Intactivism: Week in Review May 19, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Ending Unnecessary Male Circumcision In The UK: The Bristol Compromise Part 2: Tackling Female Circumcision
The second of a series of the dichotomy of the City of Bristol in the UK actively fighting against female genital mutilation (FGM), yet actively endorsing and promoting male infant circumcision (MGM). The City of Bristol is making great strides in tackling female circumcision. The city is committed to ending the practice of female genital cutting.
Monday, May 14, 2012
The Quirky Offspring: To Snip or Not To Snip?
A mother respects her son's body and will not have him circumcised. She says that "our son’s penis is his penis. The penis he is born with is the penis he should have."
Should I circumcise?: Circumcision & Motherly Instinct
A father writes about mothers. His kids have a book that is titled "All Mommies Love Their Babies." Along with that love is a mother's desire to protect her children. Unfortunately, some mothers wrongly believe that having their sons circumcised protects them. That is not true. Circumcision is harmful, during the circumcision surgery, after the surgery as the wound sits in a dirty diaper, and later, as a man and his wife live and love with an incomplete sex organ. Sure, it still works, sort of. But not as well as it would with the original equipment still installed. Foreskin restoration helps, but a restored foreskin is not the same as the original equipment.
A Much Better Way: Circumcision Linked To Erectile Dysfunction
A YouTube video discussing the link between male circumcision and erectile dysfunction. The United States is the leading user of Viagra in the world, although the US only makes up a small part of the world population. There is correlation. Based on my personal experience where I started having ED problems in my 50s. Those problems were resolved entirely by restoring my foreskin.
Circumstitions News: KENYA: Men not volunteering to be cut, so boys targeted
The Ministry of Public Health in Kenya plans to launch a male circumcision campaign for children under 15. It seems that adult men do not want to be circumcised. Maybe they know the value of having a whole penis. So the Kenyan government wants to circumcised children before they know better.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The Voice of Tucson: Saving Ryan’s Privates: Thoughts on Circumcision
A man talks about the circumcision decision and how it should not be up to the parents to decide if a baby boy gets to keep his whole sex organ intact. He believed that in college when a professor asked the question in class. He believes it now, with more world experience to back him up. He says, "The prevalence of circumcision of newborns, in this country, seems largely to be an exercise of thoughtless conformity, as well just another thing that medical professionals can charge for."
barrels of oranges: Circumcision is not a vaccine
Routine, non-therapeutic male infant circumcision is not a health decision that parents need to make for their sons. Circumcision is elective surgery that removes part of the boy's sex organ. Circumcision is not like vaccination at all. Having a foreskin will not kill any child. Nor will any child die from having a foreskin.
Ending Unnecessary Male Circumcision In The UK: The Bristol Compromise Part 3: Promoting Male Circumcision
Is it sexism? Is it misandry? The City of Bristol in the UK is actively fighting against female genital mutilation, yet the city actively endorses and promotes male infant circumcision. Huh? Let's protect girls, but let's cut the genitals of boys.
HIV in Kenya: Appropriate Penile Hygiene, Not Circumcision, Reduces HIV Transmission
Kenya is moving forward with the male circumcision campaign for baby boys despite not having sufficient capability to provide the circumcision surgeries under proper medical conditions. They cite the reduced cost for circumcising baby boys. In reality, it may be that the men are not lining up to be circumcised, so they are going after the baby boys, who cannot complain or refuse the operation.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Moralogous: Real Stories: Couple repairs circumcision damage through foreskin restoration
A woman tells of her husband's foreskin restoration and how it has improved their sexual relationship. When their first son was born, her husband was depressed over his loss. His son was whole and intact, but her husband had been circumcised as an infant. It was during this time that he was receptive to the idea of restoring his foreskin. He has since grown a lot of foreskin. The two of them enjoy a sex life that was unknown before he started restoring. She no longer gets sore from sex and they do not need to use lube like they had before. She admits that sex with a man having a foreskin is amazing, even if it is a restored foreskin.
Dr Momma peaceful parenting: Why I speak up about circumcision
An intactivist mother with two intact sons tells of how she overcame her fear of speaking up. Initially, she allowed her insecurities keep her from talking to other mothers about the harm of infant circumcision. Now, she is a strong, outspoken advocate for protecting baby boys so that they can grow up with all their body parts.
