Intactivism: Week in Review November 26, 2011
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Choose Intact: Fear Still Exists in the Modern World
We need more open and honest talk in our society. Too much is hidden behind closed doors. Things like the fact that male circumcision was promoted to curb male masturbation. And it worked, even though many circumcised men say that it has not slowed them down. How would they know since they were circumcised at birth? After restoring my foreskin I know that I enjoy masturbation much more now with my restored foreskin than before I started restoring.
no circumcision: Saving Babies: Intact Care: So Easy A Caveman Can Do It
Baby boys who are not circumcised are very easy to care for. Wipe like a finger and never retract. Baby boys who are circumcised require much more care. Circumcised babies require wound care and cleaning to avoid the risk of infection from sitting in a dirty diaper.
What happens in Elkmont: Truth about Circumcisions!!
A call to action to sign the Intact America letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Task Force on Circumcision. We need to let the AAP know that male infant circumcision cannot be recommended because circumcision has risks that far outweigh any benefits.
Tantric Moments: Snip the difference
A brief tutorial on how to massage a man's penis. For uncircumcised or intact men, Lilly gives some practical advice that intact or restored men would appreciate. She notices that for circumcised men, lube is required and they may also be less sensitive than intact (uncut) men.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Recovery from a Botched Circumcision: Off to a Delayed Start, a Preface
A blog by a 21 year old college student who tells of his botched circumcision. He had a skin bridge from his corona to his shaft. The skin bridge is so large that it prevents him from getting fully erect without it becoming painful. His blog starts near the end because he is seeking another surgery to correct his botched circumcision. If he had been left intact, he could have avoided all these problems.
Devenport Times: Should you circumcise your child?
An extended family discusses the circumcision question for an expecting mother. The now uncle describes that the risks of not circumcising are grossly exaggerated and circumcision is not needed for hygiene. "'Leave the poor boy alone,' he said of his advice to mums-to-be. 'As an expectant mother and parent of a baby, you have far more important things to worry about than the shape of his dick.'"
Colorado Times Call: Circumcision decision: Lyons family opts not to have procedure on son
A Jewish mother decides not to circumcise her son, despite family and religious norms. Despite deep societal, historical and religious roots, she decided that male infant circumcision was a harmful practice that has lived past its usefulness. Religious freedom ends where another person's human rights begin, says Gillian Longley of Boulder, a neonatal nurse who refuses to assist in circumcision.
Salem-News: The foreskin is a lip, and thus an organ; its ablation is a mutilation
Our lips join our outer skin on the face to the mucous membrane in our mouth. Our lips are sensitive to the touch. The male foreskin similarly has outer skin that joins the mucous membrane of the inner foreskin. Like the lips, the male foreskin is very sensitive in places. No one would consider cutting off a person's lips. Why do parents persist in cutting off the foreskin of their baby sons?
Choose Intact: Flawed Circumcision Defense: Dr. Edgar Schoen
Dr. Edgar Schoen has devoted his life to defending male infant circumcision. He often speaks out supporting the outdated practice. Even though he is a doctor, he does not rely upon medical evidence to support his position, but often resorts to ad hominem attacks and hyperbole. He fails to address the ethical issues of doctors performing surgery to remove healthy tissue when the patient does not need such surgery.
Awesatious: What does circumcision have to do with abortion?
Invariably, when there is a post about male infant circumcision, someone makes a comment about abortion in an attempt to hijack the blog. Abortion is entirely unrelated to infant circumcision. No matter a person's position on abortion, they should be against genital cutting of helpless and healthy baby boys.
- If a person believes life is sacred, then that person should also believe that the born life should be able to live unaltered by unnecessary surgery. If it is worth fighting for the baby's life, it is worth fighting for the baby to keep his body intact.
If a person believes in choice, then that person should believe that the infant male should have the choice when he grows up to decide if he wants part of his penis cut off. The penis and foreskin belongs to the male. He should have the choice to decide what happens to it.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Awesatious: Since when does forgotten abuse mean it didn’t happen?
Many advocate circumcision for baby boys because they say that the baby will not remember it. Huh? So, it is ok to hurt babies, as long as they will not remember it? Do people even think before they say such things?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Monsters and Critics Health: South African doctor warns against using circumcision to fight HIV
The editor of the South African Medical Journal warned on Wednesday against a government plan to promote circumcision as part of an anti-HIV campaign. There is a real risk that pushing circumcision will undermine gains made in encouraging condom use, which are more effective than male circumcision.
The New Age: Eastern Cape: Chiefs oppose infant ‘snip’
The national medical circumcision plan in Africa to circumcise all male babies immediately after birth and in hospitals has been rejected by Eastern Cape traditional leaders.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Saving our Sons: Thank You for Saving a Son and the Man He Will Become
A thank you message for all who are working to abolish the outdated blood rite of male circumcision. May all children grow up with their whole body.
Guggie Daly: Jewish Intactivism Part II
More American Jews are becoming intactivists as the harm of male infant circumcision becomes more widely known. This post includes many quotes from prominent Jews and Jewish publications. The quotes show a growing acceptance that the circumcision ritual is obsolete.
Saturday, Novebmer 26, 2011
The WHOLE Network: The Bittersweet Successes of ‘Cutting Culture,’ Las Vegas
"Cutting Culture” was an event held at the Barrick Museum of the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). The event fulfilled an internship requirement for Travis Wisdom's undergraduate degree.
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