Intactivism: Week in Review December 19, 2009
Blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. Here is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
International Coalition for Genital Integrity: United Nations is sexist, misandrist and hypocritical
The United Nations has declared February 6th as the International Day Against FEMALE Genital Mutilation. Instead, it should be declaring an International Day Against HUMAN Genital Mutilation.
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Baby Dust Diaries: CIrcumcision: Legal Genital Mutilation of our Boys
A mother says she "wasn't going to permanently disfigure my child's body through surgical mutilation of his genitals."
DrMomma peaceful parenting: Circumcision: What I Wish I'd Known
Reprint of Marilyn Milos' story of watching her first circumcision as a nursing student. The experience changed her life.
Thursday, December 17, 2009 Is a snip really in time and saving nine?
A Zimbabwean questions circumcision in light of her 2 adult cousins being forced to be circumcised by their mother as a condition of living with her.
Takin Care of Twins: Circumcision... WAIT! You aren't suppose to talk about that, Carrie!
A mother blogs about why she did not circumcise her son. He is happy that her son and daughter were perfect as they were born - intact.
Friday, December 18, 2009
IntactByDefault: Mohawks preferred over other hairstyles: study
A discussion of the recently published study where Ugandan women of men recently circumcised say that sex is good or better. A preselection bias most likely accounts for the findings.
CATIE-News: Bite-sized HIV/AIDS news bulletins: Circumcision and its potential impact on the spread of HIV among gay and bisexual men
CATIE addresses many of the current studies and meta-analysis for HIV and the gay man. The results of the various studies and meta-analysis are consistent and show that there is little to no benefit in circumcising gay men to reduce HIV.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
just jake: Male Genital Mutilation
Blog about male infant circumcision, how what was once used to control masturbation has become a common procedure for newborn boys.
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