Intactivism: Week in Review March 24, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Daily Monitor: Male circumcision: Effects that people should know
A scientist in Uganda questions the efficacy of the male circumcision campaign being waged in Africa. He points out that there is evidence against male circumcision. The evidence shows that the effects of circumcision are overstated. Also, there is evidence that circumcision harms the male long term and adversely affects his sexual pleasure.
YouTube by RoseFink: Circumcision & Prostate Cancer
Conversation between radio host Pete Morgan, Su-Anna Boddy, (Paediatric Urologist at St. George's Hospital in London) and David Smith of NORM-UK (The National Organization of Restoring Men.)
Monday, March 19, 2012
The Village Voice: Beyond The Bris: Website Unites Anti-Circumcision Jews
An interview of Rebecca Wald, the creator of Beyond the Bris, an intactivist blog. Rebecca is a Jewish mother who discusses the rite of male infant circumcision in light of the recent death of a baby boy infected with herpes by the officiating mohel.
Choose Intact: “Since not all men are willing to be circumcised,…” (Part 2)
The second in a series rebutting a recent meta-analysis about male infant circumcision. This part examines the lack of logic used in the meta-analysis. The obvious conclusion is that the authors of the meta-analysis started with a particular outcome before gathering data.
Moralogous: I’m circumcised and I’m fine.
A video where circumcised women are interviewed. They believe that female circumcision or female genital cutting is a good practice. They plan on cutting their girls. The denial of harm is strong.
Joseph4GI: Herpes Circumcision Babies: Another One? Geez!
Another report of a baby infected with herpes in New York City. Joseph wonders if the authorities in NYC will take any action to protect baby boys during ritual circumcisions. I wonder at how a religious rite can be so over powering as to put baby boys at grave risk of being infected. Why can't the mohel retire?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Saving Our Sons: The Plastibell Lie
A mother tells how she did not want her baby boy cut. The doctors offered a non-cutting procedure using a Plastibell. They lied about the procedure being painless. The mother realizes too late to save her son that she should have left him whole.
Evolutionary Parenting: Circumcision, Science, and Religion: Part 3
Part 3 in a 4 part series discussing male infant circumcision. The author talks about sexual functioning after circumcision, but she draws no conclusions. She misses the point. No man wants less sexual pleasure. That there are any studies that show that a significant number of men suffer a loss of sexual pleasure after an adult circumcision is meaningful. No sane man would consent to a circumcision if he was told that there is one study that shows 38% of men reported that it was worse being circumcised. Another study showed that only 61% of men were satisfied with their adult circumcision.
All Africa: South Africa: KZN Rolls Out Dodgy Circumcision Klamp Despite Questions
A call for an investigation into the TaraKlamp circumcision device that is being promoted for use in Africa. Not only is the circumcision device injuring men with botched circumcisions, there is also a question about corruption.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
College Times: COLUMN: Religious practices are not all ethical
An opinion piece about the recent report of a baby boy who died after getting herpes from the mohel who circumcised him. The author points out that the mohel should be charged for criminal homicide for the baby's death.
Male Circumcision and HIV: Travis Wisdom: Feminist Intactivist
A video interview of Travis Wisdom. Travis calls himself a feminist intactivist. He discusses his studies in feminism, genital integrity, intactivism and human rights.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Evolutionary Parenting: Circumcision, Science, and Religion: Part 4
Part 4 in a 4 part series discussing male infant circumcision. The author wraps up the series with more thoughts on male circumcision. For example, the difference between infant and adult circumcision and the pain felt by the patient. Baby boys are not equipped to handle pain and pain meds are limited for infants. She also addresses religious circumcision.
Male Circumcision and HIV: PROTEST: Bay Area Intactivists protest Tinderbox book tour with Daniel Halperin and Craig Timberg at Book Passage in Corte Madera
A video of the Tinderbox Protest, along with a report of the protest. Daniel Halperin and Craig Timberg co-authored a book promoting male infant circumcision. Intactivists protested at one stop on the book tour. Perhaps the publishers will think twice about publishing circumcision propaganda.
Northern Rockies Independent Media Network: Protect children's rights: oppose circumcision
An opinion piece advocating for children's rights. The author points out that male infant circumcision violates the rights of children to a whole body, and in a recent case, to a body free of herpes. The rights of the child should trump anyone's right to practice their religion on another person.
African Herald Express: Flawed African Studies into Male Circumcision and HIV Sexual Transmission
A news report of a critique of the three trials often cited by those promoting the circumcision campaign in Africa. The critique documents numerous flaws in the trials and points out that the absolute reduction in HIV infections is only 1.3%. That percentage is not adjusted for any error bias. Furthermore, another trial showed a 61% relative and 6% absolute increase in the HIV infection rate for women who had sex with circumcised men.
Men do Complain: 6 Million Pounds wasted
Six million pounds is a lot of money spent on male infant circumcisions. Why does it need to be spent? Why not let baby boys grow up with their whole body?
Friday, March 23, 2012
Beyond the Bris: Me But Not My Son: A Young Jewish Man Breaks Rank on Circumcision
A Jewish man tells how, despite his infant circumcision, he will not be circumcising any of his infant sons. He has a strong Jewish identity. But he has struggled with his circumcised status while growing. He tells of feeling less than whole. He has since resolved not to circumcise any of his children.
TV-A much better way: Circumcision To Prevent HIV? Responding To Bill Gate’s 2011 Annual Letter
Male circumcision does not prevent HIV. There is evidence showing that in many African countries the circumcised men have a higher HIV rate than those who are intact. These findings directly contradict the assertions of those promoting the circumcision campaign in Africa.
Lords of Apathy: Jewish baby dies from herpes after controversial circumcision ritual
A rant about how some archaic harmful rituals survive and are even promoted by religions. A case in point is male infant circumcision, in particular, the Jewish rite where the circumcision wound is sucked by mohel's mouth.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Lord, haste the day…: on circumcision
A father discussed the results of their decision to leave their newborn son whole, that is, uncircumcised. He said many asked about the boy's circumcision status. In answer, he posts the many reasons why male infant circumcision is bad idea that has outlived its time.
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#1 Dodgy Circumcision Klamp in Africa
The report shows 37% complications following the use of this clamp, and the study even show that it was unethical! How in the world can WHO keep on promoting male circumcision in Africa? How many more thousands of African men will be permanently mutilated on the basis of flawed reports? Where is the moral integrity of those who promote circumcision as a preventive measure for HIV infection?