Intactivism: Week in Review October 27, 2012
The featured blog this week is one that is not the typical circumcision related blog:
Juan Pistolas sin su "funda"... mento: Retrospectiva: etapa infantil (Retrospective: infancy)
A Spanish-language by a Mexican man. He writes about circumcision and being intact. Even in Mexico, the US circumcising culture is felt. To read it in English, check out the Google Translation.
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Legos on the Stairs: Circumcision: a question that should never have been asked
A mother tells the story of her first son's circumcision. It was not good (are they ever?) and she did her research after the boy was cut. But it was too late for him then. When she had her second son, she knew better. She left him whole and intact. She was pleasantly surprised at how much easier it was to care for a baby who was not circumcised.
Joseph4GI: AAP TRADE SHOW 2012: Silencing Dissent - First the Booth, Now the Protest
A short report on how the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is trying to stifle the demonstrators outside the convention hall.
Monday, October 22, 2012
The Washington Post: Anti-circumcision activists confront pediatricians
A news report of the demonstrations at the recent American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Annual Convention in New Orleans. Intactivists from across the United States protested outside the convention hall. Many men are starting to speak up about the harm they suffered from having part of their sex organ removed at birth. I am one of those men. I do not like that I was circumcised.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Joseph4GI: AAP TRADE SHOW 2012: What Went Down in New Orleans
A report of the intactivist demonstration conducted outside the recent American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Annual Convention in New Orleans. Intact America, after having paid for an exhibit booth at the convention, was not allowed to set up. The AAP went so far as to try to stop the protests outside the convention hall. Fortunately, freedom prevailed and the AAP could not stifle the intactivists freedom of speech and to assemble.
Huff Post Religion: Anti-Circumcision Activists Confront Pediatricians
For some reason, the Huffington Post decided to post this article under Religion, although the subject matter deals purely with the medical stance being promulgated by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The AAP recently came out in favor of male infant circumcision, apparently for financial reasons because the AAP is calling for third party payees for the elective, non-therapeutic surgery of baby boys.
no circumcision: Circumcision: A Pediatric Urologist Says No
YouTube CandianGirlsTalk: Circumcision: A Pediatric Urologist Says No
Richandra discusses complications of male infant circumcision. She wonders why the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have not addressed these known complications in their recently revised circumcision policy statement. She talks about a doctor who treats circumcision complications and who estimates that these complications are more widespread than most think.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Circumcision Diaries: Open letter to pediatricians who circumcise
A discussion about male infant circumcision and the harm that it causes to men. The foreskin serves important functions. The foreskin protects the penis and provides sexual pleasure.
Joseph4GI: AAP TRADESHOW INSIDER: "Listen to Intactivists" Says Sole Presenter on Circumcision
There seem to have been some doctors at the recent American Academy of Pediatrics Convention that do not support non-therapeutic male infant circumcision.
5ecular4umanist: Germany’s Circumcision Row – BBC World Service “Assignment”
A critique of a BBC report on the circumcision controversy in Germany. A German court ruled that child circumcision violated the human rights of the child. After the outcry from religious groups, the German government is seeking to make an exception for male child circumcision. The author calls BS on the BBC report.
Choose Intact: Zimbabwe Commits to Unethical Infant Circumcision
A critique of the Zimbabwe, Africa, campaign to circumcise men as an HIV prophylactic. So far, Zimbabwe has not met its goal for the number of men circumcised. Many men do not wish to have a sensitive part of their penis removed.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Atheism TV: Brush your teeth, Clean your penis: Michael Nugent opposes circumcision at TCD Theological Society
A YouTube video of a talk about male infant circumcision. "Just brush your teeth, clean your penis, wear a condom, and you don’t have to cut off parts of your body to stay healthy." He points out that religious circumcision is not motivated in any case by health concerns.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Barrel of Oranges: Have you seen your hood lately?
An article that starts out with a description of clitoral coverage by the prepuce or hood, with pictures. (Similar to the Foreskin Coverage Index used by men restoring their foreskin.) The author then describes her attempts to normalize her clitoral hood coverage. She realizes that male circumcision is driven by a desire to be like everyone else. Unfortunately, the US has a circumcising culture, so the drive to circumcise is strong.
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