Intactivism: Week in Review May 29, 2010
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Belly Buzz: Circumcision for Girls, too?
A comment about Patricia Robinett's book The Rape of Innocence. The author wonders why so many are outraged at female circumcision, but are so complacent about male circumcision.
The Dillier Man Blog: Circumcision
A man describes how, even though he was circumcised at birth, he did not have his sons circumcised. But, he could not speak out to his sister and her husband about keeping their new son intact.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Silverhammer Free Press: Perverse Procedure Gone Awry: Boys Penis Cut Off With Laser
During a mass circumcision, a boy's penis was severed. They boy had two reattachment surgeries before his penis was successfully reattached. It is too soon to tell if he will have a working penis.
Attached to God, my husband, my child, and a paddle: A hard post on a touchy subject
A mother allows her son to be circumcised because her husband demands it. The circumcision has complications and the baby is rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. Fortunately, the boy survived, but at great peril for an unnecessary circumcision. If I was the mother, I would not be as forgiving of her husband.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
She Has My Eyes: Risk
The number of deaths per year attributed to male infant circumcision is greater than the number of deaths caused by drop-side cribs, choking on food, and SIDS. But, infant circumcision is the only cause of death that has no program for prevention.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
David Rothscum Reports: How to make the ultimate warrior
An examination of how warriers are made. There is a correlation between cultures that circumcise and those that have warriers. The author points out how our culture fosters a warrier class by avoiding outward expressions of love and affection while welcoming public displays of anger and intolerance. We allow viewing of violence, but show outrage when an entertainer flashes a breast during the Superbowl.
PR Newswire: American Academy of Pediatrics Withdraws Policy Statement on Female Genital Cutting
After a loud public outcry, the AAP has withdrawn their misguided Policy Statement in which they endorsed a form of female genital mutilation (cutting).
Reuters: Dutch doctors' group calls for circumcision ban
The Royal Dutch Medical Association on Thursday suggested a possible ban on elective circumcisions for young boys, saying they were medically unnecessary and violated children's rights. The 161-year-old medical organization KNMG, which represents more than 46,000 doctors and students, called the male infant circumcision procedure "a violation of the integrity of the body."
Lawn Cares: Pediatrics group reverses on female circumcision, now do the right thing and urge end to male cutting
An appeal to the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) to continue and speak out against male infant circumcision as unnecessary and harmful genital mutilation.
Friday, May 28, 2010 Stop circumcising boys, say Dutch doctors
The Royal Dutch Medical Society (KNMG) has called on parents not to have their sons circumcised unless there are medical grounds to do so. The circumcision operation is not without serious complications, the KNMG said
Radio Netherlands Worldwide: Circumcision of boys unnecessary and risky
The growing number of circumcisions among boys has not led to any kind of serious discussion in the Netherlands, in marked contrast with the circumcision of the daughters of African immigrants. Genital cutting of girls is almost universally condemned as genital mutilation. So now the doctors have set their sights on the circumcision of boys. The Royal Dutch Medical Society (KNMG) has published recommendations advising doctors to discourage parents from having their sons circumcised. Medical ethicist Gert van Dijck says doctors will invoke childrens rights to emphatically discourage parents from requesting the procedure. "We are asking doctors to actively and urgently warn parents that there are no medical advantages to circumcision and that there is a risk of complications."
Riknakem: Ay, supot!
A Filipino laments his lost foreskin, lost because of the Filipino culture. "Looking back, dear karikna, having undergone circumcision is one thing I now regret." He feels that, left intact, he would be the company of greater men than those who are circumcised.
International Coalition for Genital Integrity: Dutch doctors group oppose circumcision
A report of the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) recent report condemning non-therapeutic male circumcision. The doctors are taking a stand that male infant circumcision is harmful and has no medical benefits to justify the violation of bodily integrity.
Male Circumcision and HIV: Royal Dutch Medical Association issues statement on male circumcision of infants and children, AAP now has model statement to draw on
The recent announcement by The Royal Dutch Medical Association against male genital cutting (circumcision) should be a model for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Male Circumcision and HIV: American Academy of Pediatrics Withdraws Policy Statement on Female Genital Cutting
The author questions if the AAP is serious about their position. The double standard of genital cutting between boys and girls will have to be addressed. "As this experience has taught, until all children are safe, none are."
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Scar Tissue Cosmetics - Legitimate Abuse: Circumcised Battered Looks Better
Many men and boys have no idea what a circumcision involves or how radical and brutal it can be. For many, ignorance will protect them, but for others, their abuse by the circumcisor will do so much damage that their shame will be a constant burden.
Censor This: Debate session 2: Circumcision
A rant about the recent announcement, since recanted, that the Australian National Association of Specialist Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (AASOG) is considering nicking of female genitals, a form of female genital mutilation.
Scar Tissue Cosmetics - Legitimate Abuse:Risk Free Circumcision, an Oxymoron
Commentary on the recent accidental amputation of a boy's penis during a circumcision. It took two operations to reattach the boy's sex organ, with the results still uncertain.
Scar Tissue Cosmetics - Legitimate Abuse: Frenulectomized? And you didnt even know it
A doctor describes that during his examination of school boys, he sees about 1 in 20 boys with a botched circumcision and about 3 out of 4 boys who's frenulum has been excised. The frenulum is highly erogenous and very desirable for sexual pleasure.
IntactByDefault: New AAP policy must discourage male circumcision
Times have changed, and American Academy of Pediatrics need to get with them. Medical organizations worldwide continue to state that male circumcision is not medically indicated for healthy children. The Royal Dutch Medical Society (KNMG) is the most recent organization to call for outlawing male genital cutting. It's time American Academy of Pediatrics followed suit and discouraged newborn male circumcision.
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