Intactivism: Week in Review November 12, 2011
Recent news is that Intact America has started a blog. Intact America is a strong advocate for genital integrity of all babies. Both male and female children have the right to bodily autonomy, that is, an intact body, free from unnecessary surgery such as circumcision. Intact America will use the blog to address the latest media coverage, ongoing topics and observations, essays, personal stories, and much more on their new blog.
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Foreskin Restoration: People > G.J.'s story
A comment from a man who was circumcised and noticed that he was different than his dad. GJ tells how his intact father listened to the doctor, who recommended that GJ be circumcised at 7 years of age.
Dr Momma Peaceful Parenting: Even When You Lose, You are Winning
A motivational post that those who speak out to protect children are really winning, even when it seems they are not.
YouTube EndRoutineInfantCirc: Non-therapeutic Infant Circumcision Is Abuse
A video recap on one man's thoughts about his infant circumcision. He was born premature, but the doctors still wanted to circumcise him.
Intactivist Blog: Circumcision Harm
The Global Survey on Circumcision Harm is a great resource to go to when researching the harm that circumcision does. A picture of a man's damaged penis is shown. If doctors would show parents a picture like this, no parent would have their infant son circumcised.
Bonobo3D YouTube Video: Constitutional Rights of a 1 Day Old Baby Boy
Zenas Baer, J.D. discusses the events that led him to studying the legal issues around circumcision of children and representing clients harmed by forced circumcision.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Intact America - The Blog: An Open-Minded Pediatrician and Me
Georganne Chapin, Intact America’s founding executive director, describes an encounter with a doctor who admits to circumcising a lot of baby boys. Incongruously, the doctor's son is not circumcised. He left his son intact, just the way he was born.
Midwifery Ramblings: Circumcision
A mother writes about how she learned better and left her youngest son whole and intact, although she had her oldest son circumcised. She writes that infant circumcision is elective surgery that removes healthy tissue from a healthy body. There is no medical reason to support circumcision of an infant.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
East Tennessean: The tip of the Iceberg
A man writes about how his infant circumcision has adversely affected him. He describes how the intact penis functions and how removing the foreskin by circumcision destroys the natural function of the penis.
The Guggie Daily: Quick Links on Religion and Circumcision
A list of links for Christians and Catholics relating to male circumcision. Christians and Catholics are not required to circumcise children.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Intact America - The Blog: An Open-Minded Pediatrician and Me – Part 2
Georganne Chapin, Intact America’s founding executive director, describes her continuing thoughts about the pediatrician that circumcised baby boys, although he left his own son intact. It troubled her to meet someone who continues to circumcise baby boys while he knows circumcision is wrong because he did not circumcise his son.
John's Foreskin Restoration Experience: Still Tugging
A new blog by a man who is starting to restore his foreskin to regain some of what he lost by being circumcised. This entry tells of John's efforts to tug as much as possible, even though he has not yet noticed a difference.
Salem-News: Art is Activism for Jupiter Sculptor
South Florida Gay News: Art is Activism for Jupiter Sculptor
A Florida artist seeks to educate through his art. He is an intactivist and hopes to teach others about the harms of male infant circumcision through his sculptures. “My goal is to raise awareness. People need to be made aware there is nothing wrong with foreskin,” he says. “It’s a natural part of the body and most people think it’s natural to be mutilated or circumcised. It’s not normal.”
Awesatious: How infant circumcision affects everyone!
Protecting the innocent, the children, is everyone's duty. There are far too many cases were children are harmed by what adults do to them. Male infant circumcision harms babies and the men they grow up to be. We can stop harming children by stopping male infant circumcision. Circumcision is elective surgery that is not required for healthy boys. They can grow up whole and intact.
Friday, November 11, 2011 Vulva Girl Serenades Foreskin Man on San Francisco Election Day
A new dance tune entitled "Foreskin Man" promotes the Foreskin Man comic book series. The song is performed by Vulva Girl, Foreskin Man’s female counterpart, and was released today by MGMbill Records.
coffee and kids: Circumcision: A Complete Rip-Off
A copy of a student's research paper. The student does a very good job of putting male infant circumcision in perspective. She discusses the lack of medical justification for infant circumcision. Also, infant circumcision has undesirable physical and psychological effects.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
BioEdge - Bioethics News: Informed consent in Netherlands: circumcision
The Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) says Dutch doctors should discourage circumcision of boys because children cannot give informed consent. According to a KNMG medical ethicist, Gert van Dijk, "We feel circumcision is a medically unnecessary form of surgery. ... In our code of medical ethics, it states that you must not do harm to the patient, but with this procedure this is exactly what you're doing."
no circumcision: Circumcision Not Cost-Effective Says Study
Dr. Robert Van Howe evaluated the costs of male infant circumcision in view of the benefits. His study found that the costs far exceeded any benefit.
Salem-News: CIRCUMCISION as Attenuated Homicides
The theory of initiation ceremonies is that a person, the initiate, must die from an existing life to be reborn into a proper social order. Ritual, as group behavior, is often a violent act to control and direct violence for the social purpose. Circumcision is not a medical procedure. Circumcision is a ritual.
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