Intactivism: Week in Review December 17, 2011
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The Streeter Reader: Circumcision: A Complete Rip-Off
A student posts her research paper about male infant circumcision. In her paper, she notes that Americans are one of the few cultural groups that will make the decision on whether they will electively circumcise their newborn sons. She concludes, "Circumcision should not be performed on infants unless there is a medical need." She predicts that the end of non-therapeutic male circumcision is near by relying on the fact that fewer parents are opting for the unnecessary surgery on their baby boys.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Andrew Sullivan: The Dish: Ask Me Anything: Why I'm Opposed To Infant Circumcision
A video response by Andrew Sullivan to the question about why he is opposed to male infant circumcision. Besides the obvious reason that he is not happy that he is circumcised, he does not like that his bodily integrity was compromised by removal of part of his healthy body. He parts company with many Intactivists because he believes in a religious exemption. I disagree with him because my parents religion should have no influence over my bodily autonomy. It is their religion, not mine (at least not mine as a baby).
Awesatious: Mothers, do not leave circumcision decision to the fathers!
Before her son was born, this blogging mom thought that her husband should make the circumcision decision. He wanted his son's penis cut, just like his. This was not a good enough reason for her, so she did her homework. She found that male infant circumcision can permanently alter a baby's brain, infant circumcision is painful, and infant circumcision violates the baby's right to a whole body.
Wednesday, December 1, 2011
The WHOLE Network: Uncommon Sense from a Common Dad
A father tells of his transformation. He is circumcised and he had his son circumcised. He now knows better. He explains the reasons why infant circumcision is wrong and every boy deserves to grow up whole, just as he was born.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
TD 365: Babymodification!
A mommy blogger writes, "Circumcision (male or female), piercing, sexual assignment (or reassignment) surgery… none of it is okay when performed on an infant or child. It’s not YOUR body, and these are not your choices to make."
Dr. Hurley’s Snake-Oil Cure: Exposure № 048: Walk Before Me and Be Perfect
Blogger questions the need and the desire to cut the genitals of children. The blood rite of genital cutting is practiced in the name of religion for both boys and girls.
Dr Momma Peaceful Parenting: The 'Circumcision Song' Hits Airwaves Across Africa Thanks to Bill Gates' Funding
Saving Our Sons: The 'Circumcision Song' Hits Airwaves Across Africa Thanks to Bill Gates' Funding
The Bill Gates Foundation is funding a propaganda song to support the male circumcision campaign in Africa. In spite of the intense effort by the pro-circumcision advocates, the African circumcision campaign is not widely accepted. Only a small percentage of men are voluntarily being circumcised. Hence the perceived need for propaganda. Maybe there is a reason many men in Africa do not want to be circumcised. Sex is better with a whole and intact penis.
Laurel of Leaves: Is Circumcision a Christian Thing to Do?
An intactivist blogger questions male infant circumcision among Christians. She points out that there is a big difference between the circumcision of today and that done in bibical times. She refers inquisitive readers to her post at Modern Alternative Mama: Is Circumcision a Christian Thing to Do?
Babies, Boobs, & Blasphemy: Intactivist Card GIVEAWAY!
Want to get the word out about the harms of male infant circumcision? Want to persuade others to stop male genital cutting/mutilation? Here is an offer for information cards.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Intactivists Blog: Hitchens Got Us Thinking
Christopher Hitchens was very outspoken about male infant circumcision. He considered circumcision mutilation of the sex organ, and he was correct. Hitchens recent passing is a loss as he was a widely heard intactivist.
Conspiracy Theories: The Circumcision Conspiracy
The worldwide prevalence of male circumcision is discussed, along with the common reasons why male circumcision is performed. Even the history of male genital cutting is discussed. "The truth of the matter is that circumcision reduces a penis to a dried, insensate husk. It is not needed by men."
YouTube video foreskinrestore1: The making of Torpedo Tugging weights for foreskin restoration
YouTube video foreskinrestore1: Making a Supercanister Tugger for foreskin restoration
A video showing how the foreskin restoration device is made for Advanced Devices' foreskin restoration. The cylindrical device is made on a lathe and provides tension to restore a foreskin.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Butterflies and Wheels: Mutilate the baby tastefully
Commentary on a mother who wrote a blog about her son's circumcision. The author thinks that the other blogger "doth protest too much." A commenter thinks the other blogger plays the victim too much. The real victim is the baby boy who had part of his sex organ circumcised.
TV - A Much Better Way: Remembering Christopher Hitchens – Hitchslapping Circumcision!
YouTube video of Christopher Hitchens owning a Rabbi who jokes about male infant circumcision.
The Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health: Sexual Studies: Male Circumcision and Its Impact on Sexaul Function in Men and Their Female Partners
A report on the recent study that documented the harm caused by male circumcision. "This study showed being circumcised was associated with male difficulties in achieving orgasm and a range of problems in women with circumcised partners–mostly related to orgasm difficulties, pain and not having their sexual needs fulfilled."
Choose Intact: Rwanda Imposing a Foreskin-Free Generation
Joseph4GI: CIRCUMCISION: The Washington Post Folds to the PrePex Ad Campaign
An analysis of the recent propaganda piece by Rwandan Minister of Health Agnes Binagwahois where she writes of “an opportunity to lay the foundation for an AIDS-free generation” by promoting male circumcision. Unfortunately, the Rwandan minister plans on universal male circumcision, targeting a rate of 50% male infant circumcision for 2012.
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tally....HELP! i cant get on the site...( i was on briefly yesterday ..& should have bookmarked..please email me when its corrected..ive been a member for years...thanks "the artist"