Man Woman & Myth: Male Circumcision – Radio Interview
A UK radio show, Men's Matters, interviews Dr. Peter Ball of NORM-UK. The radio interview is on YouTube. Dr. Ball describes how an infant circumcision is performed and what is removed from the boy. He tells of the risks and complications of circumcision, both to baby boys and adult men. He tells how most adult circumcisions are unnecessary. Most cases of phimosis can be corrected non-surgically.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
the freethinker: Exploring ways of preventing unnecessary circumcisions
The author is horrified to learn that some in Australia seek to popularize male infant circumcision. He is heartened to learn of a UK conference to address the issue of unnecessary circumcision. How To Prevent Unnecessary Male Circumcision is a one day workshop and mini-conference to be held in Keele University, Staffordshire, UK, on July 26.
Choose Intact: Flawed Circumcision Defense: Mitchell Warren
A critique of a Huff Post article by Mitchell Warren. The article promotes male circumcision and its use against HIV. The article's author uses words loosely and avoids any discussion of the ethics of male circumcision. Tony, the blogger for Choose Intact, addresses many of the statements in the article and points out how they are wrong or fail to address the ethical issues of male circumcision.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Joseph4GI: UGANDA: Circumcision Promoters Turn to Stigma and Misandry
Propaganda is a power tool, particularly when it is used to perpetuate a wrong. Currently, a strong propaganda program pushing male circumcision is being waged in Uganda. Male circumcision is a surgical procedure. One that should be undertaken only with informed consent. Men should not be shamed or coerced into being circumcised. But that is exactly what is happening in Uganda. Maybe men do not like having a part of their sex organ cut off. Maybe men like having full sensitivity and all their moving parts. This propaganda campaign attaches social stigma to being uncircumcised or uncut.
Circumstitions News: SOUTH AFRICA: Still in pain 4 years after botched circumcision
A baby boy circumcised by a doctor in a hospital suffered a botched circumcision. The doctor cut off the boy's glans. Two attempts at reattaching the glans failed. Now, four years later, the boy still suffers pain when he urinates. Sadly, people do not think about botched circumcisions until it is too late.
The Voice: Where do all the cut foreskins go?
A Botswana website article about male circumcision. Men in Southern Africa are starting to question the male circumcision campaign that is being waged against men in Africa. After being told that amputated foreskins are collected and used to make cosmetics, a driver says, "I think we are not being told the whole truth about these things. I mean for so many years, our government spent money fighting HIV and they never thought about circumcision until now! How come?" To which another man says, "My cousin is circumcised and he is complaining that he is now having erection problems and he is not enjoying sex. He may lose the girlfriend as a result."
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Circumstitions News: TASMANIA: Circumcision legallity decision due
THe Mercury: Circumcision decision due
A news report about an upcoming decision from the Australian state of Tasmania regarding using government funds to pay for male infant circumcision. Normally, Medicare does not pay for elective procedures. For some reason, male infant circumcision is still covered, even though it is an elective surgery.
no circumcision: Mischief: Circumcise Me?
Mischief is a documentary series for BBC Three that is aimed at illuminating serious issues such as this episode on male circumcision. The documentary considers the difference between circumcised Americans and uncircumcised, or intact, Brits.
Choose Intact: Politics: Legitimate and Illegitimate Medicine
Commentary comparing society's refusal to condone prescribing pain medications when there is no medical necessity to society's approval, and even encouragement, of male infant circumcision, which is an elective, non-therapeutic surgery with no medical justification for the surgery at that time.
no circumcision: The Sanctity of Foreskin
A YouTube video by Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross about foreskin. These women make frank talk about uncircumcised men. They prefer them. The like uncut men and their tools.
Beyond the Bris: Questioning Jewish Circumcision: "What to Expect When You're Expecting" Highlights Circumcision Controversy
Cameron Diaz, who stars in What to Expect When You’re Expecting, speaks out about male infant circumcision, to the surprise of many. The movie itself is well done and features Diaz as a mother who is determined not to circumcise her son despite the protestations of the baby's father. The circumcision decision is a major plot point in the movie.
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