Intactivism: Week in Review November 17, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
The big news this week is the German opposition to the law permitting child circumcision and the Canadian court upholding the father's assault conviction for circumcising his son at home.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Vox Iz Neias? Germany - Lawmakers Want Circumcision Ban Under 14
The Jewish Press: Fight over Circumcision Dividing German Parliament
A news report of a group of German lawmakers who propose that parents should wait until their son is 14 before allowing him to be circumcised. The proposal comes after a bill permitting child circumcision being promoted to appease religious groups.
The Doctors: Non-Surgical Foreskin Restoration
The television show, The Doctors, featured a segment on foreskin restoration. This forum page provides commentary about the poor treatment given the attempt of many men to correct a condition that was forced upon them, that is, men are undoing their infant circumcision.
The Algemeiner: Circumcision Makes No Sense (And That’s Okay)
"Let’s be honest with ourselves. Circumcision is crazy." So starts an honest article by a Jew who calls for admitting the truth behind the circumcision ritual. Jewish circumcision is not done for logical reasons. It is done for religious reasons. It is a mistake to justify a religious ritual using secular reasons when those secular reasons make no sense and are not true.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thoughts I Want to Think: Routine Infant Circumcision - The Facts I Wish I'd Had
She wanted her son to remain whole and intact. He wanted to circumcise his son. The hospital required both parents to consent to the elective surgery. The baby went home intact. The father, holding his newborn son, realized that circumcision was wrong.
Circumcision diaries: Circumcision decision
Restraining an adult and forcing him to be circumcised would be sexual battery and aggravated assault. Do the same to an infant and it is considered parental choice. Huh? Parents do to their children something that would never be done to adults?
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Of Foxes and Hedgehogs: 10 out of 10 babies oppose circumcision
The author points out that the US is a country that considers normal (worldwide) to be weird and freaky and the abnormal is accepted because that is the way it is in the US. Male circumcision is a minority practice, worldwide. Only the US and Israel practice male infant circumcision.
Beyond the Bris: Questioning Jewish Circumcision: Uniting the Next Generation of Parents Against Circumcision
A young woman writes about male infant circumcision. She is an intactivist and, although she does not yet have any children, she wants to protect all children from unnecessary genital cutting.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Circumcision Diaries: The decision to circumcise: functions of the foreskin
A description of the function of the male prepuce, commonly known as the foreskin. In the United States few know what the prepuce or the foreskin is. The foreskin is a sleeve of skin and mucous membrane that fits over the glans when the penis is flaccid. The mucous membrane is the inner foreskin and it is sensitive tissue. The foreskin is retractable, giving rise to the gliding action during masturbation and sex.
Modern Methods & Timeless Tidbits: Circumcision is Misguided
A mother writes about male infant circumcision. She tells why many of the reasons given to support infant circumcision are misguided and just plain wrong. She is thankful that she left her son whole and intact. He did not need a circumcision, just like many other baby boys do not need to be circumcised.
The damage from circumcision: Presentation
A comparison of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) circumcision policy statement to the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) "Viewpoint on Non-Therapeutic Circumcision of Male Minors." The Dutch doctors recognize the harm of male infant circumcision while the US doctors whitewash the risks and complications for the sake of profit.
Salem-News: Why Michelangelo's David is Uncircumcised
A discussion of Michelangelo's statue, David. It is widely believed that David is sculpted as an intact man, even though, historically, he was likely circumcised.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Barrels of Oranges: Rape Culture and Child Circumcision
Consent is important. When society misunderstands consent, bad things happen. Rape. Child abuse. Circumcision.
UPI World News: Canada home circumcision conviction upheld
Times Colonist: British Columbia dad who circumcised son loses Supreme Court appeal
The things people do for the sake of circumcision. A Canadian father gave his 4 year old son some homemade wine as a sedative and then circumcised the boy with a carpet knife. The man was convicted of assault for harming his son. He appealed his conviction, but the high court upheld his conviction.
Common Health Reform and Reality: In Defense Of Female Circumcision? Panel Presents Seven Facts
Our culture condemns female genital cutting while endorsing, or at least tolerating, male genital cutting (circumcision). Often, many say the reason for condemning female genital cutting is that there are no redeeming effects, forgetting (or not knowing that FGM was practiced in the US until 1996). This article reports instances of others advocating for female genital cutting for similar reasons those in the US advocate for male circumcision.
no circumcision: Boy Pleads, Cut It Off & Make Me A Girl after his botched circumcision
Richanda talks about a court case concerning a child who suffered a botched circumcision and begs to be changed into a girl.
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