Intactivism: Week in Review December 5, 2009
Blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. Here are the ones I found interesting, including a new discovery from October.
New Discovery!
Code Name: Mama: Our Perfect Son
A mother writes about her decision not to circumcise her son. Both she and her husband agreed that their son's sex life would be important to him and decided against a circumcision.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Gloria Lemay: Jack Black, Telling it like it was
A YouTube video of the scene where Abraham tells the character played by Jack Black that he will be circumcised. The Jack Black character ends up running away because he does not want to be circumcised.
Monday, November 30, 2009
global post: Opinion: Male circumcision alone won't solve Africa's HIV problem
"Circumcision is not like wearing a permanent condom, not like tattooed eyeliner. You still need to use condoms in risky sex." The author argues that circumcision in Africa is diverting valuable medical resources from more urgent needs.
International Coalition for Genital Integrity: Circumcision Decision-Maker receives HONCode certification
The Circumcision Decision-Maker website has been approved for the prestigious HONCode certification.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
DrMomma peaceful parenting: Forgive Me Love: Intact Music Videos & Free Bumper Stickers
Ron Low, of TLC Tugger fame, is shown in several videos.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Male Circumcision and HIV: One in Five New African HIV Infections Caused by Medical Staff, Circumcision Set to Exacerbate Problem
Researchers find that 20% of new HIV infections occur because of medical procedures done with contaminated instruments and materials.
Heroin and Cornflakes: Circumcision, AIDS and Human Rights
A long post that addresses many aspects of ritual or non-therapeutic male circumcision. 'Thou Shall Not Circumcise'
Social commentary about circumcision as it evolved from religious ritual.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
DrMomma peaceful parenting: FUN TSHIRTS/ONESIES ON SALE TODAY!
Intactivist T-shirts on sale.
Male Circumcision and HIV: Marie Stopes International and the Promotion of Magical Thinking
An analysis of the entry of Marie Stopes International (MSI) in the circumcise Africa campaign. The blog entry includes the YouTube video by MSI, which seems aimed to generate money for the campaign.
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Masterful Hermit: The Great Circumcision Debate: A Man's Right To Choose?
The blog asks: Do parents have a right to circumcise their children? The answer is given with in-depth analysis of common reasons for routine infant circumcision and why those reasons are inadequate. Circumcison is cosmetic surgery that should be chosen by the person whose body is being cosmetically altered.
Male Circumcision and HIV: TELEGRAPH: Infant and child circumcision could violate Human Rights Act (UK)
Dr David Shaw, lecturer in ethics at Glasgow University, argues that circumcising boys for no medical reason is unethical. He wrote in the journal Clinical Ethics that any doctor who does perform circumcision without a medical reason could be guilty of negligence and in breach of the Human Rights Act as the child cannot consent to the operation and it can be argued it is not in their best interests.
THouGHt CRimE raDIo: Voices for the Human Rights of Babies: Join the discussion with Rich, Janel, Patricia Robinett, and Marilyn MIlos
Conversation discussing the effects of male genital mutilation on men. It is postulated that male circumcision effects men in less than desirable ways, including inducing fear and rage.
DrMomma peaceful parenting: The Circumcision Secret
A man writes about the effects of circumcision on his sexual enjoyment and how it made him become involved in intactivism, the fight against routine infant circumcision.
DrMomma peaceful parenting:I want my foreskin for giftmas
Information about a humorous book written by a man who restored his foreskin.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
UN Chronicle: The Pattern of Response to HIV/AIDS & Climate Change -- A Commentary
After noting the lack of success of all HIV interventions in Africa, the author states that one reason for the lack of success in reducing HIV in Africa is the lack of emphasis on good research. This is an indictment against the three circumcision trials conducted in Africa.
Hip Chick Pregnancy Guide: Circumcision, is it really necessary? Do you think it is ethical?
A collection of videos and information on circumcision aimed at helping new mothers make the decision.
International Coalition for Genital Integrity: Infant circumcision is unethical paper says
Analysis of Dr. Shaw's ethics paper. ICGI notes that more than 99% of infant circumcisions in the US are non-indicated. Intactivists have been saying circumcision is unethical for more than twenty years.
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