Intactivism: Week in Review November 19, 2011
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
End Routine Infant Circumcision: Fundraising Against Circumcision
ERIC is seeking 3-6 minute long videos that are related to intactivism. For every video promoting genital integrity for children, ERIC will donate $3 to for their circumcision information packs that are distributed to expecting parents. Help inform parents so they can make a better decision about circumcision.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Science Nordic: Male circumcision leads to a bad sex life
Circumcised men have more difficulties reaching orgasm, and their female partners experience more vaginal pains and an inferior sex life. The clear-cut conclusion of a new Danish research article is that if a man is circumcised, he faces an increased risk of experiencing delayed orgasm and his female partner has an increased risk of not feeling sexually fulfilled. “Circumcised men are three times as likely to experience a frequent inability to reach an orgasm,” says one of the researchers.
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal: Whole again: The practice of foreskin restoration
An article on foreskin restoration. The information on methods and devices is dated, but it is refreshing to see a medical journal address non-surgical foreskin restoration. Too bad they call it "uncircumcision," which indicates that it is not the preferred condition.
Lawn Cares: Penn State abuse is part of America’s child assault that includes the perversion of circumcision
There is hypocrisy in being outraged at what happened at Penn State while also thinking nothing of cutting off part of a baby boy's sex organ. Why is it that people cannot leave boys alone? Why is it that people must mess with a boy's penis? Leave baby boys whole and intact and keep your hands off them as they grow up.
Awesatious: Ad hominem attacks on circumcision fetishists?
Judith takes to task some pro-circumcision folks on Twitter who cry ad hominem attacks when there has been no such attack. Some pro-circumcision advocates belong to Circ List and the Gilgal Society, two circumfetishist organizations.
infocirc: Dr. John Warren: Awakening to the Damage of Circumcision and the Value of Foreskin
Dr. John Warren (MB, BChir, DCH, FRCP), founder of NORM-UK, discusses his personal discoveries regarding the harm of circumcision, foreskin restoration, and the intactivist movement to protect the genital integrity of all children.
infocirc: Paul Mason: Male Circumcision is increasingly being recognized as a Violation of Rights
Paul Mason, Family & Children's Lawyer (and Former Commissioner for Children of Tasmania), discusses children's right to bodily integrity and the context of that right in the history of social progress. Seven years ago, the Queensland Law Reform Institute determined that medically unnecessary circumcision of a boy is an assault.
SexIs: Is There Such A Thing As Female Privilege?
A look at privilege. The article does not negate male privilege. It does point out that both sexes have privilege, just for different things. "Women complain about the way society demands they conform to body standards — but what about the most brutal body standard of all — circumcision? Millions of boys are brought into this world by having their foreskin brutally torn off — often without anesthetic. Meanwhile, altering a girl’s genitals can land somebody in jail for years (a federal law that applies only to one gender doesn’t seem to support the notion of 'equal protection under the law')."
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
How To Be A Good Parent: Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital
A short blog about Professor Ryan McAllister's class on child circumcision, which includes various types of genital cutting of children. The video of his class presentation is very straight-forward as he presents the facts and science behind the harms and risks of genital cutting of boys and girls.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Daily Camera: Health: More parents opt out of circumcision
A thoughtful article discussing parents' decision about male infant circumcision. Today's parents are better informed and willing to research issues. This makes them more likely to recognize the harms and risks of male infant circumcision. One mother asks, "As a mom, my biological instinct is to protect my kids, and I naturally wouldn't do anything to harm them purposely, so why would I circumcise?"
Intact America blog: The American Medical Association Should Be Ashamed!
A blog condemning the recent vote by the AMA against bans of male infant circumcision. It appears that the doctors are voting with their wallets, not their ethics, by continuing genital cutting of healthy baby boys. Intact America points out that the doctor's patient is the baby boy who is having part of his penis cut off.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
NCFM: NCFM VP Marc Angelucci article, “Male circumcision: it’s a personal choice” published in Los Angeles Daily Journal!
On Tuesday the American Medical Association (AMA) voted to oppose bans against male infant circumcision. See the full article: Male circumcision: It's a personal choice. The AMA ignored the fact that the child is the patient for circumcision. Instead, they went against other medical associations in the world by ignoring the harms caused by male infant circumcision and the associated ethical considerations of doctors cutting off healthy body parts of non-consenting patients. Greed overcomes ethics, apparently.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Asadal Thought: Circumcision in Korea
It is only within the past 60 years that male circumcision became widespread in South Korea. Most boys are circumcised as they reach puberty. Two studies of Korean circumcision determined that doctors are ignorant on the male penile anatomy and on circumcision. For example, most doctors believe that phimosis is the condition of the foreskin covering the glans, which is actually the normal function of the foreskin.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Awesatious: Infant Circumcision vs. Adult Circumcision
Judith compares infant circumcision with adult circumcision. There is a big difference. Infant circumcision does more damage because the foreskin has to be forcibly separated from the glans. It is also more painful because an adult has better pain medication, both during the surgery and aftwards (and without the wound sitting in a dirty diaper).
Babies, Boobs, and Blasphemy: I Feel Like I'm Taking Crazy Pills
A mother wonders why the foreskin is the only body part that is routinely cut off of babies. She lists 10 body parts that have much more problems than foreskin, but no one would ever think to amputate those body parts until there is a medical reason to do so.
Intact America blog: Sex and Circumcision
Georganne was asked point blank if sex is better with a circumcised man or with an intact man. She answered, “All other things being equal, yes, sex is better with a man who has a normal, complete penis.” Many circumcised men have trouble accepting that circumcision removes valuable, erogenous tissue from the penis. The Lost List identifies some of the things that a man loses by being circumcised. Foreskin restoration allows men to regain some of what was lost, enough to make it worthwhile.
Laughing in Purgatory: Another Reason Why Not To Circumcise
Male infant circumcision is a medically unnecessary surgical procedure that has risks and sometimes results in complications. Studies, including a recent one, show that male circumcision often results in reduced sexual pleasure for both the man and woman.
John's Foreskin Restoration Experience: Results!
After manual tugging to restore his foreskin, John notices that he feels looser. That is a good indication that he has broken any adhesions from his circumcision scar and he is increasing his skin flexibility. He is on his way to regaining his foreskin.
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