Intactivism: Week in Review August 11, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
The Star: Friends of the foreskin march against circumcision
A news report on Glen Callendar of CAN-FAP, who organized a Foreskin Pride March outside the Vancouver offices of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. The March called on the federal government to ban circumcisions on minors.
Monday, August 6, 2012
The WHOLE Network: My Doctor Says My Son Needs to be Circumcised...
The author of the book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Circumcision writes about medical advice given to parents. As a doctor and a pediatrician, Dr. Fleiss is well aware of the risks and complications of male infant circumcision. Unlike many doctors, though, he is willing to discuss the circumcision risks and complications with parents. This post answers many questions parents may have about their son's penis. He describes the care of an intact penis and how to handle any foreskin issues that may occur as the boy grows up.
The South Africa Times Live: A father's dilemma
A Jewish father describes the circumcision decision for his son. He was circumcised at 8 and remembers the pain, both of the operation and while healing. He decided to not have his son circumcised, in spite of this Jewish identity.
The Telegraph: Circumcision and the ancestor factor
Jake Wallis Simons: Circumcision and the ancestor factor
A Jewish father writes about his decision to not circumcise his son. After writing about his decision, he received a very public, and sometimes personal, backlash. He notes that the prevailing sentiment, though, is that there is no reason for parents to fret about the circumcision decision. After all, it is his body, it should be his choice and decision.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Moralogous: From Intact America: Is this what religious freedom looks like?
Circumcision. Of Children. Really. "Freedom of religion includes little children. Period." Read Is This What “Religious Freedom” Looks Like?
Barrels of Oranges: What will we tell these circumcised boys?
As today's children grow up, what will parents tell their circumcised sons? Thanks to the Internet, these boys will learn about circumcision and what they have lost. The trend is for more parents to leave their sons whole and intact. Those who are circumcised today will no longer be in the majority. They will be surrounded by intact males.
Guggie Daly: Jewish Intactivism Part IV
Many Jews are against infant circumcision. Some of them actively oppose traditional infant circumcision. This post includes many quotes from Jews who speak out against the circumcision rite. The post also includes many references of Jewish resources with additional information on the circumcision rite, including the replacement of the Bris Milah with the Brit Shalom.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Should I circumcise?: Circumcision: The Hidden Hurt
Circumcision hurts. The penis is sensitive, even for babies. Of course, taking a knife to a baby's penis is painful. And the pain does not stop, ever. The pain changes, though, particularly for those who grow up with botched circumcisions or tight circumcisions or other complications. Some men end up with erectile dsyfunction (ED) symptoms because of their circumcision. I know. I am one of them. Most of my ED symptoms cleared up after restoring my foreskin.
Saving our Sons: Circumcision: My Story
Dr Momma - peaceful parenting: Circumcision: My Story
A young mother tells her story of how both of her sons were circumcised. She did not know anything about circumcision. She just went with the flow. Then she learned what circumcision really is: surgery that removes part of the penis. She was devastated that she allowed her son's to be circumcised. She said that she spent more time researching car seats than learning about circumcision, that is, no time learning about the surgery that would affect her sons sex lives.
The WHOLE Network: The Dangers of Plastibell Circumcisions (Graphic)
The Plastibell. Such a simple device. But it causes so much grief and pain. The foreskin must be forceibly separated from the glans, similar to how a fingernail would be separated from a fingertip. Often the doctor uses a knife to cut the foreskin so that the Plastibell will fit inside. Then the skin is tied to the Plastibell so that the circulation to the foreskin is cut off. The part of the foreskin sticking past the Plastibell is then cut off. Painful. And unnecessary.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
The Conversation: Infant male circumcision: stop violating boys' human rights
A rebuttal to a recent article. Non-therapeutic, elective surgery of a baby's genitalia is a human rights issue. Male infant circumcision removes healthy tissue from a human being without the consent of the person most affected. There is no reason that circumcision cannot wait until the baby is an adult. The idea that circumcision hurts too much for an adult is a red herring and ignores that it is also painful for the baby.
Beyond the Bris: Questioning Jewish Circumcision: Eight Reasons Why an Intact Penis Is Better Than a Cut Penis
A Jewish father tells of how he came to learn about circumcision. He had scheduled his son's circumcision and looking up information on the cutting doctor when he came across websites with circumcision information. He is now an intactivist in Israel. He has an informational video titled Eight Reasons Why An Intact Penis Is Better Than A Cut Penis. The video is in Hebrew with English subtitles.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Barrel of Oranges: Circumcision: Human Rights Make no Anatomical Distinctions
Martin's Pribble: Circumcision: Human Rights Make no Anatomical Distinctions
Many people refuse to recognize the uncanny similarities between male circumcision and female genital cutting, including the comparable anatomical features, history, and psychosexual repercussions. Most people think of Africa and broken glass or rusty razors when they think of female genital cutting. Although such cutting occurs, it is but one small segment of the whole population of female genital cutting. This article explores genital cutting, seeking to educate everyone.
vimeo: TLC-X Foreskin Restoration Tugger Application with 2-pc Stainless Collet
Ron Low demonstrates his TLC-X foreskin restoration device with the new stainless collet. The previous version had a set screw. His new version just requires a twist to lock the device in position.
Saturday, August 11, 2011
Choose Intact: Flawed Circumcision Defense: Charlotte Allen
A rebuttal to a pro-circumcision article in the Los Angeles Times. The LA Times article disses intactivists by misrepresenting several facts and minimizing the pain and harm of male infant circumcision. Choose Intact sets the record straight.
Circumcision Diaries: Circumcision limits sexual intercourse and weakens the organ of generation
Moses Maimonides, a 12th Century Jewish philosopher, said, "As regards circumcision, I think that one of its objects is to limit sexual intercourse, and to weaken the organ of generation as far as possible, and thus cause man to be moderate."
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