Intactivism: Week in Review May 5, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Moralogous: The purpose of circumcision is to ruin male sexuality
This blog starts out with the illustrations from the Sorrells study showing the sensitivity of different regions of the intact and circumcised penis. That study showed that the most sensitive parts of the penis are removed by circumcision. The history of circumcision shows that the point of circumcision is to dull male sexuality, and it has been a huge success.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Male Circumcision and HIV: GILGAL SOCIETY: Circumcision advocate, Vernon Quaintance, convicted of sex crime
An advocate of male circumcision was convicted of possession of child pornography. The UK man has long promoted male circumcision.
The Jewish Press: US Pediatric Doctor Favors Female Circumcision
The genital cutting of any child is abhorrent. The medical doctor and fellow at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), justifies his position by referring repeatedly to the words of classical Islamic scholars. Certain other religions point to scripture and religious scholars to justify male infant circumcision. But there is not outcry about that.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Health Policy Solutions: Opinion: Lawmakers clueless about circumcision research
An Op-Ed about Colorado's reconsideration of using Medicaid to fund the elective male infant circumcision. The legislators considering this issue are woefully uninformed about the effects of male infant circumcision. Instead, they have bought into the many myths promoted by circumcision advocates.
Circumstitions News: UGANDA: Pretty women entrap intact men for enforced circumcision
In some places in Africa, male circumcision is not only culturally accepted, but required. The circumcision culture is so strong, that women are enticing men into having sex so that they can confirm that the man is circumcised. If he is not, then he is forced into having part of his penis cut off.
The Mom of Oz: I was ignorant of my faith
A mother questions why she did not turn to scriptures instead of just assuming she knew about circumcision. She provides various quotes and passages from scripture showing that male circumcision is not required for Christians nor Mormons.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Happy Aardvark Restoration Tools: What is foreskin restoration?
A new foreskin restoration device maker has a page describing foreskin restoration.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Birth of a New Earth: Study links circumcision to personality trait disorder
In a recent study, researchers find circumcised men have higher alexithymia scores than intact men. People suffering from alexithymia have difficulty identifying and expressing their emotions. How many doctors will tell new parents of this complication from infant male circumcision?
GoodReads: It’s Here!! National Masturbation Month!!
May is National Masturbation Month. Time for everyone to celebrate with a good wank or two. And what better way for men to masturbate than with a foreskin or a restored foreskin. I know masturbation is much more enjoyable since I started restoring my foreskin.
Friday, May 4, 2012
The Urban Politico: Limits to Religious Freedom: Circumcision and Herpes
Commentary about the recently publicized cases where baby boys were infected with herpes by the mohel who circumcised the baby. There are limits to what can be done to babies and children in the name of religion. In the Western world we prohibit any genital cutting of female children. Why not extend the same protection to baby boys?
Moralogous: Debate, motives and rationalization
I like this blogger. "There is no real debate about infant circumcision. It’s just wrong." The assumption that there are two, equal sides to the circumcision debate is plain wrong. In the Western world, no one thinks that there are two rational sides to the issue of female genital cutting. We recognize that cutting a female child is wrong. It violates the body of the child. The same is true of male genital cutting. it is wrong. It violates the body of the child. Unfortunately, we have many who are victims of circumcision, either because it was done to them or they did it to their sons. These victims cannot look at male circumcision rationally. Hence, they cry out for the other side of the issue and say that those fighting for the rights of baby boys are biased. *sigh*
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Circumstition News: DENVER: Colorado Medicaid will not resume funding circumcision
Health Policy Solutions: Circumcision bill dies in Colorado House
Last year, Colorado stopped funding male infant circumcisions with Medicaid money. This year, state senators and representatives tried to reinstate Medicaid funding for the elective surgery, most likely for religious reasons. Fortunately, sanity prevailed and the measure died with a House Appropriations Committee vote.
Choose Intact: Sexual Control: Making a Permanent, Unnecessary Decision for a Child
During the Colorado debate regarding funding male infant circumcision with Medicaid funds, a Representative wondered if male circumcision would have some impact on teenage pregnancies. WTF!?! She wants to cut off part of the male sex organ in the hope that teenage pregnancies will be reduced? Why not try education and condoms?
Intact America Blog: Honoring David Reimer
David Reimer is the story of a circumcision gone wrong. After his botched circumcision, the doctor recommended raising him as a girl, with very bad results. He was not a she, no matter how hard they tried. Doctors are not gods. They are just as fallible as everyone else. That is why unnecessary, elective surgery should never be performed solely on the recommendation of a doctor.
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When my father was in school for veterinary medicine, he became aware that almost all mammals have and need their foreskins. I was born while he was getting his doctorate. Despite their awareness, my parents had me circumcised. They knew better, but did not attempt to protect me.
It was a disaster. Almost all of the skin was removed and I have lived my life with scrotal skin pulled up and covering much of my penis. It was uneven: one side of my penis was severely pulled to the side. There are several ugly skin tags on the under side, and a painful adhesion between the remaining penile skin and the head on the topside. This mutilation has resulted in pain and embarrassment throughout my life. The circumcision scar is large and uneven. My most private, male part is quite insensitive.
When I first read about restoring foreskin, my wife and I had a long conversation and I told her that I would not attempt it unless she was completely, fully supportive. However, when I started, this became a major issue in our marriage and was one of the major causes -- if not the foremost reason -- for its failure and our divorce. Circumcision has had a profound, negative impact on my life. It is time to stop this nonsense. We now know that there are no benefits for routine infant circumcision, for boys or for adults -- except to finance hospitals and physicians. Boys die every year from this money-making quackery. The actual medical need for male circumcision is incredibly, extraordinarily rare.
My experience is very common. I am humiliated: I am sorry I cannot provide my name.