Intactivism: Week in Review November 27, 2010
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
The proposed ballot to ban infant circumcision in San Francisco is still in the news. See the San Francisco MGM Bill website for basic information on the proposed ballot. Many religious activists are speaking out about the proposed ban on infant circumcision.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Peachy Keen Birth Services: A Public Apology to My Circumcised Son
A mother apologizes for having her son be circumcised shortly after birth. She now realizes that there is no medical reason to circumcise. She left her second son intact because she knew better the second time around.
Impassioned Platypi: Circumcision Legislation
Although the author is against male infant circumcision, he is also against additional laws restricting personal freedoms. He misses the point that the law provides personal freedom for the victim of infant circumcision.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Time HealthLand: Battle of the Bris: A Move to Outlaw Circumcision in San Francisco
A circumcised, part-Jewish man writes about the proposed ballot measure to ban infant circumcision in San Francisco, California. He writes a fairly balanced article, but it focuses on the religious ritual aspect. But, most baby boys are cut for non-religious reasons.
Yahoo! News: Middle-aged Americans unhappy about sex
Many middle-aged men in the United States are not enjoying sex like they should. The article does not mention one possible cause for the decrease in sexual pleasure of older men: their circumcision status. When I hit my 40s, I noticed htat I was not having as much sexual pleasure as I used to. By the time I hit my 50s, there was very little sexual pleasure. Restoring my foreskin changed all that. I now enjoy sex more than when I was in my 20s. What is the difference? Keratinization reduces sensitivity in circumcised men, and cut men do not have that gliding action that pleases both the man and the woman.
DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: A Public Apology to My Circumcised Son
A repost of Sunday's blog by a mother who regrets having her son be circumcised. She knew better the second time and left her second son intact.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The WHOLE Network: Silly Americans, Choice is for Girls!
A cornerstone of the feminist movement is to secure choice for women. Unfortunately, although females are no longer subject to non-consensual genital cutting, males still routinely have their sex organs cut shortly after birth.
ABC News Video: Should Circumcision Be Banned?
Dr. Karen Boyd does a fair job descirbing intactivists. She does a worse job describing infant circumcision, particularly by claiming that baby boys are adequately anesthesized.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Zambian Business Day: Another perspective
An article that considers the New Zealand Medical Association article about the ill effects of male circumcision on women. The study determined that male circumcision adversely affected women sexually. The author here asks if research be done on whether uncircumcised males have women who are more faithful and less promiscuous, thus lessening the spread of HIV infection?
KUSF 90.3fm Radio Shows: KUSF 11.24.10 730-8 PM Mind And Body DJ Dr. Winston
A radio show hosted by Dr. Winston. The program discusses male infant circumcision and the proposed San Francisco infant circumcision ban.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Christian Institute: Failed experiment: boy raised as girl dies in tragic suicide
Mail Online: The tragic twin boy who was brought up as a girl after horrific hospital blunder
BBC News HEalth: Health Check: The boy who was raised a girl
The story of Bruce (David) Reimer, who was a victim of several atrocities and eventually committed suicide. As an infant, Bruce had a botched circumcision. The circumcision was so botched that the doctor convinced Brtuce's parents to castrate the boy and raise him as a her. The doctor wanted to conduct a human experiment and the parents went along with it.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Dr. Pate's Blog: Are you REALLY SURE you want your OB/GYN to cut your little boy?
Doctor Pate observes that many OB/GYNs do not have training or experience in male infant circumcisions. When asked to identify pictures showing infants who should not be circumcised, "0% of respondents correctly identified all contraindications to neonatal circumcision with an average of 42% of contraindications identified correctly.' Doctor PAte cited a recent study in The Journal of Urology.
Male Circumcision and HIV: ZIMBABWE: A familiar fear - one intervention at a time, likely the norm in HIV prevention
Studies are showing that, in Africa, condom usage drops if another intervention is provided. Researchers followed up on a trial that investigated the use of both condoms and female diaphragms. They found that after the trial ended, the use of the dual technique dropped to pre-intervention levels. Those results are similar to reports of circumcised men believing that they do not need to use condoms to prevent HIV.
The Atlantic - The Daily Dish: A Massive HIV Breakthrough, Ctd
Andrew Sullivan quotes a reader's comment: "The way circumcision is being pushed in areas with high HIV prevalence is, to me, a quite frightening population-wide experiment, because we just don't know yet whether it will help or hurt." The comment very concisely points out the fallicy of the African circumcision campaign.
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