Intactivism: Two Week Review December 15, 2012
I've been busy these past two weeks. So here is my combined weekly review for two weeks.
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Just a Snip – Genital Mutilation: German Paediatric Association suggests Ban on Circumcision of Boys
In spite of the German government moving towards allowing male circumcision of children, the German association of pediatricians is defending the rights of children by calling for a ban on circumcision of boys. Given the possible severity of the consequences for the children both in body and spirit, nothing less than a ban on the procedure would be acceptable until the child had matured enough to endure the procedure in order to prevent possible trauma.
Uganda Media Centre: Circumcision offers No Immunity to HIV/AIDS
Uganda President says that circumcision does not provide immunity against HIV and AIDS. The President pointed out adultery and prostitution constitutes the leading factors of today’s new infections adding that the practice of having multiple sexual partners is more common among men of today.
Joseph4GI: New University of California Logo: Circumcision Clamp?
I gotta admit, I agree with Joseph. The new University of California logo does remind me of a Mogen circumcision clamp. The two sides swing apart at the bottom and, unfortunately, the baby boy's foreskin is amputated when tthe two halves are brought back together.
Should I circumcise?: Religion and circumcision
There is no religious justification for circumcision. Ever. Nope. That was easy. Unfortunately, many will not agree. Other religious practices have been outlawed for being repugnant. So, too, should infant circumcision.
Monday, December 3, 2012
YouTube: Infant Circumcision: A Profound Wrong
A Bonobo3D video interview of Charles Fenner. He discusses his childhood sexual abuse, circumcision, trauma, and various personal thoughts.
Failed Messiah: 3 Major Medical Organizations Come Out Against Haredi Circumcision Rite
A copy of a letter from a lawyer representing American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society ("PIDS”), and the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association (ASTDA). The letter was to the judge and in opposition to a pending motion for preliminary injunction. Various Jewish organizations are fighting the health regulation requiring informed consent of the parents before the baby is circumcised.
Jennifer Margulis: To Circumcise or Not to Circumcise?
A blog post about the circumcision decision. The author is straight-forward in presenting truthful information.
Intactivists of Australasia: Should Australians have the right to decide which parts of their genitals they keep?
Every man should have the right to decide what part of his penis should be cut off, or left alone. Currently, people think it is the parents' right to decide if a male gets to keep his whole penis intact or is circumcised.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Network for Church Monitoring: The Circumcision Controversy
Dr. John Warren examines the claimed benefits and discusses the harmful effects and possible complications of male infant circumcision. Being from the UK, Dr. Warren notes how the US ignores the science related to circumcision that is known and accepted elsewhere. Male infant circumcision has a risk of complications. The risk of complications for circumcision is estimated to be between 2 and 10%.
Beyond the Bris: Questioning Jewish Circumcision: Bris Prep: What Happens During a Bris That You Might Not See
A blog post explaining how many Jewish circumcisions are performed. Many describe how the baby sleeps through his circumcision. What they do not know is that in many cases the baby is partially circumcised before the Bris ceremony. The foreskin is fused to the glans when a baby is born. Separating the foreskin from the glans is very painful, similar to ripping off a fingernail of an adult. The rabbi, wanting to make the Bris less traumatic, will separate the foreskin before the ceremony and the infant will often be in shock from the procedure. No wonder the baby seems to be sleeping during the Bris. He is in shock from having his foreskin ripped away from his glans.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Network for Church Monitoring: What Jewish Nobelist George Wald had to say about circumcision
Nobel Laureate George Wald wrote an essay in 1975 about male infant circumcision. It is an engaging piece, unusually long for the Internet, but worth the read. He tells of meeting intactivist Van Lewis, who introduced him to the idea of circumcision not being a good idea. Wald describes some of the history of circumcision and describes his journey learning about infant circumcision. He even watched one being performed. He realized that he could not condone infant circumcision, even as a Jew.
New Humanist: Circumcision: time to cut it out?
A thoughtful article about the infant circumcision issue that is currently permeating society. The practice of slicing off the foreskins of young boys is being questioned and change may be in the air. He writes, "it’s time for us to have an adult debate about where to go from here. Firstly, we all need to question whether it’s necessary to circumcise our boys. If we are able to talk about this openly, perhaps, over time, social mores will phase the practice out in the way legal intervention never could."
The Age of Blasphemy: Against The Herd, Minority Rebel Israelis Oppose Penile Mutilation
Some Jews in Israel are questioning the circumcision rite. They realize that circumcision is a harmful practice that removes healthy tissue from their sons. There is even a support group for Jews who do not circumcise. One mother said, "The way he was born is the way his body should be.”
Thursday, December 6, 2012
The Guardian: Infant male circumcision is genital mutilation
Men should have the right to choose circumcision, not have the choice forced upon them. Infant circumcision is without consent or immediate medical justification. Infant circumcision is an unjustified violation of basic human rights. Infant circumcision shares more in common with ancient coming-of-age rituals than responsible medical practice. "Infant circumcision without medical justification should be called what it is – genital mutilation."
