Intactivism: Week in Review February 11, 2012
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
ButterflyBirth: 10 Reasons NOT to Circumcise
Why is there a "decision" about circumcision? Do parents decide if a newborn baby has to have a tattoo? Why should there be a decision about amputating part of a newborn baby boy's sex organ? The author attempts to provide reasons why parents should just leave the sex organs of their baby boys alone.
Wholesome Mama Pioneer Spirit: Paradigm Shift: My Journey From Pro-Circumcision to Intactivist
A mother describes her journey from being a teenager who wanted nothing to do with an intact penis to a mother who gave birth to a boy that she would not have circumcised. It was after her baby's birth that she researched male infant circumcision. She was horrified. She could not believe people could do this to babies, particularly in the first week of their life.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Tate Wrants: A letter from circumcised son to parents
Upon being asked if his son will be circumcised, the father-to-be said yes. Fortunately, his wife had a different opinion. He researched the issue at her prompting. What he learned disheartened him. He did not realize how harmful infant circumcision is. His son was born intact and remained intact.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Psychology Today: Male Circumcision and Quality of Sex Life (For Both Sexes)
The author writes again about the recent study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology that investigated possible links between male circumcision and sexuality, including sexual pleasure and sexual dysfunction of circumcised men and their partners. The study found that both men and women suffered when the man was circumcised.
Joseph4GI: COLORADO: Conflicts of Interest Plague Medicaid Circumcision Coverage Bill
Some in Colorado are seeking to overturn last year's decision to stop funding elective male infant circumcision through Medicaid. One of the senators supporting the government funding of male infant circumcision is married to a rabbi, whose religion practices infant circumcision as a religious rite.
Choose Intact: “Moral Case for Circumcision” Ignores Morality
An analysis of Rabbi Yanklowitz' attempt at justifying male infant circumcision. The rabbi wrongfully relies on health as one reason justifying genital cutting. The rabbi also relies on circumcision as a means to control male sexual behavior, as if that is a good thing. The rabbi further states that circumcision will lead to social acceptance and help in obtaining a mate, which is a common reason given in support of female genital cutting.
Parenting Patch: Hot Topic Tuesday Blog Hop: Who Should Control a Ban on Routine Infant Circumcision?
Initially, this blogger was against banning male infant circumcision. But after acknowledging that female genital cutting has been illegal since 1996, she is reconsidering her stance. Circumcision of boys and girls is unnecessary and has risks.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Em's Soapbox: Why Infant Circumcision Is WRONG!
A mother tells why she is against male infant circumcision. There are many reasons. No association of medical professionals in the world supports infant circumcision. An intact penis is just as clean as a circumcised one. Cleanliness is a matter of hygiene, not circumcision status.
Intact America Blog: The Business of Circumcision, Indeed
Money drives the male circumcision campaign in Africa. The campaign is a combination of cultural/medical imperialism and the big business of international health promoted primarily by Americans. Georganne Chapin, executive director of Intact America, asks how we can get mainstream American media to ask obvious questions and seek the truth.
All Natural, Single Mothering 101: How to convince skeptics of your plans to keep your son intact
A mother lists steps to educate others about the harms of male infant circumcision. She is an intactivist and believes that if others are educated, they will be more likely to leave their sons intact, that is, whole, uncircumcised, uncut, etc.
Get Default: Socially acceptable amputation: circumcision
While most amputations are not desirable unless there is a dire medical need, amputating part of the sex organ of baby boys is socially acceptable in the US. Hygiene is achieved by washing, not by cutting off body parts. Tradition is no reason in a modern world. Neither is religion, after all, the boy may belief different than the parents.
The Beaver: LSEx: Circumstitions
As an adult, is it acceptable for someone to forcibly cut off part of your genitalia? No? Even if it your parents who want you to be cut? Then why is it acceptable to do the same to someone younger, for example, an infant boy? Parental rights do not override the rights of the person to an intact and whole body.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
EmpowHER: Sex with an Uncircumcised Man?
An article describing how an intact penis is very sensitive and works differently than a circumcised penis. I know a penis with a foreskin works much better than a circumcised one. At least my restored foreskin makes my penis a bazillion times better than when I only had a circumcised penis.
Beyond the Bris: Progressive Rabbis on Creating a Covenant without Circumcision
Rebecca quotes Rabbi Blane, who speaks out against male infant circumcision. The rabbi says, "It seems very silly that people who are not Jewish would engage in circumcisions. It makes no sense to me either."
Choose Intact: An Example Disproves the “Moral Case for Circumcision”
A rabbi defending male infant circumcision uses the same reasons as many mothers use for female genital cutting in some cultures. The similarity of the justifications for genital cutting is remarkable. It also illustrates that genital cutting is truly driven by cultural reasons, not logic.
YouTube Bonobo3D: Foreskin Restoration - Why?
Jewish American independent filmmaker, Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon discusses why he included discussion and explicit images of foreskin restoration in his landmark documentary film, Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision.
Beyond the Bris: Refusing to Circumcise: A Mom's Difficult Demand
A Jewish convert talks about her intense desire to protect her baby boys from circumcision. She was willing to risk everything to protect her sons from the genital cutting ritual. Fortunately, her husband, who was Jewish also, agreed that it was barbaric to cut the sex organs of their baby boys.
Birth is Action: Circumcision: Thinking about it?
Ryan McAlister's video, Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital is featured.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Joseph4GI: COLORADO: Senator Aguilar Circumvents Circumcision Debate
Some in Colorado are seeking to reinstate Medicaid coverage for elective male infant circumcision. One such person is Senator Aquilar. In order to stifle public discourse on this issue, she recently had all posts deleted from her Facebook page.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Don't Get Stuck With HIV: Denied, withheld, and uncollected evidence and unethical research cloud what really happened during three key trials of circumcision to protect men
A thorough critique of the three Africa trials that are used to justify the male circumcision campaign in Africa. The conclusions of the three trials are based on assumptions, not evidence. In at least two of the trials, only a minority of HIV infections came from sex.
no circumcision: Circumcision Affects Men
YouTube video by CanadianGirlsTalk where they discuss how circumcision affects men. It does not matter if any one man does not remember being circumcised at birth. It is still a traumatic experience to have part of your sex organ cut off.
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