Intactivism: Week in Review April 7, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
barrels of oranges: How I became an Intactivist
A mother of one son writes about how she became an intactivist, fighting for the rights of baby boys to keep their body whole and intact. She and her husband were of the same mind about not circumcising before their son was born. It was only later that she found how infant circumcisions were performed by watching a circumcision video. That was the clincher for being an intactivist. No child should have to go through a painful circumcision and live with only part of his penis.
Men Do Complain: Budget debate protest 22nd March 2012
In the UK, 6,000,000 pounds are spent on male circumcisions, supposedly for medical reasons. The rate of male circumcisions for medical reasons is much lower in other European countries. Hence, a protest against NHS in the UK.
Monday, April 2, 2012
the full moxie: Circumcision: No longer the norm?
After letting her first son be circumcised, this mother reconsidered and left her second son whole and intact. She learned that intact son number two was much easier to care for than the circumcised son.
Medical Journal: Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital
Ryan McAllister filmed a class where he taught about genital cutting, including male infant circumcision. His video, Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital, presents the facts about genital cutting in a very thorough and understanding manner. This is a video well worth watching. He explains what infant circumcision is, how it is performed, and the effect it has on the physiology of the male.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Snip-Snip from Nick Zayas on Vimeo.
YouTube Video: Snip-Snip
Filmmaker Nick Zayas dares to ask a question that has plagued man for centuries: What is the deal with circumcision? He is an intact college student and his film explores the reasons circumcision became popular and the many misconceptions. Couldn't this guy find any fellow students that were informed on circumcision instead of continually interviewing women who were ignorant about it? The only student that was informed was an intactivist with Students for Genital Integrity. Surely there had to be another student who enjoyed intact men.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Stop the Cut: Circumcision violates child’s charter rights
In the last 100 years or more, a continuing stream of ailments and diseases were thought to be cured by male circumcision. Everything from insanity to insomnia. The latest is prostate cancer, a disease that strikes most men, if they live long enough. Infant circumcision is a violation of the child's rights. Circumcision robs a child of his bodily autonomy and integrity.
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Dr Momma peaceful parenting: The Circumcision Decision: Who Made You The Decider?
A response to another blogger who had her infant son circumcised because sexual preference is for circumcised men. The response is by a woman who prefers her partner to be intact, not circumcised. But sexual preference is not the issue when it comes to an infant's circumcision status. The person owning the body part is the one who should decide if it is amputated. His body. His choice.
Friday, April 6, 2012
infocirc: Cutting Culture: The Medical Ethics of Male Circumcision
A partial transcript from a conference on male circumcision. The portion of the transcript reproduced is Gillian Longley's presentation where she discusses medical ethics, particularly how it relates to elective surgery on non-consenting infants (as if infants could consent). She examines two ethics questions:
- Is it ethically acceptable to alter the natural genitals of a child when no compelling therapeutic reason exists?
- Who is the appropriate person to give permission for elective non‑therapeutic cutting of anyone's genitals?
YouTube Video by Bonobo3D: One Mom's Journey to Intactivist
A mother tells, in a video interview, how she became an intactivist. Her husband resisted her decision to leave her son intact, but he finally came around in face of her fierce mother instinct to protect her baby boy. Her husband has since become an intactivist himself. The mother has a blog, Moralogous.
Joseph4GI: New York: Oral Mohel Tests Positive for Herpes
It was recently reported that the mohel who circumcised several of the baby boys who have herpes had herpes himself. As part of the circumcision ceremony, the mohel sucked the circumcision wound (on the penis) with his mouth. With the mohel being infected with herpes, a direct path is established for infecting the circumcised baby.
Joseph4GI: Labiaplasty and Pastrami Sandwiches
A scathing report of an insensitive medical student who describes a recent infant circumcision. The med student prints a recipe for pasta that resembles the bloody remains of an infant circumcision. Joseph very ably criticizes the woman, who is the Vice Chair for the Medical Student Section of the American Medical Association. Obviously, med school does not teach compassion to their doctors to be because this woman has none.
Saturday, 7 April, 2012
no circumcision: Appeal to Fathers
A Peaceful Beginnings article appealing to fathers to leave their infant sons whole and intact. By foregoing male infant circumcision, they will chose to let their son avoid the pain and harm of infant circumcision.
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