Intactivism: Week in Review March 12, 2011
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Birth Junkie: What does the baby think?
A mother says that she is "sorta a big ole fan of the science of things. I like studies and stats to back up things I am contemplating. It’s the number one reason that led me to such decisions as homebirth, breastfeeding, and not circumcizing . . . the science of it all." She describes how the medical industry runs births for their convenience and profit, regardless of the need or health for the baby.
Monday, March 7, 2011
The WHOLE Network: The Making of an Activist
Travis Wisdom describes his youth and how he became the person he is now. As a young gay man, he developed a feminism consciousness. He developed his intactivist consciousness when he was in college and saw a circumcision video.
Rockin' Momma: It's all fine and dandy until....
A mother writes about male infant circumcision. She says: "I Do not judge parents who have circumcised their children, however if after being presented with evidence, and watching videos or circumcisions being performed, you still would do this or not admit that perhaps what was done to your child was a mistake then I judge."
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
TLC The Learning Channel: Strange Sex: Seeking Sensation
TLC Networks released a 2-minute preview of the April 3rd, Season 2, premiere of Strange Sex, featuring the topic of Restoring Foreskin. Ron Low, who makes the TLC Tugger, is showcased as the episode presents the before and after of Ron's foreskin restoration.
Daily Targum > Opinions: Circumcision, genital mutilation must end
A brief letter describing how male infant circumcision is a deplorable act with an archaic founding and should not be allowed to continue. Infant circumcision is genital mutilation. Why do we still cut the genitals of baby boys in this day and age.
living peacefully with children: Top 10 Reasons to Leave Your Son Intact
And . . . the number 1 reason to leave your son intact is If it isn’t your body, it’s not your decision to make.
Lawn Cares: Let’s put the circumcising junta out of business
An informative post about what is driving circumcision in the United States. As with many things, follow the money. Doctors, hospitals and clinics, obstetricians, mohels, and makers of ever-more sophisticated foreskin slicers have a lot at stake in perpetuating circumcision. Circumcision means money extruded from a docile, uninformed, myth-filled, fearful population.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
eurWeb: The Great Circumcision Debate: Where do African Americans Stand on the ‘Cut or Not to Cut’ Controversy?
A discussion of circumcision and its history of how it was used to oppress Blacks in America.
Chewing on Life's Gristle: Sexual Abuse? Religion Gets a Free Pass!
A description of the Jewish religious practice in which a “mohel” (usually a male with no medical degree) performs a circumcision on infants and sucks blood from the wound using his mouth.
Shigekuni: On Circumcision
An excerpt from Sorrells study that determined that circumcision removed the most sensitive parts of the male penis.
Yahoo! News: Possible San Francisco Ballot Measure Criminalizes Male Circumcision
News report on the proposed male infant circumcision ban for San Francisco. The article is neutral and the comments are overwhelmingly good.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Life's A Salad Bar: Make a Stand
An inspiring post about taking a stand, even for things that do not affect you directly. “Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below." ~Roger Baldwin
YouTube: Circumcision, Thanks a Lot Jews!
Jennifer Austin interview on male infant circumcision. "When I think about the sensation unknown to me because I was circumcised at birth, I have to thank the Jews. The only definition of circumcision is genital mutilation. Why is it so easy for us to mutilate baby boys??"
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