed from intensive care and circumcised against the mother's wishes. The lawsuit alleges assault and battery by the doctor and negligence by the hospital.
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