Intactivism: Week in Review October 8, 2011
In news this week the medical industry comes out and says that intactivists should stop fighting male infant circumcision. I guess intactivists are cutting into the easy profits of the medical industry. It must be nice to have patients that cannot complain. *sigh*
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Awesatious: All infant circumcision is child abuse and needs to stop!
Any removal or alteration of a baby’s genitals is mutilation and child abuse. If you ask most people from civilized societies, they will immediately say that FGM (female genital mutilation) is barbaric and worthy of being against the law, and it is. If you mention MGM (male genital mutiliation AKA circumcision) to the same group of people, you get mixed results. For some reason, the sex of the child makes a difference when it comes to genital cutting.
The WHOLE Network: Penis Reduction Surgery: Does Size Not Matter?
Suppose we call male infant circumcision penis reduction surgery? The foreskin comprises a substantial portion of the outer tissues of the male penis. Removing the foreskin, removes that substantial amount of tissue from the penis. Girth, in particular, is affected. After restoring my foreskin, my penis gained girth. Even my partner noticed it.
The Walrus Speaks: Male Circumcision OK, Female Circumcision Not OK
Hector points out the double standard of protecting girls from genital cutting but not protecting boys from genital cutting. He disses California's Governor Brown who just signed the anti-anti-circumcision bill. Hector thinks, like many others who think about it, that males should have the choice to decide if part of their penis is to be cut off.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Las Vegas Review-Journal: Studies show that circumcision is on the decline
A reporter tries to figure out why the rate of male infant circumcisions is decreasing in recent years. He fails to research that male infant circumcision has no medical benefit that outweights the risks and complications of infant circumcision. But at least it is good news that circumcision rates are falling.
bigavocado: The Turtle Neck
A father decides to leave his son intact. The midwife gave him good information that persuaded him to not circumcise his son.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Choose Intact: Flawed Circumcision Defense: California Assemblyman Mike Gatto
A critique of California Assemblyman Mike Gatto, who introduced the anti-anti-circumcision bill in California. Gatto derailed the San Francisco ban on male infant circumcision with his bill.
The Athiest Rabbi: Eliminating The Cruelest Cut
Dr. Mark Reiss maintains the website, The site is committed to providing accurate information about the dangers of male infant circumcision. It also promotes b’rit shalom (covenant of peace) ceremonies over the traditional b’rit or b’ris milah (covenant of circumcision).
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The WHOLE Network: Why My Son is Not Circumcised
A mother writes about how she decided her son would remain whole and intact, just as he was born. As a pro-circ, she participated in on-line debates seeking to justify circumcising her son. Every reason she came up with to circumcise was shot down with facts and better reasons to leave her son intact.
ERIC: I Believe Circumcision Is Wrong; Essay
A father writes about his daughter who wrote an essay for school about male infant circumcision. She knows a lot about the harms of male infant circumcision and is not shy about telling others. Bravo for her.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Intact America: The Global Survey of Circumcision Harm is a groundbreaking exploration into the effects of infant circumcision on adult men
A pdf file containing recent results of the Global Survey of Circumcision Harm for men. Yes, many men suffer harm from their routine infant circumcision. This study documents some of that harm as more men speak out about what circumcision has done to them.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Salt & Nectar: Why I Didn’t Circumcise My Sons
A mother refused to circumcise her sons because there is no valid reason to cut off part of their sex organs. Both she and her husband considered and rejected the locker room fallacy.
Awesatious: The foreskin accounts for an average of 50% of the penile skin
Many are unaware of how much tissue the foreskin is. Calling the foreskin a flap of skin does not help, either. The foreskin covers the glans with a double layer of tissue: outer skin and inner foreskin mucosal tissue. For an adult, that is roughly 3 inches or more of length and about 5 inches in circumference.
Intact News: Jonathon Conte: Motivations of an Intactivist
YouTube Video by Bonobo3D
Jonathon Conte discusses his awakening understanding about genital integrity and autonomy, developing skills for talking with people about the issue, and how it affects everyone.
ERIC: CA Governor Jerry Brown On Circumcision
Last week California’s Governor, Jerry Brown, signed into law a bill that would prevent local cities from banning the practice of non-therapeutic circumcisions on minors under the age of 18 years old. California takes a step backwards by not protecting children from genital cutting.
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#1 Jonathon Conte: Motivations of an Intactivist.
Thank you for this excellent video. Jonathon's journey is typical of the awakening which opens the mind of most intactivists . At one point, he briefly mentioned that even doctors have no understanding of the function of the foreskin. Until the medical school anatomy and physiology textbooks in the U.S. become as explicit as are the similar textbooks in the rest of the industrialized world, it will difficult to change the doctors' attitude. However, as the number of intact men is growing, resulting from the drop in infant circumcisions, the doctors will be faced with the fact that intact men do not drop like flies from cancer, HIV, HPV, or STD's. Still, I believe that it is the doctors' training which needs to be changed. As we have seen in the San Francisco's attempt to limit infant circumcision, it only takes a few misinformed persons or judges to derail such a valiant motion.
Best regards,