Intactivism: Week in Review March 17, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Mainstream media has picked up on the study that reported a correlation between circumcision and prostate cancer. One doctor, a surgeon, has publicly stated that the media reporting is overhyped and the study does not support the many headlines.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Child Up: Should You Circumcise your Child?
A pragmatic look at male infant circumcision. The conclusion is that there is no medical reason to support cutting of part of a baby boy's sex organ.
Enlightened Male2000: Four Reasons Why Baby Boys Should Keep Their Foreskin
Four very good reasons baby boys should not be circumcised. The list is accompanied with NSFW pictures of adult foreskins.
Body + Soul: The circumcision debate
An article weighing the pros and cons to male infant circumcision in Australia. The general slant is that male infant circumcision serves no purpose in modern societies. Pro-circumcisionist Brian Morris did not like the article, based on his comment to the post. What is this fascination with cutting the sex organs of baby boys that some men have?
Monday, March 12, 2012
Joseph4GI: Latest Pro-Circumcision Canard: "Circumcision Prevents Prostate Cancer"
Why are there so many studies examining circumcision? Why do so many try so hard to justify circumcising baby boys? As the tenuous link between circumcision and HIV begins to disappear, a recent study attempts to correlate circumcision with prostate cancer.
Dr Momma peaceful parenting: Circumcision Does Not Prevent Prostate Cancer
Saving Our Sons: Circumcision Does Not Prevent Prostate Cancer
An anatomical look at the prostate and and its physical separation from the foreskin. "The prepuce, or 'foreskin,' is an organ located on the outside of the penis or clitoris and is present from birth in all mammals on earth. The prostate is a gland located deep inside the male pelvis at the base of the penis which surrounds the neck of the bladder. The two are located no where near each other and have little bearing on one another, except for the fact that both play important roles in male sexuality."
La Bocca della Verita: Moral Realism and Religious Freedom
An analysis of morality using a common justification for male infant circumcision.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Skeptical Scalpel: Overhyped research on prostate cancer & circumcision link
Finally, a breath of fresh air with a post by someone who actually read the study about prostate cancer and circumcision. A surgeon reads the study and concludes that there is a very weak association at best. But reading all the news reports, people would assume that the US, where most men are circumcised, is free of prostate cancer, which is not the case.
Moralagous: Cut your baby now to prevent disease in 70 years! (and other great ideas)
Another post about the recent study about circumcision and prostate cancer. This blogger considers other diseases that have a high incidence. But no one ever suggests amputation of a body part to reduce or eliminate cancer that targets those body parts.
Joseph4GI: Spank the Monkey, Eat Tomatoes, or Circumcision: Your Call
Other studies noted that masturbation and the lycopene in tomatoes helps reduce the incidence of prostate cancer. Even if the latest study that found a correllation between circumcision and prostate cancer is true, Joseph, who is an intact man, would rather keep his foreskin than have had it cut of as a child.
George Walters Blog: My Opinion On Circumcision
The thoughts of one man who is not buying into the recent buzz about the correlation between circumcision and prostate cancer. He thinks money is a huge factor in the many studies that promote circumcision. Although each circumcision does not make any one doctor a lot of money, a lot of circumcisions make a lot of doctors and hospitals lots of money.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Intact America Blog: Prostate Cancer? Yet Another Bogus Justification for Circumcision
The latest justification for circumcision is prostate cancer. Almost 100% of men, if they live long enough, get prostate cancer or have prostate problems. When will people stop looking for reasons to circumcise?
Friday, March 16, 2012
The Jewish Daily Forward: Two Babies Sickened by Circumcision Rite
Recently, the news was reported that a baby boy died after being infected with herpes during a circumcision. This article reports that two more babies were infected with herpes as a result of their Jewish circumcision. This article addresses the risk of infecting baby boys during metzitzah b’peh.
A personal story from a Jewish mother who finally researched circumcision, and had a change of heart once she learned the facts.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Joseph4GI: Mohels Spreading Herpes: New York Looks the Other Way
More commentary on the mohel with herpes who has infected several baby boys with the virus. Is the mohel's blind adherence to his religion worth putting the health, and lives, of baby boys at risk?
Beyond the Bris: Bringing a Jewish Circumcision Alternative (Brit Shalom) to New York Metro Families
The Jewish opposition to circumcision started around 24 years ago. A Jewish celebrant of brit b’lee milah or “covenant without circumcision” discusses his experience raising his intact son as a Jew. It was no big deal. His son was accepted. He tells how Judaism is important to his son, even as an adult who has not been circumcised.
Facts For Working People: Prevent child abuse, ban circumcision
A call for respecting the bodily rights of children by not having part of their sex organs cut off. All children, girls and boys, should be able to grow up whole, with all their body parts.
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