Intactivism: Week in Review April 14, 2012
A new foreskin restoration device was introduced this week. Happy Aardvark Restoration Tools or HART is a dual tension tugging device made by a foreskin restorer for other restorers. He is selling the devices on his Happy Aardvark Restoration Tools website.
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Moralogous: When your husband wants to circumcise
In a YouTube video, the author discusses how she and her husband decided not to circumcise their first child. It was not an easy decision because the two disagreed. Fortunately, the mother prevailed and the father let his son keep all of his body parts.
LiveJournal: circumcised vs uncircumcised (Not working: Page removed from web)
A woman describes the difference between sex with a circumcised man and one who is intact. She says that circumcised men seem to get less pleasure from sex than intact men. She believes that circumcision greatly affects their sex life, and not in a good way.
Monday, April 9, 2012
The Missing Pieces: If only Romans 2:25 were LITERALLY true
If male infant circumcision is acceptable because of a reduction in the UTI rate, why do we not use the same justification to remove a female child's breast bud because breast cancer is a much more severe disease. The answer is that amputation is not an acceptable way to reduce the risk of a disease. But we think nothing of it for baby boys. Kinda messed up, isn't it.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Moralogous: Loving and gentle intactivism is the most effective
Lillian address how best to address others when advocating to end male infant circumcision. Some intactivists are righteously angry, which she claims is not an effective strategy for convincing others to leave their babies whole and intact. She advocates educating parents-to-be calmly and with facts.
Euvoluntary Exchange...Exchange is creation: Just a little off the top
The phrase "genital mutilation" elicits sentiments of revulsion and sympathetic pain. "Circumcision" usually doesn't. The two are the same, just described differently. Why is it that many in the United States cannot see that they are same? A child's sex organs are being altered for no medical reason.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Joseph4GI: Holistic Circumcision: A Blatant Oxymoron
Some mohels use the term "holistic circumcision" to market themselves to gentile clients. Joseph claims that infant circumcisions are not holistic. There is nothing gentle, compassionate, or caring about male infant circumcision.
The Botswana Gazette: What doctors don’t tell about circumcision
A critique of the circumcision campaign in Africa. The African author is concerned about the rush to circumcise men and the misinformation given to promote circumcision. He tells of the important sexual functions of the foreskin. He also describes the history of circumcision and the many myths used to promote male circumcision. He also points out that the evidence is split and that there is evidence that circumcises men in some countries have higher rates of HIV than intact men.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Winnipeg Uptown: Introducing The Holy Atheist
The Holy Atheist is a protector of the foreskin by advocating against male infant circumcision. He tells everyone that circumcision is not cleaner than being i
Monday Magazine: Foreskin rally calls for ban on infant circumcision
Circumstitions News: VICTORIA, B.C.: Rally against private circumcision clinic
News report of a rally in Canada against male infant circumcision. The protest targeted a private clinic that specializes in infant circumcisions.
The Health Coach: Circumcision: Male Genital Mutilation
The American rite of passage for males is to cut off part of their penis. "It’s like, after the baby boy is born, as if that’s not traumatic enough, he is then forced to suffer the excruciating pain and shock of having a very important piece of his body cut off … from the most sensitive part of his body." Why is it that male infant circumcision still continues?
Friday, April 13, 2012
Victoria Circumcision Resources: Circumcision Myths
Many of the myths relating to medical benefits are addressed. Male circumcision has a history of claims for health benefits. Time and time again science shows that male circumcision does not have any health benefits that outweigh the risk and harm caused by circumcision.
Circumcision Doctors Australia: Circumcision and cancer of the penis in Australia
Penile cancer is very rare. It is about 1% of all male cancers. It is ludicrous to think that male infant circumcision is justified. Penile cancer is not a sufficient reason to circumcise a baby boy.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
LAHORE, PAKISTAN: Rally against forced conversion, circumcision, marriage
A news report of human rights violations in Pakistan where young women are kidnapped and forcibly married and young Christian men are forcibly circumcised.
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