Intactivism: Week in Review March 5, 2011
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Momma Crafty: Activism is Hard
A mother, who is an intactivist fighting for the right of babies to remain intact, discusses the good and bad of being an activist in a country where the sentiment is against her. She is optimistic, saying, "You never know when you’re going to change someone’s mind."
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Active Intactivist @ The WHOLE Network: A child's cry ...
A man tells how he was genitally abused by a caregiver when his parents were hospitlaized. The damage done to his penis as a boy resulted in him getting circumcised as an adult. He noticed that there was a significant loss of sensitivity in the years after his adult circumcision.
Nurturing Hearts Birth Services: MY TOP 10: Circumcision
The top 10 reasons used to justify infant circumcision are shown for the bad reasons that they are. Pictures of intact and circumcised penises are shown.
Science News: Half of adult males carry HPV
US News Science: Half of Adult Males Carry HPV
Male circumcision and the use of condoms provide little protection against HPV infection. Researchers advocate HPV vaccination for men.
4skinFTW: The most common reasons for circumcision... and why they're bogus.
The common reasons for justifying male infant circumcision are debunked. The son's penis will not look like his fathers, so circumcision status is meaningless. In today's modern world, hygiene is easy, regardless of being intact or circumcised. The foreskin is erogenous tissue that serves a purpose. Bottom line, the owner of the sex organ should be the one to determine what happens to it. Parents should protect sons instead of allowing unnecessary circumcision of healthy tissue.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: No Longer Intact: My Son's Story
A mother describes her regret for letting her son be circumcised. Sixteen years later she wonders how her son would be if she had let him remain intact.
Intact America: INTACTIVIST OF THE MONTH: Van Lewis
Right now, everyone is talking about circumcision. But when Van Lewis started protesting circumcision forty years ago, he was arrested and jailed for peacefully demonstrating with his brother Ben on the public sidewalk outside a hospital in Tallahassee, Florida.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Iowa State Daily: Vriezen: San Francisco bill will protect newborns, allow men the freedom to choose
An opinion piece describing why male infant circumcision is a practice that has lived beyond its time. "To promote male circumcision is to promote the marring of a normal body and to promote needless pain for newborns. If young men reach 18 and find they are willing to undergo the operation and become circumcised for whatever reason they choose, that is their prerogative. Whether they deem the alleged benefits valid or whether they have religious, cultural, or personal motivations, it should be their decision to remove a part of their body, and no one else’s."
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Tablet: A proposed San Francisco ballot measure prohibiting circumcision arises from a debate over ritual, sexuality, and identity. What’s become an American norm might soon again be a mark of difference.
A somewhat balanced article by a Jewish reporter on the proposed San Francisco infant circumcision ban. The article describes a retired physician in San Francisco who grew up in an Orthodox Jewish home in New York. He had an epiphany about the horror of circumcision when his first grandchild was born. “When I realized what I had lost and will never get back,” he says, "it was traumatic." He’s convinced that having sex with a foreskin is inconceivably exquisite. “I will have never experienced a full sexual experience,” he says. Circumcision is a potent metaphor for parental betrayal and emasculation.
Barista Kids: Circumcision Isn’t for Everyone Anymore
A study conducted last year found that fewer than half of American baby boys are being circumcised. In fact, the circumcision rate dropped from 56% in 2006 to 32.5% in 2009, a significant decrease especially considering the U.S. currently has one of the highest circumcision rates in the developed world with 80% of men circumcised.
4skinFTW: Circumcision Trauma Poem
DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: Circumcision Trauma
A graphic containing a poem describing male infant circumcision as seen through the eyes of the baby boy who is having part of his sex organ cut off.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Heeb: San Fran to Ban Circumcision?
ShalomLife: San Fran to Ban Circumcision?
Thoughtful article about protecting the rights of children by banning circumcision in San Francisco, California. “We come at this from the point of view of the child, whether Muslim, Jewish, or Christian the child is certainly not experiencing any spiritual uplifting. If you’re doing it in the hospital there are no religious implications. If someone feels this is something they want to do for spiritual reasons, or otherwise, they should be able to choose for themselves. Their body, their decision.”
DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: Stop Circumcising Babies
Pictures of a STOP sign with the words "Circumcising Babies" under the word Stop.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Male Circumcision and HIV: WORTH A SECOND VIEW: Daytime Talk Show Disaster
Another post showing the YouTube video critiquing The Doctors television show. The show was about the proposed circumcision ban in San Francisco, California. The proposed bill seeks to ban non-consensual genital cutting of minors when there is no immediate medical necessity. The bill is intended to protect minors, and does not ban medically necessary or adult consensual surgeries.
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