The Good Men Project: Manchester Baby Boy Bleeds To Death After Circumcision
A report of the conviction of the nurse responsible for the baby dying after his circumcision. The comments are from many men who do not like being circumcised. I can relate. I hate my circumcision.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Kevin Knauss: Demonstrating against routine infant circumcision in Sacramento (Video)
A father writes about a genital integrity demonstration in California. Years ago, he decided to leave his son intact and whole. His son was not circumcised because it was unnecessary and did not make sense. He writes of the intactivists who were demonstrating. He posted several videos he took.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
no circumcision: Newborn male circumcision: Needless and dangerous
A reprint of an old article explaining male infant circumcision. The article includes identification of the risks and complications of infant circumcision.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Broward - Palm Beach New Times Blogs: Plantation Hospital Circumcision: Don't Clip Foreskins, Keep Em
Intactivist group South Florida Intactivists Unite demonstrated outside a South Florida hospital to protest male infant circumcision. The group is getting the word out about the harm of infant cirumcsion, both to the baby and the man he grows up to be.
What its like to have an intact penis: Using a Condom with an Intact Penis
Instructions for wearing a condom when a foreskin is involved. It is pretty simple. Retract the foreskin. Put on the condom. Let the foreskin return to its normal position. Roll the condom closer to the abdomen. Have fun.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Global Health Hub: Decline in male circumcision in South Korea
A report of a study that found a 10% decline in male circumcision in South Korea in the past 10 years for males aged 14 to 29. Perhaps South Koreans are waking up and realizing that male circumcision is not that great. I know I regained a lot of sexual pleasure from restoring my foreskin.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012: 12-12-12
Saving our Sons: 12 Foreskin Friendly Facts for 12.12.12
A list of 12 facts in favor of keeping a foreskin by not circumcising a baby boy. Foreskin is normal. It protects. It is fun. And more reasons.
HIV in Kenya: Mass Male Circumcision Recommended Even Where it Increases HIV Transmission
The circumcision campaign in Africa was criticised in a Guardian UK article. The author welcomes the criticism from a major news source because he sees lots of damage caused by the circumcision campaign. Many Africans are not willing to go under the knife, regardless of the propaganda. There is now a misguided effort to circumcise infants and young boys, even though children do not get HIV from sex. But the children can be forced to have the penis surgery, which they would likely resist as adults.
SodaHead: Would You Circumcise Your Baby?
A survey asking if a baby would be circumcised. The author presents compelling information about the risks and harms of male infant circumcision, including a YouTube Video of an Infant Circumcision Operation. The video is not for the faint of heart. It makes me cringe to watch an infant circumcision video. I have to turn the sound off.
Joseph4GI: Germany "Protects" the Forced Genital Mutilation of Boys
An opinion piece on Germany's recent legislative effort permitting circumcision of boys. Girls have the right to their whole genitals, but boys have no such right.
AlertNet: Protestors demonstrate against male circumcision in Berlin
Protesters in Germany wear white overalls with raid pain at the crotch symbolizing unnecessary circumcision surgery.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Male Circumcision and HIV: VICTOR SCHONFELD: It's a Boy
The movie, It's a Boy, addresses male infant circumcision. The movie is in English with German subtitles. Currently, male circumcision of children is a hot-button issue in Europe.
Joseph4GI: "Religious Freedom" and "Parental Choice" Not Absolute: Yet Another Example
Classic argument invoked supporting male infant circumcision are "religious freedom" and "parental choice." Religious freedom and parental choice are not absolute. There are many restrictions and laws placed against what people can do in the name of religion and as parents. Stoning blasphemers is illegal in the US. Tattooing children is illegal. So why is it permitted and legal to amputate a healthy part of a baby boy's penis?
Failed Messiah: Germany Legalizes Infant Circumcision – With Restrictions
Although Germany appears poised to permit religious circumcision of boys, there are restrictions. One restriction is informed consent must be obtained. This requirement is being stubbornly fought by Jews in New York, even though several babies have died from herpes infections resulting from their bris. But that provision is not being fought in Germany. Another German restriction is that anesthesia must be used.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Tumblr: MiserysRestoration
I just discovered this foreskin restoration Tumblr blog. The blog chronicles a circumcised man's efforts to regain some of what he lost by being circumcised. His Tumblr contains a few foreskin restoration progress pictures. Mostly, though, he writes about tugging and how it impacts his life.
no circumcision: Circumcision: He Can't Even Say The Word
A YouTube video of Richanda of the CanadianGirlsTalk channel. Richanda responds to a question from a man who was forcibly circumcised at age 9.
BBC News: Grace Adeleye guilty of killing baby in botched circumcision
A four-week old baby started bleeding from his infant circumcision. The baby died within hours. The nurse who performed the circumcision was convicted of manslaughter for her negligence and not informing the parents of the risks and complications of the infant surgery.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Joseph4GI: FORCED MALE CIRCUMCISION: NPO Clitoraid Denounces Germany, Appeals to UN
Clitoraid is a private non-profit organization, which aims to assist FGM victims who want to undo their mutilations. The group issued a press release denouncing Germany's action to legalize male circumcision of children. Germany is allowing male genital cutting, although Germany and most of the rest of the world does not condone female gential cutting.
Guggie Daly: You DO Make a Difference!
Guggie writes of choices mothers make when giving birth. Birth experiences are many and varied.
Just a Snip – Genital Mutilation: Frankly speaking – circumcision and foreskin restoration
A letter from a man who was circumcised and then restored his foreskin. Frank participated in the 1000 Bodies Project and took a picture of himself, naked. He chose to display his restored foreskin for all to see.
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child: German Bill Passed Legalizing Infant Male Circumcision
Attorney Steven Svoboda writes about the recent German bill legitimizing male circumcision of children. Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARC) is working on a paper addressing the German developments.
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