Intactivism: Week in Review December 24, 2011
This week ends on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, my time has been limited this week. It appears I am not alone in having a lot going on this week. There are fewer intactivist posts to report.
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
End Routine Infant Circumcision: Friend Speaks to Best Friend Against Circumcision
A mother whose son is intact informs her friend, who has a circumcised son, of the benefits of leaving a baby boy whole, just as he was born. Circumcision is unnecessary. And circumcision is harmful both during the surgery and afterwards when the baby sits with a wound in a dirty diaper.
Dr. Momma Peaceful Parenting: Urine Samples and Catheter Insertion for Intact Boys
Far too often, intact baby boys have their foreskins forcibly retracted. An infant's foreskin is fused to his glans. The average age where the foreskin becomes naturally retractable is around 10 years. But many falsely believe that the foreskin has to be forcibly retracted for cleaning. Leave it alone! But sometimes it is necessary for a clean urine sample to be taken from an intact baby boy.
Monday, December 19, 2011
The WHOLE Network: Jewish Intactivists Write on Circumcision
A collection of quotes from prominent Jewish intactivists. They collectively provide much information on male infant circumcision and how, as a ritual, it is time to find a replacement.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Awesatious: Let’s talk about sex!
Judith talks about the role of foreskin during sex. Sex with an intact man is how sex was intended to be. It is the most pleasurable way to have sex, for both the man and his partner. Circumcised men are too often like a pile driver, thrusting in and pulling almost all the way out, over and over again until the woman is sore from the pounding and the reduction in her lubrication. Intact men have no need to pound away, and their foreskin helps hold in her natural juices. Everyone is happier when the man is intact (or has restored his foreskin).
Saving our Sons: German Factory Uses Infant Foreskin to Grow Human Skin
Dr. Momma Peaceful Parenting: German Factory Uses Infant Foreskin to Grow Human Skin
The foreskin is removed during male infant circumcision. Never to miss an opportunity to make a dollar, doctors sell that foreskin, which is being used for various purposes from cosmetics to skin grafts. Here is a report about a German firm using the foreskin from children to grow new skin samples for testing cosmetics and other products.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Examiner: Circumcision - your rights in wrongful or botched circumcisions
Information on a new guide to the legal rights of parents and recently turned 18 adults to pursue legal recourse for wrongful or injurious circumcisions. Announcement of the guide was made by Steven Svoboda of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child.
National Coalition for Men: Mass circumcisions of African males increased spread of HIV!
Zimbabwe’s Harare Daily News, in the article ‘Circumcision: Canal for new HIV infections’, reports that massive efforts in Africa to circumcise males has indeed resulted in a massive spread of the HIV. The article notes the increase is due to circumcised males’ reliance on circumcision as their sole form of prevention thereby doing away with the need to use condoms, which is exactly what Dr. Edell predicted over two years ago!
Men's Activism: J Law Med. - Is it lawful to use Medicaid to pay for circumcision?
The abstract from the recent article questioning whether Medicaid should be used to pay for male infant circumcision. Cutting the sex organs of baby boys is never medically indicated. Why are taxpayers paying for elective surgery?
Thursday, December 22, 2011
HIV in Kenya: Why Are Westerners So In Love With Circumcision For Africans?
An blogger questions the circumcision campaign in Africa. "Circumcision seems like more of an unwise leap of faith than a genuine HIV transmission prevention strategy." "Of course, male to female transmission, which is far more common in African countries, will not be reduced by male circumcision; it may even be increased."
CBC News: Dad who botched circumcision loses court appeal
A man who gave himself a circumcision lost a court appeal in Canada for circumcising his son at home. The man was convicted of aggravated assault for circumcising his four-year old son on the kitchen floor. He had previously been convicted of criminal negligence for causing bodily harm for the 2007 circumcision crime.
Better Lovers: Chicago / SF Pride Parade Circumcision Protesters – Another Brick in the Wall parody (full length)
A YouTube video parody of the Pink Floyd song. The parody highlights the harm of circumcision of children. "Hey! Doctors! Leave those dicks alone."
Jo S Wun Irregularly Verbal: Circumcision Decisions
A chart showing the decision process that should be followed when making the circumcision decision. Basically, if it is not your penis, do not cut it!
Friday, December 23, 2011
The Grand Narrative: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Circumcision in Korea
Korea adopted male circumcision in order to be more like the United States. Unfortunately for the Koreans, as they approach almost a 100% circumcision rate, the United States is decreasing their male circumcision rate.
Choose Intact: Donations Are Voluntary, Not Taken
Recent news includes the German company using foreskin from male infant circumcisions for developing products. The German company says the foreskins are donated. I do not think so. Not one of those baby boys voluntarily gave their foreskin to that company. I am sure those boys would have preferred to keep all of their penis and not be circumcised.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
TV - A much better way: The marketing of Circumcision
A YouTube video of John V. Geisheker, J.D., LL.M., and Executive Director of Doctors Opposing Circumcision, discussing the marketing of male infant circumcision and the lack of medical ethics in doctors who profit from genital abuse/cutting of children.
Stop the Cut: Circumcision: Your Legal Rights
Legal Help And Advice Blog: What You Must Know – Suing A Doctor For Injuries Sustained During A Child’s Circumcision
Information about the recent document released by Attorneys for the Rights of the Child.
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