Intactivism: Week in Review December 3, 2011
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Birth Without Fear: The Circumcision Decision
A mother describes her circumcision decision. While doing her circumcision research, she watched a video of an infant circumcision. That convinced her that her baby did not need genital cutting. She lists all the common excuses used to justify male infant circumcision, along with the reasons why those excuses to circumcise do not stand up to scrutiny.
Joseph4GI: CIRCUMCISION: Another Baby Dies
Although doctors do their best to discount it, baby boys die from being circumcised. Last week a two-day old infant died from complications after being circumcised. How many babies must die before parents realize that male infant circumcision puts their babies in needless risk.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Zimbabwe Times Live: Circumcision does not stop HIV infections: HIV
A plea for Africa to stop the male circumcision campaign because male circumcision does not prevent HIV. Links to various sources are provided.
Intact News: San Francisco Vigil for Lives Lost to Circumcision
Bay Area Intactivists is holding a candlelight vigil in remembrance of the male, female, and intersex children who have lost their lives due to complications of circumcision or other non-therapeutic forms of genital cutting. The vigil will take place outside Or Shalom in response to a circumcision panel discussion which will extol the genital cutting of children.
Dr James Pate, MD: CIRCUMCISION: Another Baby Dies
Doctor Pate is an OB/GYN who does not believe in doing male infant circumcision. He reports on a baby boy who recently died from being circumcised. The doctor says, "Shame on the medical community!"
The Healthy Life Blog: Circumcision
A mother discusses all the reasons people choose to circumcise. She then presents counter-arguments and reasons why she is not circumcising her son.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
YouTube: Shaquille O'Neal on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 1
On the Jimmy Kimmel show, Shaquille "Shaq" O'Neal says that, like the title of his new book, Shaq Uncut: My Story, he is uncut, that is, uncircumcised (intact) because they did not have big enough tools to circumcise him (at 2:16 in the video).
The Siows in Triplicate: The Penis: To snip, or not to snip?
Recalling a trip to China, a man soon to be father to twin boys tells why he is leaving his sons intact. No circumcision for them.
rethinking everything: Sex and Circumcision
Two mothers go back and forth discussing the circumcision decision. The mother with the intact son was certain from the beginning that her son would remain whole. Her intuition worked well. The other mother let her son be circumcised at one week. Poor little guy. She regrets having him circumcised.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Awesation: Attachment parents who circumcise? wtf?
Attachment parents believe in raising children while avoiding harmful practices. Breastfeeding. Cosleeping. Never allow CIO. But why do some still allow male infant circumcision, which is one of the most harmful things that parents can legally do to their child.
Parents do not always know best
Why are boys circumcised as babies? Babies are defenseless, so it was decided a long time ago that was the best time to mutilate them. Girls had their genitals cut too until it was outlawed in the US in 1996. Parents do not have the right to have unnecessary, elective surgery performed on their children. Few adult men would ever choose to have part of their sex organ cut off. Why would parents think it OK just because the male has not yet become an adult?
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Child of the Nature Isle: Leave de Boy Penis ALONE!!! (Aka: He is Intact, Do Not Retract)
A mother describes why her son was not circumcised. Her son is intact. She provides information for mothers so that they will know enough to realize that baby boys should not be circumcised. She also describes the proper care of an intact (uncircumcised) penis. Basically, wash like a finger and NEVER retract.
Saving Our Sons: Circumcision's Profound Impact on My Family
Dr Momma Peaceful Parenting: Circumcision's Profound Impact on My Family
A mother writes about how her first son came to be circumcised at 3 weeks of age. She stayed with her son and watched the doctor perform surgery on her son. Even though anesthesia was used, she could tell her son was in pain because he cried so hard that he turned purple in the face. When her second son was born, she successfully fought to keep him intact and whole. She now realizes that circumcision is harmful. Her husband, who is circumcised, also realized that his circumcision has harmed him and their sex life.
Chateau Heartiste: Reader Mailbag: Surfeit Of Flushed Nethers Edition
A reader asks about male circumcision. The answer is that circumcision is a barbaric practice. "Civilized peoples should outlaw it. Instead, it continues to be de rigueur in large swaths of the population. The arguments for it are nonsensical." For example, male circumcision reduces sexual pleasure for men contrary to many assertions that it does not.
Pregnancy: Tired of Being Pregnant: Circumcision
A mother says, "I am an American and I am not having my son circumcised." Married to an intact Australian, she knows the benefits of letting the man keep his foreskin. She did not always believe in leaving boys intact, but she realized that there is no good reason to circumcise a baby boy.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Say No to Circumcision: Working to Outlaw Infant and Child Circumcision – A Wise Strategy, or Not?
Georganne Chapin writes about Intact America and how they have not, yet, advocated legal prohibitions against male infant circumcision. The San Francisco initiative to ban male infant circumcision was received with excitement. Many across America learned about the issue of infant circumcision and that many did not agree with circumcising baby boys. There was backlash. But that created even more publicity and awareness of the circumcision issue.
The WHOLE Network: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas...
A short holiday poem about circumcision that addresses many of the common myths about circumcision.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Experience Project: RTM - Rreverse Taping Method
A man describes his efforts at foreskin restoration. He started with t-taping. Last year he began using the reverse taping method (RTM). He now has full gliding motion during sex and is very satisfied. To learn more about RTM, join There are many posts describing reverse taping method of foreskin restoration, along with several videos showing how to do it.
Male Circumcision and HIV: PENN JILLETTE: Atheist Guide to the 2012 Election with lessons for intactivism
Penn Jillette gives an atheist guide to the 2012 election. The relevant part for intactivism is right around the 10 minute mark. Jillette talks about how a mass falling away from organized religious belief is amplified by the internet. He says it has become difficult for religious communities to shield their members from opposing and differing ideas. The lesson for intactivists is that we will never go back to a time of total isolation. When a teen or young adult upset at being circumcised or suffering from a poor circumcision outcome goes online, he will find a community of supporters and a wealth of information.
End Routine Infant Circumcision: If Intact – Don’t Retract! Foreskin is Adhered to the Glans During Infancy
A baby boy who is not circumcised should never have his foreskin forcibly retracted. It is unncessary to retract the foreskin when changing the diaper of a boy. Just wipe like a finger. The problem with retracting the foreskin is that it often results in complications and problems for the boy later on.
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