Intactivism: Week in Review September 17, 2011
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Psychology Today: Moral Landscapes: Myths about Circumcision You Likely Believe (Circumcision does great harm to babies)
Six myths about circumcision surgery that are debunked. The foreskin is not a flap of skin. The foreskin is skin tube that covers the penis to protect the glans and provide the gliding action during sex. Infant circumcision is painful, both during the surgery and afterwards when the wound is healing in soiled diapers. Infant circumcision does cause long-term harm to the boy as he grows up and the man he becomes.
Intact News: Demonstration Against Circumcision at the American Academy of Pediatrics 2011 National Conference and Exhibition in Boston
The Stop Infant Circumcision Society is sponsoring a demonstration at the American Academy of Pediatrics 2011 National Conference and Exhibition at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center October 15 - 18, 2011. See the Facebook event page: American Academy of Pediatrics 2011 Demonstration. See the Intactivist Calendar for more information on this demonstration and other intactivist events.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Lawn Cares: Circumcision is too repulsive, injurious, uncivilized to last
"The days, months, years and decades march on, and the macabre procedure of circumcision does not end. How absurd that in an “enlightened society,” the madness goes on, and medically trained humans cut off healthy foreskins. Where are their principles?" There is such an overwhelming amount of literature, videos, testimonies, web sites and speakers out there debunking circumcision. Fortunately, many are listening and learning of the harms of male infant circumcision.
What I'm Missing: Part 28, Mexican boys
Another part in Kurt's continuing saga of male circumcision. Here he discusses stories boys tell others as they are growing up. He wonders if one such story tries to explain why some boys were circumcised.
YouTube Video PathwaysConnect: Why Circumcision is Unnecessary, with John Travis, MD
Intact News: Why Circumcision is Unnecessary, with John Travis, MD
Dr. Travis discusses male infant circumcision. He explains that circumcision removes a major part of the penis, which affects a man's sexual pleasure and also affects the sexual pleasure of his partner. The Victorian era saw the promotion of male genital cutting and female genital mutilation to reduce sexual self-abuse. Since that time circumcision has become a "surgical procedure in search of a disease."
Your Birth Coach: My thoughts on Circumcision
The human body is an amazing thing and is fully equipped to function normally in our environment as long as nothing interferes with it. This includes the penis. We are not born with any extra parts. All parts of our body, including the foreskin, serve important functions. The head (glans) of the penis is mucous membrane, like the inner parts of the vulva, like the inside of your mouth, the inside of your nose, and your eyes. These parts are all designed to be protected from the outside world by a layer of skin. Labia, lips, eyelids, nose, foreskin are all protective coverings for mucous membranes that allow these parts to maintain their optimal function.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Psychology Today: More Circumcision Myths You May Believe: Hygiene and STDs
Part 2 of the series debunking circumcision myths. It is not difficult to keep intact boys clean. First, as a baby, all that is needed to clean is to wipe like a finger. Retraction is not necessary. The foreskin should NEVER be retracted by anyone other than the boy. When the boy gets older, he will have no trouble cleaning under the foreskin. It is the one part of the body that the boy will want to play with. So let him play with it when bathing.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Accent Advocate: Protecting privates: Drastic decision should require subject’s consent
If the mutilation of one child's genitals is universally recognized as a violation of human rights, it is a violation to mutilate any child's genitals. But male circumcision is not only accepted, it is promoted for religious and social reasons with insignificant medical benefits. Doctors campaign against 'risky and painful' circumcision of boys
In countries where infant circumcision is not widely practiced, doctors know better than to perform unnecessary, elective surgery on baby boys. Between 10,000 and 15,000 boys are circumcised in the Netherlands every year, often on religious grounds and without anaesthetics. This is against human rights. The Dutch doctors federation KNMG has again called on ministers, MPs, and human rights organizations to speak out against the practice of circumcising young boys.
Babies, Boobs and Blasphemy: Leonidas Wouldn't Cut His Son
Spartans are tough. Brutal, even. But even they had enough compassion and common sense to know not to cut pieces off their sons. Only Jews circumcised in the days of Sparta. A mother and intactivist writes about the Spartan Race and meeting another intactivist on the the course.
Intact News: Royal Dutch Medical Association Launches Anti-Circumcision Campaign
Circumcision of boys is a violation of children's rights. Globally, there is a change in thinking taking place and the surgery is becoming less and less common. The KNMG calls upon politicians, insurance providers and human rights organizations to take responsibility to help put an end to this painful and harmful ritual.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Joseph4GI: Legal Circumcision Battle Goes State AND Federal
A discussion of the legislative battle against female genital mutilation (FGM) and for male genital mutilation or cutting (MGM), known euphemistically as circumcision. Female genital cutting is illegal by federal law and by law in most states. But, currently, a federal bill is pending and a California law was just passed endorsing male genital cutting. So much for sexual equality: Let's protect girls but not boys.
The Shroom: Black Rock City's Least Best Newspaper: Foreskin Restoration Camp Introducing Newest Rite
A Black Rock City newspaper comparable to the Onion. This article spoof's the foreskin restoration clinic held at Burning Man a few weeks ago.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Vivien...Interrupted: Question Everything!
Very true words: "One of the most important things I’ve learned in my life is to never accept information as truth without double checking it. People have developed so much respect for certain professions, e.g. doctors, priests, etc. that they have decided to trust them blindly. In my opinion, that is a huge mistake." Parents should question a lot of the established medical industries advice because, in a way, doctors are like used car salesmen, they need to sell their services to make money. Circumcision. Is it necessary or easy money for a doctor?
The WHOLE Network: Penile Adhesions: What They Are & How to Deal With Them
Penile adhesions are a complication of male infant circumcision. Adhesions often form skin bridges when the raw circumcision wound heals by attaching to another part of the penis. The important thing to remember is: adhesions do not need to be immediately dealt with in young children or forcefully ripped apart.
Experience Project: My Nephew And Why My Brother Is Awesome
A woman tells the story of her brother's intact son who was teased at school for not being circumcised. She told the boy he should tell those teasing him, "My parents loved me enough not to cut my penis." The boy said that the next time he was teased, and he was reprimanded by the school principle. Her brother ripped the school for not reprimanding the bullies and for disciplining the person being bullied.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
CafeMom The Stir: 10 Parenting Trends That Are Totally In (And 10 That Are So 2010)
In: Intactivism. Once it was a foregone conclusion. These days everyone's serious about the penis hood.
Out: Circumcision. Well, I mean, if you're Jewish, maybe . . .
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