The Rape of Innocence: The story of female genital mutilation in Kansas (updated)
The Rape of Innocence: Female Genital Mutilation in the U.S.A. is a book written by a woman who had her genitals cut as a child growing up in Kansas in the United States. Many people do not know that female genital mutilation was commonly practiced in the United States up until the 1960s. Insurance paid for it until the 70s and FGM became illegal only in 1996.
Patricia Robinett desribes growing up mutilated. Female circumcision affected her childhood and continued to affect Patricia as an adult. She is now a therapist who helps others with trauma.
Her female genital mutilation made Patricia very aware of the atrocity of cutting the genitals of any child. Patricia is an avid intactivist. She fights for genital integrity of both girls and boys. Female circumcision is virtually wiped out in the United sates. Male circumcision had decreased to about 54% of newborn boys in 2006.
The winds seem to be blowing for a change in the genital mutilation culture of the United States. Unfortunately, it is a foul wind that is starting to blow. Last year the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced that they were reconsidering their stance on male infant circumcision. After a public outcry, the CDC backpedaled, somewhat.
The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) is advocating a form of female genital mutilation. The American Academy of Pediatrics recently revised their Policy Statement "Ritual Genital Cutting of Female Minors." The policy advocates for allowing female genital "nicking." It also renames female genital mutilation (FGM) to female genital cutting (FGC) because it is less threatening. Patricia was motivated to release the book as soon as possible to provide a counterpoint to the AAP Policy Statement.
Many think that the AAP revised their Policy Statement to advocate a less severe form of female genital mutilation in order to reduce the gender disparity between male genital mutilation and female genital mutilation. If some form of female genital mutilation is permitted then male circumcision should not be questioned.
Patricia and many others are advocating that genital mutilation of children should stop. All girls and boys should grow up with their genitals intact. Hopefully, her book will help educate people on the harm of circumcision and genital mutilation.
A revised version of the book The Rape of Innocence: Female Genital Mutilation in the U.S.A. is available now as an e-book. For a limited time Patricia Robinett is allowing anyone who wants the ebook to set their own price.
Now available on!
The Rape of Innocence: Female genital mutilation and circumcision in the USA paperback is available on and costs $18.95. If purchasers of the paperback book send her a copy of the receipt, she will send them an e-book. She says that she will arrange a discount for doulas, midwives, doctors, psychologists, social workers, library services, rabid intactivists, and others who would like to buy a stack of books.
More information:
- The Rape of Innocence: the author's website and blog
- Female & Male Genital Mutilation in the USA A YouTube video by the author Patricia Robinett
- Order The Rape of Innocence: Female genital mutilation and circumcision in the USA
- Tally's blog
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