Intactivism: Week in Review January 15, 2011
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Talk Birth - a blog about active birth: GENITALS: Are They Dirty, Or Functional?
A mother describes how everyone assumes that men's foreskins are dirty. She notes that many body parts are notorious for getting dirty, but no one advocates amputating ears or toes or fingernails. She makes some very sound arguments against male infant circumcision.
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Michigan Daily: Viewpoint: Circumventing circumcision
A college student writes about his future sibling. If he has a new brother, the student wants to protect him from male infant circumcision. The student is unhappy that he was circumcised shortly after birth. He does not want any future brother to suffer the same fate by losing his foreskin. "If a male truly wants a circumcision, then it should be granted, but to circumcise an infant at birth — for cosmetic or social reasons — is totally inexcusable. One day, maybe, all men will have the penises they were born with."
Code Name: Mama: Intact in America (When Circ Was All the Rage)
An intact man describes how it was growing up 40 years ago in circumcised America. He tells how he became adept at retracting his foreskin so that he appeared circumcised. He said that he was never ridiculed or teased for being intact, but he knew he was different.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
PR Web: Intactivists Push for State, Federal Bans on Infant Circumcision
benzinga: Intactivists Push for State, Federal Bans on Infant Circumcision
Intactivists from across the country are once again calling on state and federal lawmakers to prohibit genital cutting of all children, including circumcision of boys. The effort seeks to have states and the federal government consider enacting laws for genital integrity.
My OB said WHAT?!?: Now Why Did You Go And Do That?
“Now why did you go and do that?” says an OB to a mother who said that she had watched a video about circumcision to learn more about the procedure. The comments are very pro-intact. Many parents are now supporting genital integrity by not circumcising their sons.
Dr Momma - Peaceful Parenting: Let Him Be
A song parody to the tune of The Beatles' "Let it Be." Dr. Momma is looking for someone to put the lyrics to music.
Good Feed Blog: Gender Across Borders
The Good Men Project discusses the Gender Across Borders website, which covers international gender issues, such as male and female circumcision.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Great Dad: Texas billboard cuts to the chase on circumcision
A Texas billboard is emblazoned with the words, "Circumcision: unnecessary, painful and risky. Causes lifelong sexual harm." The billboard refers to Intact America.
YouTube Video: Craig Ferguson on Circumcision
Craig Ferguson interviews Dr. Lisa Masterson, from The Doctors show. Craig is an intact man who knows the value of having a foreskin. After Dr. Masterson describes all the reasons she advocates for infant circumcision, they have the following dialog:
Craig: "Couldn't you achieve the same effect by washing your pee-pee on a regular basis?"
Lisa: "You absolutely could."
Craig: "So we're talkin', you could have this chopped off, or you could wash it, your call."
Lisa: "Exactly."
Craig: "That's a tough choice there Dr., I dunno."
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Globe & Mail: Should infant male circumcision be outlawed? 'Intactivists' think so
The article starts out about James Loewen as a youth discovering he was circumcised and then moves into a discussion on intactivism. The genital integrity campaign is seeing a groundswell of support, from young men as well as expectant mothers, who question the convention of circumcision just as they consider other issues concerning birth.
I Found my Feet: Intactful
A mother describes how, although her husband initially wanted to circumcise his son, she and her husband jointly decided to leave their son whole and intact. She is confident that her boy is perfect just the way he his and she says, "I couldn't be prouder of OUR decision." Unfortunately, she does not get the point that it is her son's decision: His body, His choice.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
babies, boobs, and blasphemy: My Son Was Born Perfect; No Disassembly Required
"If you're a parent, you probably like to brag to everyone you know about how perfect your child is. I know that I do! But if you had your son circumcised, you're a liar. Yes, a liar! If he was so perfect, why did you consent to have the most sensitive part of his body surgically altered?" This mother does not hold back. But she makes a good point. A perfect baby is born that way. Cutting off part of a baby boy's penis creates an imperfection. I know that I feel like I am missing part of my body. Every time I go to the bathroom I see my circumcision scar. Foreskin restoration only does so much. I will never have what I was born with. Cultural circumcision: not really on, is it?
Infants should be protected from those who would harm them by circumcision – they have no comprehension of what is being done to them let alone a capacity to consent. JOE makes the point that nobody ever died from not being circumcised for non-medical reasons
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